






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-11 18:36| 查看数: 1393| 评论数: 0|



  The enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa in Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece has intrigued experts for centuries, but an Italian art historian now claims to have found out the real identity of Mona Lisa after studying numbers and letters in her eyes and on the bridge in the background.

  读达芬奇名作中蒙娜丽莎的神秘微笑曾让专家们神往了几个世纪,然而一位意大利艺术史学家日前宣称,在研究过蒙娜 丽莎眼睛中、背景桥上的数字和字母后,她已经知道蒙娜 丽莎到底为何许人也。

  Last month a series of numbers and letters were found in the eyes of the Mona Lisa, as well as on the bridge over her left shoulder. Now art historian Carla Glori says the structure of the arched bridge was similar to the one that crossed the River Trebbia and which was washed away in 1472 - the last two numbers being painted into the bridge.

  上月,人们在画作《蒙娜 丽莎》中发现,蒙娜丽莎的眼睛中乃至其左肩膀上方的桥上,都画有数字和字母。而如今艺术史学家卡拉 格洛里称画中的拱桥结构同如今坐落在(意大利博比奥市)特雷比亚河上的原拱桥特雷比亚大桥相似。特雷比亚大桥1472年曾被大水冲毁——7、2正是画在桥上的两个数字。

  Glori also said that she was confident the woman in the painting was Bianca Giovanna Sforza. She was the daughter of Ludovico il Moro, the nobleman who controlled Bobbio and who lived 500 years ago - the letters said to have been found in the Mona Lisa's eye last month are said to be S and G, two of Bianca's initials.

  格洛里还笃定画中女子是比安卡 乔凡娜 斯福扎(Bianca Giovanna Sforza)。比安卡是500多年前掌控博比奥市的贵族米兰公爵卢多维科 摩洛的女儿——上个月在蒙娜 丽莎眼睛中发现的字母S和G,就是比安卡全名的缩写。

  Glori said:" From my research I have identified the subject as Bianca Giovanna Sforza and the bridge in the background is the one that spanned the River Trebbia at Bobbio. Five hundred years ago Bobbio was an important centre of culture famous for its library. It's highly likely that Da Vinci visited Bobbio because of its famous library."

  格洛里说:“通过我的研究,我确定主人公就是比安卡,背景中的桥就是横跨博比奥市特雷比亚河的那座。500年前,博比奥是重要的文化中心,以藏书闻名于世。达 芬奇很可能因此去过博比奥。”

  But retired Oxford University professor Martin Kemp - a Da Vinci expert - is not convinced by Miss Glori's theory. "The portrait is almost certainly of Lisa del Giocondo. There have been many attempts to identify the landscape as a specific location and I do not find the resemblance to the Bobbio bridge all that close."

  但是牛津大学退休教授、达 芬奇专家马丁 凯姆普并不为格洛里的理论所信服:“画中主人公显然是(意大利贵妇)丽莎 乔康多。之前对于将背景的具体地址确定下来我们曾做过很多尝试,而我曾近距离观测博比奥大桥,并未发现有相似之处。”


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