





史前鸟力量彪悍过人 翅膀好似棍棒

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-10 23:34| 查看数: 1087| 评论数: 0|

  Paleontologists at Yale University and the Smithsonian Institution have discovered that Xenicibis, a kind of flightless prehistoric bird that lived about ten thousand years ago and was found only in Jamaica, most likely used its specialized wings like a flail, swinging its upper arm and striking its enemies with its thick hand bones.



资料图:史前鸟力量彪悍过人 翅膀好似棍棒

  "No animal has ever evolved anything quite like this," said Nicholas Longrich of Yale, who led the research. "We don't know of any other species that uses its body like a flail. It's the most specialized weaponry of any bird I've ever seen."

  负责此次研究的是耶鲁大学的尼古拉斯 朗里奇博士,他表示:“其他鸟类并未进化出这种特征。我们并不清楚其他任何鸟类种群是否将身体充当连枷。这是我见过的鸟类家族中最特殊的武器。”

  The researchers analyzed a number of recently discovered partial skeletons of Xenicibis and found that the wings were drastically different from anything they'd seen before. "When I first saw it, I assumed it was some sort of deformity," Longrich said. "No one could believe it was actually that bizarre."



资料图:史前鸟力量彪悍过人 翅膀好似棍棒

  Xenicibis also had a much larger breastbone and longer wings than most flightless birds. "That was our first clue that the wings were still being used for something," Longrich said.



资料图:史前鸟力量彪悍过人 翅膀好似棍棒

  The team found that two of the wing bones showed evidence of combat, including a fractured hand bone and a centimeter-thick upper arm bone that was broken in half. The damage is proof of the extreme force the birds were able to wield with their specialized wings, Longrich said. It's also possible that the birds used their club-like wings to defend themselves against other species that might have preyed on the birds' eggs or young.



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