






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2011-1-18 16:34| 查看数: 1311| 评论数: 2|

How to Banish (v.驱逐) Doubts in Three Steps

As doubts are so insidious(adj.阴险的), how do you beat them? It’s three simple steps, but each one is a bit more difficult than they sound:

1. Become aware(adj.有意识的,警觉的). Doubt gets its power mostly because it is in our subconscious(n.下意识), and we’re not aware of the effects it has on us. Instead, we have to bring it to the forefront(n.显著位置) of our minds. And that means concentrating on our thoughts, and trying to search out those doubts and negative(adj.消极的) thoughts as they come up. The ones that say, “Maybe I can’t do this. Maybe it’s not realistic(adj.现实主义的).” If you make a conscious effort to be aware of these doubts, you can catch them and beat them.

2. Squash(v.粉碎) the doubt. Once you’ve become aware of the doubt, imagine that the doubt is an ugly little bug. Now step on it, and squash it with the bottom of your shoe. Not literally, of course, but in your mind. Exterminate it. Do not let it live and spread!

3. Replace it with something positive(adj.积极地). Now that you’ve squashed the doubt, replace it with positive thoughts. It sounds corny(adj.老土的), but trust me, this works: think to yourself, “I can do this! Others have done it, and so can I! Nothing will stop me.” Or something along those lines, appropriate to(v.使合适,认可)whatever it is you’re doing.

You have to continue to be vigilant(adj.警惕的), and be aware of your doubts before they stop you cold in your tracks. This is a constant process as you pursue your dreams, not a one-time thing. Doubts, like insects, will continue to come back, even after you’ve killed the first wave or two. You can’t let them thrive(v.茁壮成长)and overcome you.









Judyy 发表于 2011-1-18 21:48:23
How to Banish (v.驱逐) Doubts in Three Steps
Judyy 发表于 2011-1-18 21:49:33
Become aware

Squash(v.粉碎) the doubt.

Replace it with something positive
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