





俄版"诺亚方舟"酒店诞生 酷似蜗牛壳

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-15 19:23| 查看数: 1242| 评论数: 0|

  It looks like a cross between Noah's Ark and something out of a 1970s science-fiction film. The futuristic Ark Hotel has been designed to withstand floods caused by rising sea levels.

  The floating behemoth is a 'biosphere' conceived as a safe, self-contained haven in case of disaster. Boasting a green, self-sustaining environment for guests, the shell-shaped hotel would withstand tidal waves and other natural disasters.


  The design uses solar panels and a rainwater collection system to provide inhabitants with power and water. The greenhouse-like environment also provides for lush vegetation to help with air quality and provide food sources.Because of the see-through structure enough daylight is filtered through internal rooms to reduce the need for lighting. And to ensure quality of light, the frame is protected with a self-cleaning layer.


  The Ark has been designed by Russian firm Remistudio with the assistance of the International Union of Architects' program Architecture For Disaster Relief. Alexander Remizov, of Remistudio, said: 'For architecture there are two major concerns. 'The first is maintenance of security and precautions against extreme environmental conditions and climate changes. The second one is protection of natural environment from human activities.



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