





连载:[地道英语] Fit 长相帅/漂亮(含音频下载)

发布者: shakyren | 发布时间: 2008-11-26 23:54| 查看数: 1875| 评论数: 4|


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The script of this programme 本节目台词

Jo: Hello and welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English – I'm Jo.

Li: Hi 大家好。我是杨莉, 欢迎收听 BBC 的地道英语节目,希望在接下来的2分钟里,你能学到英式英语中常用的一些表达方式。

Jo: What are you reading there Li?

Li: Oh it's just this week's celebrity gossip magazine. 我有空的时候就喜欢看娱乐新闻的杂志,里面有好多明星的小道消息。Look have you seen this picture of George Clooney at the film festival?

Jo: Ooo yes, he's really fit isn't he?

Li: Fit? Well, I don't know if he likes sports or not Jo.

Jo: No I don't mean fit as in healthy or sporty.

Li: 是吗?难道这里 fit 不是健康,身体好的意思吗?

Jo: Well it does but in informal English it means good looking. So if you think a man is really handsome then you can say – he's really fit!

Jo: Wow that’s something new. 你是说他看起来很帅,那 fit 这个词能用在漂亮的女孩身上吗?

Jo: Yes you can. You might hear a man say – look at her – she's really fit. And you often hear people say – he or she is well fit. 'Well' means very in informal English.

Li: Well 是 very 的口语表达,那么 he's well fit 就是 he is very good looking 他长得可真帅,真有型。那Jo, 我们是不是经常在非常随便的情况下才能听到这个词的使用呢?

Jo: Yes that's right. Lots of young people use this word when they're talking to their friend about who they like and don't like. Here's some more examples.


A: Look, it's Justin Timberlake on the TV. I love him – he's really fit.

B: Do you think so? He's not really my type!

A: There's a new girl started working in my office and she's well fit. I'm finding it hard to concentrate on my work!

B: What's she like?

A: She's got long brown hair and a lovely smile. She's gorgeous!

Jo: So do you think George Clooney's fit Li?

Li: He's OK – but I prefer Johnny Depp – he's extremely fit! 好了,今天的地道英 语又要结束了。

Jo: You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. We'll see you again soon.

Li: Bye Bye.

[ 本帖最后由 shakyren 于 2008-11-27 00:10 编辑 ]


shakyren 发表于 2008-11-27 00:18:07

[地道英语]Schmooze 拉关系


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Jo: I'm Jo and this is Real English from BBC Learning English.

Lily: I'm Lily. 是的,两分钟的地道英语节目,短小精悍,常听常练,你能积累许多书本上见不到的英式新词语。今天我们将学习什么新词呢?

Jo: Well today's word is schmooze S.C.H.M.O.O.Z.E. schmooze.

Lily: Schmooze 发音怪怪的,Jo 我可猜不出什么意思?

Jo: Well schmooze is a verb and it's when you make small talk with someone but you usually do it to gain an advantage for yourself – so for example you might make a particular effort to talk to a business partner or client to give them a good impression of you or your company.

Lily: 明白了,首先 schmooze 是个动词,意思是,在有求于某人的时候,主动和某人交谈拉关系,比如商业伙伴或有可能给你带来好处的人,所以 schmooze 就是汉语中的拍马屁,套近乎。

Jo: You can say – I was schmoozing the head of the company. Or you might ask someone – who were you schmoozing at the party?

Lily: Let's listen to another example.


A: Did you enjoy the party last night?

B: Yeah it was great. I saw you schmoozing the manager of the accounts department.

A: Yeah, I've applied for a job there so I thought I should make an effort.

Jo: So Li – do you schmooze much?

Lily: Not really. I find it quite difficult making small talk like that. Are you a schmoozer?

Jo: I can schmooze when I have to Lily – but it is tricky. Some people are better at schmoozing than others. Anyway, that's all from BBC Learning English for today – don't forget you can learn more Real English words and expressions on our website www.bbcchina.com.cn. See you next time.

Lily: Bye.

[ 本帖最后由 shakyren 于 2008-11-27 00:22 编辑 ]
shakyren 发表于 2008-11-27 00:34:50

[地道英语] To Go Pear-Shaped 唉!搞砸了!


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The script of this programme 本节目台词

Neil: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Neil.

Helen: 大家好,我是 Helen.

Neil: In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time, but you probably won’t find in your dictionary.

