





神奇内裤重振男士雄风 竟能自动调温

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-17 23:05| 查看数: 1208| 评论数: 0|

  Gel inserts have long been a wardrobe staple for women looking to enhance their cleavage. So it was only a matter of time before a male equivalent was made - enter the Shock Jock Flirt Boxer and Brief. The briefs look like regular underwear but actually add two inches to a man's anatomy.

  媒体上关于女性内衣的广告铺天盖地,让人眼花缭乱的“魔术胸罩”花尽了女性的腰包的最后一分钱,只因为那些胸罩为了使得女性的胸部变得丰腴而又性感设计感十足,但是却没听说过有适用于男性的特别内裤,使得男人也变得性感的。这不? 大牌时尚设计师Andrew Christian这回站在男同胞的立场上为男士们设计了一款“魔术男士内裤”,虽然拥有着普通的外观,乍看一下并不特别之处,然而这款售价不菲的魔术男士内裤可以将男性生殖器在外观上增大数英寸,就连珠穆朗玛也付手称臣呢。

  The pants come with an in-built 'Active Shaping Technology Cup with authentic looking male features.' The plastic pad, which comes in either black or white, has the added bonus of helping 'protect against zipper injury' and can be removed and hand-washed. Self-confessed 'uber trendy' designer Andrew Christian said: 'Guys want underwear that looks natural, feels great and makes them feel confident.'

  该内裤属于“高科技产品”,薄薄的布料下面却有“大研究”。据悉,内裤内设计了可以自动调节大小“男性罩杯”的功能,据说使用了可以增加男性雄风了高科技塑料垫片,这种垫片既可以使得男性性感无比,同生死也可以保护男性私密器官免收外界的伤害,据有一定程度上的“防踢”功能哦。虽说这个是高科技产品,但是设计师十分人性化,考虑到客户的实际使用情况,将内裤设计成“可洗内裤”方便了男士们使用效果。设计大师Andrew Christian 说:“男同胞们都希望内裤看起来更自然一些,让自己感觉更自信一点。我设计的这款内裤兼顾了男性需求。”

  Confidence is clearly not an issue in Christian's case, he's so sure of the merits of his product he has even brandished his name all over the briefs' waist band. Flashbacks have the added bonus of not having a removable plastic cup - that could lead to unanswerable questions if someone else was helping you out of your clothes... Christian's underwear range is available in the UK and the pants retail at ?27. They can be bought on a website www.banglands.co.uk.



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