





[原创]A pair of innocent eyes

发布者: Cactus | 发布时间: 2005-10-21 22:01| 查看数: 14510| 评论数: 10|

<FONT size=3>A pair of innocent eyes </FONT>
<FONT size=3>                                                                                                2003.10.17 </FONT>
<FONT size=3>That is a pair of big, round eyes, and I could hardly forget the innocence of its master, a poor little boy.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Last evening, I invited my sister to the MacDonald, because she was going to leave for Dalian the next day. It's a bit chilly in the autumn wind, and I couldn't help wrapping myself in the warm overcoat. Suddenly, bunch of roses in hand, a thinly clad boy came into my sight. He came up to the young couple walking ahead of us, and was trying hard to persuade the husband to buy a rose for his wife.<BR> <BR>I fixed my eyes on him, and there I could see nothing but a pair of big eyes, showing innocence. Just at that moment, "Go away!" a very rude voice came into my ears, the young man lost all his patience and his wife was just giggling, as if her husband was as authoritative as a King. I couldn't help worrying for the boy, but I found no embarrassment or sign of hurt in that his eyes, all I could see was the familiar innocent as pure as the snowflake in winter. </FONT>
<FONT size=3>My sister seemed to pay no attention to this happening. She just pulled me into the dinning hall, kept saying, she was too hungry to "eat up an elephant". I just smiled and then bought her all the food she wanted. Great deal of food in front; we were seated near the window, whose position both of us would always like to choose. We ate, talked, and looked through the window in happiness. I seemed not to remember what had happened until the moment my sister stood up for the toilet, leaving me alone in the seat. I felt a little bit bored of cause, and tended to fold the privilege tickets the actress offered me unconsciously. At that very moment, I glimpsed that somebody was watching me. The little boy stood outside with the little hands propping against the transparent window, and fixing his eyes on every unconscious act of mine, I was shocked once again. There, in that <BR>familiar poor of eyes reads more than innocence but intense craving. The air seemed to flow very fast, and I suddenly had no idea what I should do. I stopped my previous act at once, and looked down, with myself embedded in the rest food. Nevertheless, I could still detect that that pair of eyes had never left me. I dared not to look him back, although I didn't know what I was afraid of.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>It was not until my sister made her appearance again, I upturned my face. I was actually filled with wild thoughts during that period of time, with only one thing clear, namely, the naives and innocence I could always read from that pair of eyes. It hit me that maybe the little match girl also experienced the same mood when she looked through the window to watch the Christmas party. </FONT>
<FONT size=3>"What was the matter?" my sister found I was actually a bit nervous, and asked.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>I turned my head away, only to find the little boy had already gone, "Nothing."<BR> <BR>I pretended nothing had happened to me.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>On the way home, I kept thinking about that pair of eyes, and I was filled with regret for not having talked with him. As an observant journalist I should have paid much more attention to this phoneme, after all, it's not Valentine's Day. Besides, there're much more things behind it, which I could hardly describe. </FONT>
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Quickie 发表于 2005-10-22 03:25:23
<STRONG><FONT size=4>I often see those eyes too. It hurts me just as much as you. A funny thing is if I do offer to help out these kids, I get yelled at by whomever I was with that moment all the time. The society is stopping me from giving them a hand. What a sad world.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT size=4>BTW, Cactus, what were you doing at McDonalds? You couldn't find a better place to treat your sister?</FONT></STRONG>[em07