Helen: 希望您在今天的地道英语节目中能学到在词典里可能找不到的常用英语表达。 So Neil, how are your holiday plans? Are you still going to Paris?

Neil: Oh Helen, didn’t I tell you? It’s all gone pear-shaped.

Helen: Pear-shaped? 我问 Neil, 他到巴黎度假的计划怎样了。他告诉我 it’s gone pear-shaped 成了一个梨子的形状.

Neil: Yeah, you know I told you I found a really good deal with a cheap flight and hotel?

Helen: Yes, 不久前Neil 找到了一个又便宜又好的旅游套餐。

Neil: Well, after I booked it I found out the flight’s at four in the morning, the airport’s a hundred kilometres out of Paris and the hotel is still being built!

Helen: Oh no! 当他订了以后才发现飞机航班竟然是凌晨4点起飞,而机场离市区也很远,而且酒店还在修呢。

Neil: So, as I said, it’s all gone pear-shaped.

Helen: 在英语里,如果什么事情被搞砸了,完蛋了,没办法补救了,那么我们就可以说它是 goes pear-shaped.


A: How was the job interview? Do you think you got it?

B: Well it started ok, but it all went pear-shaped when they asked me why I got fired from my old job.

Neil: So, if a plan goes wrong, we can say it went pear-shaped.

Helen: That’s a funny expression. Why pear-shaped?

Neil: Um, I don’t really know actually.

Helen: Oh. So, erm, what shall we talk about now?

Neil: Erm, I don’t know really. This programme’s gone a bit pear-shaped, hasn’t it?

Helen: Yes, it has a bit.

Neil: Well, fortunately we’ve run out of time today on Real English. To learn more useful expressions, go to our website www.bbcchina.com.cn.

Helen: That’s www.bbcchina.com.cn. 今天的地道英语就到这儿,我们下次再见。

Neil: Bye!

shakyren 发表于 2008-11-28 20:07:55
Why don't guys share these good things ?

It's so strange.
shakyren 发表于 2008-11-29 19:14:20

Chav 衣着通俗没文化的年轻人


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The script of this programme 本节目台词:

Jo: Welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English.

Helen: Hi 大家好。我是 Helen, 欢迎收听 BBC 的地道英语节目,希望在接下来的2分钟里,你能学到在字典中查不到的一些表达方式。

Jo: I'm Jo – and today we are going to look at a word that has been used very recently in the UK in British English – it's chav. C.H.A.V. Chav.

Helen: 你刚才提到在英国这两年 chav 这个词挺流行的? 那你能解释一下吗?

Jo: Well a chav is a young person – it can be a man or a woman and it's someone who firstly likes designer clothes usually similar to the kind of clothes an American hip hop rapper might wear.

Helen: OK, 这么说 chavs 指的是一类年轻人,他们穿的很像那些美国说唱歌手的样子很相似, 像运动服,棒球帽。

Jo: And of course the jewellery.

Helen: 对了,说唱歌手都戴着不少夸张的首饰。

Jo: However, someone described as a chav would not be very intelligent and would be quite narrow-minded and ignorant.

Helen: Chav 这个词看来是用来形容那些比较无知 ignorant 还有就是思想比较狭隘的人narrow minded。

Jo: And they would be working-class.

Helen: 而且还是属于蓝领阶层. 当然不是所有蓝领阶层的人都是 chavs. Chavs 就像是一个stereotype 一个很笼统的模式。他们没有很多钱,水准也不高,但是却有一定的衣着要求。It doesn't seem like it's a very good thing to be a chav, Jo?

Jo: It's not really Helen. Society kind of makes fun of chavs.

Helen: Chavs 是受社会嘲笑的一类人。 在英国社会中有很多词汇形容不同的社会群体, chav 是现在比较常用的来形容那些没水平,没文化,没头脑,只会模仿说唱歌手衣着的年轻人。


A: What's that noise?

B: It's our neighbour in her pink tracksuit and designer baseball caps shouting across the street.

A: She's a right chav, isn't she?

Helen: Chav 虽然是一个比较难理解的词,但是它反映了英国社会中的一个现实情况。如果你对英国的文化现状有所了解的话,你会意识到人们经常用到这个词。

Jo: And that's about all from BBC Learning English for today when we've been learning the word chav. We'll see you next time.

Helen: 我们下次节目再见。

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