






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-12-2 15:46| 查看数: 1380| 评论数: 1|

Yuan Sinks Ahead Of Meeting With US

China's currency fell by its single largest margin on record against the dollar after dealers bet that China's central bank might use a weaker yuan to help support economic growth.

Dealers raced to price in the depreciation expectations after an unexpectedly sharp change in the official daily reference rate for dollar-yuan trading. Monday's big drop follows signs that the slowdown in China's economy is intensifying. Two separate purchasing managers' indexes, which gauge business activity, showed a decline to record lows.

Allowing the yuan to weaken significantly against the dollar could help exporters, which have been battered by the Chinese currency's appreciation as well as by slumping global demand and rising costs. Strength in exports thanks to a devalued yuan could also help mitigate rising unemployment in China, which could help avert social unrest.

But a sharply devalued yuan would be risky for China, potentially aggravating trade tensions with the U.S. and Europe, and increasing the prices of many imported goods in China. That could crimp domestic spending power at a time when Beijing says it wants to shift its economy toward domestic consumption.

Still, analysts caution against making too much out of one- or two-day movements in the yuan.

Beijing's exercise of heavy control over the yuan's value has been a political hot button, and Monday's move comes ahead of a twice-annual U.S.-China economic summit that begins Thursday in Beijing. The exchange rate has been a central topic in past sessions of those talks, the Strategic Economic Dialogue, with Washington arguing that the yuan is undervalued and urging Beijing to let the market determine its value.

David McCormick, undersecretary of the Treasury for international affairs, said the Bush administration isn't worried that the yuan's recent declines against the dollar are a sign of Beijing backtracking on its commitment to relax its grip on the currency.

'We've had no indication . . . that they are any less committed to this agenda than they have been in the past,' Mr. McCormick told reporters ahead of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's trip to China. Mr. McCormick cited 'very significant progress on currency reform,' but added that Mr. Paulson intends to press Beijing for further steps to make the yuan respond to market forces. 'That progress needs to continue . . . It's as important now as ever, perhaps more so.'

Some are skeptical a major devaluation is ahead, though they agree it's not entirely implausible.

The yuan's fall came after the dollar-yuan 'central parity rate,' a reference rate for daily trading determined by the central bank, was set at 6.8505, up sharply from 6.8349 Friday. That's in stark contrast to the 6.8300 level around which the fixing has hovered since early October.

The China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing's November PMI fell to 38.8, the lowest level since it started in 2005. The CLSA China PMI dropped to 40.9 in November, the lowest since the index started in 2004. A PMI below 50.0 indicates a decline in the manufacturing economy.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-12-2 15:46:25






美国财政部负责国际事务的副部长大卫•麦考密克(David McCormick)说,布什政府对人民币汇率最近的下滑并不感到担忧,认为这不表明中国政府准备放弃其放松对人民币汇率的控制这一承诺。

广告麦考密克在美国财政部长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)启程前往中国前夕对记者们说:“我们没有发现什么迹象......显示他们目前在这方面的努力弱于以往。”他说,中国“在汇率改革方面取得了非常大的进步”,不过他也表示,鲍尔森打算敦促中国政府采取更多措施来让人民币汇率对市场力量作出反应。麦考密克表示:“这一进程需要继续下去......它现在与以往一样重要,或许更加重要。”



中国物流与采购联合会公布的中国11月份采购经理人指数(PMI)降至38.8,为2005年该指数推出以来的最低水平。里昂证券亚太区市场(CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets)公布的11月份中国PMI指数降至40.9,同样为2004年推出该指数以来的最低水平。PMI指数低于50则意味着制造业出现萎缩。
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