






发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2008-11-25 11:03| 查看数: 1155| 评论数: 1|

Bank Of Korea Joins Aid Effort


The Bank of Korea will contribute as much as five trillion won ($3.34 billion) to a government-led effort to thaw the nation's frozen debt market, but analysts said the initiative won't be enough to restore calm.

The South Korean central bank said Monday that it won't invest directly in the planned fund but will use its cash to buy Korean treasury bonds and other assets from local banks and other financial firms to help them contribute to the 10 trillion won stabilization package.

'The liquidity support for the fund is aimed at helping to smooth liquidity flow in the corporate bond and commercial paper' markets, said Lee Ju-yeol, a deputy governor at the central bank.

The fund should help bring down money-market rates, easing the credit crunch confronting Korean companies, Mr. Lee said.

The fund is to be collected from banks, insurers, brokerages and pension funds. State-run Korea Development Bank has said it will provide 20% of the total. The launch date for the fund and further details on participation are expected to be announced in coming weeks.

The central bank is to buy treasury bonds and buy back currency-stabilization bonds before maturity, as well as buying bonds through its repurchase operations in the money market. The Bank of Korea isn't planning to buy commercial paper.

The central bank's participation in the proposed fund is the latest move by authorities to halt the damage being done to South Korea's financial markets and economy.

In addition to slashing interest rates, the central bank has been buying bank bonds through its open-market operations to help bring down interest rates.

Korea's foreign-exchange authorities recently agreed with China and Japan to expand currency-swap lines in a bid to secure more dollar liquidity, following a $30 billion swap line with the U.S.

Jung-Ah Lee


shunitang 发表于 2008-11-25 11:03:28

国央行(Bank of Korea)将提供至多5万亿韩圆(合33.4亿美元)用于政府牵头的解冻韩国债券市场计划,不过分析师称这项举措不足以恢复市场稳定。


韩国央行副行长Lee Ju-yeol说,为该基金提供流动性支持旨在帮助公司债券和商业票据市场上的资金实现顺利流动。

Lee Ju-yeol表示,该基金应会有助于货币市场利率的回落,缓解韩国企业面临的信贷紧缩问题。

该基金的资金主要来自银行、保险商、经纪机构和退休基金。国营银行韩国产业银行(Korea Development Bank)称将提供资金总额的20%。稳定基金的推出日期及参与基金的更多细节预计将于未来几周公布。




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