





一位父亲的演讲 A father's speech

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2011-1-15 18:31| 查看数: 1260| 评论数: 0|

There isn’t one thing that I can depend on you for, is there?I ask you to do a simple task, and of course you come back shaming (v.使蒙羞) me and everyone else, and most of all yourself, with your failure.Is there nothing that you can do properly?Not a single thing that you can manage with any decency?For God’s sake, would you please just do something right for once in your worthless, pathetic (adj.可怜的) life?


Remember when you were in school and they asked you to make a diorama(n.西洋镜)?You had complete freedom.You could have done anything you liked.A box with any sort of scene, made of any materials whatsoever.Total independence on the project.And what did you do?You used Legos – LEGOS! – to recreate Abraham about to sacrifice his son Isaac(见注释).LEGOS!And you neglected to represent the voice of God in any way.And you said, “But Father, it was just before God spoke!”What a disgusting excuse.

还记得你在学校的时候,他们让你做一个西洋镜。你有完完全全的自由。你可以做任何你喜欢做的事情。一个装满任何景象的盒子,随便放置物品。这是个完全独立的项目。 但你做了什么?你使用了乐高玩具——乐高——去重新塑造了《旧约》中亚伯拉罕献祭儿子以撒的故事。乐高玩具!并且你无论如何都忽视了去代表上帝的声音。但是你却说:“但是爸爸,这个发生在上帝说话前。”真是个令人作呕的理由。

And now this.I ask you to do the simplest thing in the world and you completely disregard all my hopes and dreams and fail miserably(adv.悲惨地).A Nobel Prize in Physics.That’s all you bring home!It could have been chemistry, but because you’re just a pathetic simpleton (n.傻瓜,笨蛋), you get a Nobel Prize in Physics.I sent you out of this house nineteen years ago with one simple request, and asked you not to return until you had fulfilled it, and here you are, with a filthy (adj.丑恶的,卑劣的) Nobel Prize in Physics, standing before me as though you deserve some kind of praise.Get out!I don’t want to look at you.You disgust me.





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