Cactus 发表于 2005-10-22 16:07:42

Dear Lovely wolf,
I'm eating in McDonlad very often even today. The fact is that I love the food served in this place.
What you said could be true, say, if you want to help others or do something good, other people in society will look at you in a strange way, which could prevent us from doing what we actually want. Anyway, if we really want to do it, and stick to it, we don't need to pay attention to others' opinions or comments on us.
Yours sincerely,
Quickie 发表于 2005-10-23 09:06:54
Hi Cactus,
Life with McDonald's in America is very different from in China.
Unless I am running out of TIME or Money, I will not consider McDonald's at all. [em10]
slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-23 09:53:15
I was once a McDonald's lover. I ate there for lunch every day for six months straight, literally. I prefer McDonald's in America to that in China, but I like KFC in China way much better. KFC in America.. ehhhh..my goodness.
puppy 发表于 2005-10-23 15:04:45
<FONT face=Arial size=2>Dear Cactus:</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=2>This is a big and innocent eye,you can't help being deeply engraved and impressed when the navie eye's master,a little thinly clad boy came into your sight.  Exactly,most of us have the same feeling in our life.  I also meet with such phenomena very often in our daily life. An old man or a women with the wrinkle skin bend his or her kneel on the street,begging for a little food or less money.  A dumb or a deaf singing or playing some instruction on the street,a wicked dish lied in front of him,with some coins. Little girl and boy with a bunch of flowers shouting with the innocent and childlish voice in the cold winter just fall for the grown-up give some sympathy.  All of that,which is out of our control, are  the very serious and realistic facts of our own society.  </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=2>To be frank,I want to say our life is more and more excellent and fruitful with the rapid development of the science.  From the revolution conducted by the people led by Dun Xiao Ping,man's level of life in China enhanced on a "never before seen" speed.  There are many people can launch their own efforts to rich themselves.  That's what the authority and we civilian want to see. And all of us appreciate it.  But all the things have their two aspects. The negative influence inevitably arose.  I do believe that the people who has visited Shanghia or Beijing would be impressed that the city of China is so wonderful and modern! Chinese people are so rich and in fashionable. Nevertheless, that was just a corner of the iceberg. Only some big cities in China are moerden and fashionable,because these cities should act the leadership to improve China's economic,politic,culture and all other ways of building the country.  We must acknowledge the fact that just what I described in my last post, still many people are in the poverty condition. Life is not fair for them, they put all of their energy and power to their job however they get paid less than what they contrbuted.  In another word, the gain is not equal to their pain.  This is a very serious problem or I want to say it's a very common and horrible phenomenon I'm afraid.  There has been the tendency to polarize the life condition between the two walks of people.  The rich is richer,the poor is poorer.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=2>So as the redsult of what I depicted last paragraph,the phenomenon of so many pathetic people wandering with the commiserative and innocent eyes is unavoidable.  It's their job to sustain their life otherwise they can't live without the proper living skill.  I have no intention to launch a debate to discuss how about our education and our country policy.  What I mean is just arouse our attention to the people around us,not only those mega-stars or some very popular pop songs,but also all the people. Anyway, we are all living in the world,only the trust and belief help us endure the challenges and difficulties.  </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=2>Cactus is so kind and merciful when she see the little boy who is just like the neighbour boy living near her's.   She dare not look at the young boy directly because she can't put up with the boy's innocent eye or she would can't help doing something for that boy.  Likewise,most of us have the same encounter,then how should we do when we meet with the same situation? I bet people will pretend nothing happen rather than give a hand.  It's not their fault,our sympathy and passion maybe has gone with the wind,the so-called mature idea and thought has compelled us leave kind heart to be a silent people,and  be merciless.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=2>So Cactus,what should we do?  Is that our ruth,or the society's ruth?</FONT>
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<FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> [em09]
Cactus 发表于 2005-10-23 17:56:28
<FONT size=3>Dear brother,</FONT>
<FONT size=3>I do appreciate for your long reply to my article. As you mentioned, the poor as the beggars can be found everywhere in the cities, and it's just a social problem. Therefore, I don't think you or me or even some other people can give a definite answer to how to solve this problem. It's a social problem, calling for the awareness and joint endeavors for help of the entire citizens and the solutions from the top administrators. </FONT>
<FONT size=3>I can share one more story of mine with you. Last week, I went to the Tian'anmen Square for my job at 5 in the morning. It was still so early and dark outside that I just took a taxi. However, the driver left me in the crossing of the streets, and asked me to go through the underground passage to get to the Square myself, for he is not allowed to park near the area. Unwillingly, I got off the taxi, and wrapped myself tightly in the overcoat. I kept telling myself that I would be fine, and there wouldn't be the robbery as I encountered last time.(I thought I had told you about that terrible experience last time, I was truly frightened and thus becoming very alert since then.) Eventually, I managed to pluck my courage and began to go down the stairs alone. One, two, three...I was still sort of timid, but I had no other choice, for I needed to be there for my job.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Suddenly, I caught the sight of three figures lying on the ground against the walls. Wrapped by very thin plastic baggages, they were sleeping. I withheld my breath, and could hardly believe my eyes, for there was even an old lady in her late 60 or so, just got a plastic bag even not large enough to cover her entire body. The previous fear about being robbered melt immediately, my heart was filled with sympathy and pain. You know, it's already October in Peking, and it was really so frozen in the air in the morning. Nevertheless, they could still sleep as sound as a log without even a quilt or cloth. They seemed to have already been quite satisfied with the shelter, say, the underground passage, and thus being able to sleep as dead people. </FONT>
<FONT size=3>I was choked with emotions, but I hurried off for my job. When I returned to my workplace, I talked with my colleagues about this. I asked them whether there had been any investigative report on the beggars sleeping in the underground passage, and whether there had been the cry in the local media for giving them a hand. My colleagues looked at me and answered: "Of course, the local media have done all these for these poor people, but it didn't and won't work..."</FONT>
<FONT size=3>I didn't say anything every since. Sometimes, I really think my job is all about  social responsible and commitment. However, I still could do nothing to make a better world just from my own endeavors. This is after all the society, as individuality, we can really do nothing to make the change...</FONT>
<FONT size=3>I wish I could read more from you in the forum with your own topic.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Sincere yours,</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Sister Joan</FONT>

