






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-19 18:45| 查看数: 968| 评论数: 0|








  剧情类最佳影片 Best motion picture-Drama

  《社交网站》 The Social Network

  剧情类最佳男主角 Best performance by an actor in a motion picture - Drama

  科林·费斯 《国王的演讲》/ Colin Firth, The King's Speech

  剧情类最佳女主角Best performance by an actress in a motion picture - Drama

  娜塔丽·波特曼 《黑天鹅》/ Natalie Portman, Black Swan

  最佳导演Best director - Motion picture

  大卫·芬奇 《社交网站》/ David Fincher, The Social Network

  最佳男配角 Best performance by an actor in a supporting role in a motion picture

  克里斯蒂安·贝尔 《斗士》Christian Bale,The Fighter

  最佳女配角 Best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a motion picture

  梅丽莎·里奥 《斗士》/ Melissa Leo, The Fighter

  音乐/喜剧类最佳影片 Bset motion picture - Musical or comedy

  《问题不在孩子》 The Kids Are All Right

  音乐/喜剧类最佳男主角 Best performance by an actor in a motion picture - Musical or comedy

  保罗·吉亚马提 《巴尼的人生》/ Paul Giamatti, Barney's Version



  音乐/喜剧类最佳女主角 Best performance by an actress in a motion picture - Musical or comedy

  安妮特·贝宁 《问题不在孩子》/ Annette Bening, The Kids Are All Right


  罗伯特·德·尼罗 Robert De Niro

  最佳外语片 Best foreign language film

  《更好的世界》In a Better World,丹麦

  最佳歌曲 Best original song - Motion picture

  "You Haven't Seen The Last of Me" - 《滑稽戏》,Burlesque

  最佳配乐 Best achievement in music written - for Motion pictures

  特伦特·雷泽纳、阿提喀斯·罗斯 《社交网站》/ Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, The Social Network

  最佳动画长片 Animation film

  《玩具总动员3》 Toy Story 3


《欢乐合唱团》 Glee


  喜剧类最佳剧集 Best television series - Comedy

  《欢乐合唱团》 Glee (FOX)

  最佳迷你剧/电视电影 Best mini-series or motion picture made for television

  《胡狼卡洛斯》 Carlos (Sundance Channel)

  电视类最佳女主角 Best performance by an actress in a television series

  凯特蕾·萨加尔 Katey Sagal 《混乱之子》(Sons of Anarchy) (FOX)

  剧集/迷你剧/电视电影最佳男配角 Best performance by an actor in a supporting role in a series, mini-series or motion picture made for television

  克里斯·柯尔弗 Chris Colfer 《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)(FOX)

  剧情类最佳男主角 Best performance by an actor in a television series - Drama

  史蒂夫·布西密 Steve Buscemi 《大西洋帝国》(Boardwalk Empire) (HBO)

  剧情类最佳剧集Best televiosn series - Drama

  《大西洋帝国》(Boardwalk Empire) (HBO)

  最佳迷你剧/电视电影最佳男主角Best performance by an actor in a series, mini-series or motion picture made for television

  阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 《死亡医生》(You don't Know Jack)(HBO)

  最佳迷你剧/电视电影最佳女主角Best performance by an actress in a series, mini-series or motion picture made for television

  克莱尔·丹尼斯 Claire Danes 《自闭历程》(Temple Grandin) (HBO)

  剧集/迷你剧/电视电影最佳女配角 Best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a series, mini-series or motion picture made for television

  简·林奇 Jane Lynch 《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)(FOX)

  喜剧类最佳女主角 Best actress - Comedy

  劳拉·琳尼 Laura Linney 《癌莫能助》(The Big C) (SHOWTIME)

  喜剧类最佳男主角 Best actor - Comedy

  吉姆·帕森斯 Jim Parsons 《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory) (CBS)


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