






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-11-20 18:25| 查看数: 2080| 评论数: 1|

Bonuses: Wall St's Neutron Bomb

Goldman Sachs has always been considered the leader in investment banking, so it's no surprise that the firm felt the need to apologize on behalf of the entire industry for creating the current crisis.

'While the firm has distinguished itself through many aspects of the crisis, we cannot ignore the fact that we are part of an industry that is directly associated with the ongoing economic distress,' a spokesman for the firm told our colleague, Sue Craig, as he confirmed that Goldman's top executives will get only their base salaries of $600,000, with no bonuses this year.

A cynic might reply to that, 'What industry?' Investment banking, as we know it, is dead. The markets have steadfastly refused to accept Goldman Sachs's assurances that nothing at the firm will change. Goldman's shares are trading at about half the value they had even a month ago. Investors are concerned that Goldman Sachs has no industry any more, that the one-time leader of Wall Street is now a king without a country.

Blankfein and his team may be the only ones at the firm to entirely forgo bonuses, but others at the firm will see deeper cuts than they have in over a decade. Debt markets dried up this year, with investment-grade debt monthly issuance volume declining 57% versus last year and high-yield issuance down 97%, according to research from buyside firm Sanford C. Bernstein. Equity markets also suffered, with 97% less money raised in initial public offerings this year compared to last year. Several capital-raisings by financial firms, including JPMorgan, Goldman itself, and Wells Fargo, aren't enough to offset the larger slowdown in equities. Bernstein expects equities revenue to fall 45% at Goldman for this year. Goldman's investment-banking revenue could see a 55% decline compared to the fourth quarter of 2007, Bernstein suggested.

Goldman's principal investments business - in which the firm invests its own money - is also likely to suffer as Bernstein predicts a write-down on Goldman's stake in Industrial & Commercial Bank of China.

The best prospects for decent bonuses are the investment-banking old school: the M&A bankers who fell out of favor for years as fixed-income brought in the lion's share of profits. The mergers-advisory business has done well, which translates to only a 37% decline since the fourth quarter of 2007. In particular, Goldman's financial institutions group, or FIG, should do well since nearly one-third of the completed M&A transactions in the quarter occurred within the financial space, and 60% of the capital-raisings, according to Bernstein research.

Goldman is the first to acknowledge that bonuses might be a powerful show of contrition this year, but if its history of leadership is any indication, it won't be the last. UBS announced that it will put all of its bonuses in escrow. Citigroup is laying off 50,000 employees and selling off assets, while preparing to cut bonuses of highly paid employees. Cutting bonuses and staff will comfort shareholders that Goldman and its rivals won't profit while shareholders suffer. But, while symbolically welcome, it won't solve the one thing shareholders want most: a return to profitability.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-11-20 18:26:28
高盛(Goldman Sachs)一直被视为投资银行业的领袖,因此该公司觉得有必要代表整个行业为制造了当前这场危机致歉也就不足为奇了。



该公司可能只有以布兰克芬(Blankfein)为首的管理团队完全拿不到奖金,不过,高盛其他员工的奖金削减幅度也将是十年来最大的。债券市场今年已经枯竭,买方公司Sanford C. Bernstein的研究显示,投资级债券的月发行量较上年同期下降了57%,而高收益率债券的月发行量更是较上年同期下降了97%。股票市场也处境不佳,今年的首次公开募股筹资额较上年下降了97%。虽然摩根大通(JPMorgan)、高盛和富国银行(Wells Fargo)等几家公司通过发行股票募集了资金,但却无法扭转股市融资额大幅下降的局面。Bernstein预计,高盛今年的股票业务收入将下降45%,而该公司今年第四季度的投资银行业务收入将较上年同期下降55%。

高盛的自营投资业务(即该公司用自有资金进行投资)也有可能表现不佳,因为据Bernstein预计,该公司在中国工商银行(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China)的投资将进行冲减。


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