lazybones 发表于 2005-11-1 14:53:23
I suppose we have no rights to sympathize them. Have you been to the real depressed areas for from where you live? In metropolises, what you saw is not even 1% of the poors suffering from starvation and exposure. It's only a fraction of the minority. More prevalent and representative a phenomenon is that a fairy large number of farmers' annual harvest is less than 3000 RMB per family. After buying the seeds and fertilizer, they can hardly affod the tuition for their children. That's the reality of such a large country. Do you want to look into these affirs? How much have you thought to address them? Looking the facial expression of primier Wen, you could catch and apprehend more.

Quickie 发表于 2006-1-23 01:37:47
I am hungry, anyone wants to go to McDonald's with me?
TheYeti 发表于 2006-1-27 13:43:07
I have not eaten at MacDonald's for ages--ever since my son has grown up and I have retired. I never liked their hamburgers anyway; I prefer Harvey's flame boiled burgers to MacDonald's.
By the way, in Greece, they have Greek Mac. Instead of the buns, they use Greek pita (pita bread.)
By the way: If anyone of you on this board likes to post your creation on other BBSes, the door of our "Featured Articles" <a href="http://www.rainlane.com/list.asp?boarid=26" target="_blank" >http://www.rainlane.com/list.asp?boarid=26</A> is wide open to you.
samin 发表于 2006-2-1 00:39:53
there are lots of young boys and girls who were selling roses with pairs of innocent eyes in Guangzhou,and when they noticed a couple,they pester them untill one of them giving him/her money,I hate the people who make the boys and girls do that job,they are too young, and they have no judgment in what is right and what is wrong,they exploit their naive and the warm heart of people who sympathy with the younger,but if I give him or her money ,I think I am also one of the people who make them keep on doing that job and I am guilty,I hate this feeling,and I always was very embarrassed when I met that boy or girl,one time I even met someone who riped my skirt [em13] how should I think about our society?what is wrong with the people??
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