






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-11-23 17:38| 查看数: 1180| 评论数: 1|

Clinton Nomination Is 'On Track'

Barack Obama is 'on track' to nominate Hillary Clinton to be secretary of state, according to an aide to the president-elect.

The announcement is expected after Thanksgiving, the Obama transition official said late Thursday. Clinton aides couldn't be reached to comment.

The word that New York Sen. Clinton was headed to Foggy Bottom came the same day that people close to the transition said Mr. Obama had settled on a second woman for a high-profile post: Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano for secretary of homeland security.

Sen. Clinton is choosing to focus the next stage of her career on foreign policy, forgoing her Senate seat and the chance to work universal health-care legislation, a long-time interest and an area of genuine expertise. She may have been persuaded to move to a new arena in part because others with more seniority in the Senate were already seizing the health-care issue, and as a still-junior member, she would have had to have fought for prominence.

During the Democratic primaries, Sen. Clinton positioned herself as a centrist on U.S. foreign policy. She echoed Mr. Obama's call for a prioritizing of diplomacy over military might in addressing America's national-security challenges. She also pledged to rebuild Washington's alliances in Europe and Asia.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-11-23 17:39:03

美国当选总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)的一位助手透露,希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)有望被奥巴马任命为下任国务卿。

Associated Press



就在传出希拉里有望成为国务卿这一消息的同一天,据接近奥巴马过渡班子的人士说,奥巴马已圈定第二位女性内阁人选,即有望出任国土安全部部长的现亚利桑那州州长纳波里塔诺(Janet Napolitano)。


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