





俊男美女智商更高 美貌智慧可兼得

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-19 19:17| 查看数: 1405| 评论数: 1|

  Handsome men and women often appear to be blessed with lucky lives. Now research has shown they are cleverer than most people as well. Studies in Britain and America have found they have IQs 14 points above average. The findings dispel the myth of the dumb blondes or good-looking men not being very bright.


  It appears that those already physically blessed attract partners who are not just good looking but brainy too, according to research by the London School of Economics. The children of these couples will tend to inherit both qualities, building a genetic link over successive generations between them. LSE researcher Satoshi Kanazawa told the Sunday Times: ''Physical attractiveness is significantly positively associated with general intelligence, both with and without controls for social class, body size and health. 'The association between attractiveness and general intelligence is also stronger among men than among women.'

  这项实验由伦敦经济学院的研究员经过长期实验得出,实验中研究员发现,拥有着良好的外貌基因(帅爸爸以及美丽妈妈)生下的孩子一般能够继承两者的优点,不仅外貌上也会“长江后浪推前浪”赶超爸爸妈妈,而且智商、情商上也绝对不含糊。研究员 Satoshi Kanazawa 告诉太阳报记者说:“生理上的优势,比如说外貌优势一般与智商、以及情商有着密不可分的关系。这些生理上的外貌优势不会受到社会舆论干扰,简单说,长得帅的人,也肯定是聪明人。此外,在外貌和智商的联系中,男人比女人的效果要明显。也就是说,帅哥更有可能是聪明人。”

  In Britain, the study found that men who are physically attractive had IQs an average 13.6 points above the norm while women were about 11.4 points higher. Kanazawa's findings were based on the National Child Development Study which followed 17,419 people since their birth in a single week in March, 1958. Throughout their childhood up to early adulthood, they were given a series of tests for academic progress, intelligence and marked on appearance.

  在英国,拥有着比较帅气外貌的男性比普通男性的平均智商高13.6百分点,而美女的智商比普通女人则高11.4个百分点。这项调查是由研究员 Satoshi Kanazawa 进行的,调查对象近2万人,调查时间从1958年他们出生之时开始,一直跟踪他们的童年、青年一直到成年。期间,他们都接受了一系列的学术调查以及关于外貌和智商方面的考核。


binger-冰儿 发表于 2011-1-19 20:58:03
i have learnt a lot from this article
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