






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-1-9 07:55| 查看数: 2247| 评论数: 3|

Have you ever got the experience of “showing-off”?


Loving beauty is the human being’s nature, not only for women, but also for men. Therefore, the industries related with “beauty” have sprung out, such as: cosmetology, hairdressing and body-fitting, etc. Generally speaking, the industries related with “beauty” are usually prosperous.


To be frank, do you love beauty? Have you ever got the experience of “beauty”? Will you get yourself engaged in these industries related with “beauty”? veling around the world? What do you think would be the obstacles in your plan?




R-Tracy 发表于 2011-1-9 14:31:11
I think everyone appreciates beauty and that everyone dreams of becoming fitter. I am no exception to it. When I was a middle school student, i was fat. I became inferior at it and dreamed about being a beauty and getting dressed like a princess one day. Years later I suffered form a serious disease andbecame much thinner. I was so happy that I bought lots of beautiful dresses and skirts. I enjoyed watching beautiful clothes on me. It was at that time that I gradually built up my confidence and became more outgoing and optimistic. I got alone well with all my friends and colleagues.That was my happiest time as a girl even though I was still in the poor state of health.What's sad for me is that I became fat again after my son was born. So I went to a beauty salon to lose some of my weight. However it didn't work as much as I had expected. So I quitted. As time goea on, now I realize health is above all. I prefer to keep fit by means of exercising instead of eating less or going to a beauty salon.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20


zhangzhaoaaa 发表于 2011-1-10 10:43:09
Everyone needs to make himself beautiful or handsome.It not only makes others happy,but also makes yourself feel glad.It is true that everybody likes something about beautiful.When I was in the high school,my face growed blain much.So I had to buy makeups which cure it.Though it almost doesn't work,at least I gain the comfortable.To be frank,not only does "beauty"appear on the looks,but also it appears on that a new fashion thing, which you have it but others do not.You will show it around to your classmates or colleages to reward sound applause.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20


huowa222 发表于 2011-1-11 19:36:05
beauty means forturn. beauty take a growing effect on carreer. to date, people's craze for beauty have boosted the industries involved in beauty. assuming that u have talent in work, meanwhile, u born with a good-looking face, u would be superious to others. i,thereby can come to the conclusion : ability, added beauty is undefeated.

we cant deny that people somehow judge a person by appearance in contemporary life, though we taught to beauty our soul, i cant ignore our outlook.
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