





Have you ever seen a ghost before?

发布者: larry5169 | 发布时间: 2008-12-18 17:50| 查看数: 4997| 评论数: 13|

Has anyone seen a ghost before?Can share your spooky experience?A fortune teller ever told me I 杀气很重, so the ghosts would all disperse when I am near.Guess I am not likely to see one then - that's a pity b'cos I'm always very keen to see one.Hence, please share if you have a personal experience.Er... only personal experience only please - don't share your friend's friend's friend's tale which he/she may have read on the internet.. :-)


ch- 发表于 2008-12-19 09:57:43
I've never seen a ghost before. That's very scary.
leec1120 发表于 2008-12-19 10:42:02
Damn. I wrote a long passge about the spooky experience I suffered in 1995, but where is it? Who can tell me ?
ch- 发表于 2008-12-19 11:05:14
原帖由 leec1120 于 2008-12-19 10:42 发表

Damn. I wrote a long passge about the spooky experience I suffered in 1995, but where is it? Who can tell me ?

God can. I, can not.
shunitang 发表于 2008-12-19 17:41:52
I ever learnt from the senior that if one with high 阳气,then he can not see the ghost,though he passes the graveyard.

when I was a child,I was horrified by the ghost,though I didnt see a ghost by my own eyes,in my mind,I just imagined there are ghosts outside everywhere,so terrible.

anyway,now I am an adult,I know there is no ghost in the world..if have,it must be a miracle or legend
leec1120 发表于 2008-12-20 10:55:43
I never met a ghost but I do really have spooky experience.If you are interested in what I have experienced, I'd like to write my suffering here, sharing with you! lol~~
shunitang 发表于 2008-12-20 13:03:56
原帖由 leec1120 于 2008-12-20 10:55 发表

I never met a ghost but I do really have spooky experience.If you are interested in what I have experienced, I'd like to write my suffering here, sharing with you! lol~~

really,I am just wandering if you indeed have such spooky experience,to some extent,there was someone to play tricks..and a horror in ur mind...
leec1120 发表于 2008-12-20 13:11:06
Don't worry, I won't play any tricks~~

That's really what I suffered when I was young.Perhaps it just was something that we couldn't explain.

I wrote yesterday, but when i pressed the ENTER, it's gone.

I don't know what was wrong with the computer~~
leec1120 发表于 2008-12-21 12:27:25
Do ghosts really exist? Perhaps nobody knows! At least I have never met a ghost but I really had spooky experience.

It was said that a battle would break out between Mao Zedong and Jiang Jieshi again in the other world in 1995. They both needed thousands of hundreds of men to battle for them, so people called the year the widows’ year. It was 12:00am or so on some day night in that year. I suddenly woke up for some reasons, hearing a blurry woman’s voice which sounded like moaning and singing. I was curious and scared. And I also wanted to know who might have made such kind of noise in the mid-night. So I kept myself awake for awhile, staring at the ceiling and listening carefully. Nothing but silence! When I almost fell asleep again, the voice came out again too. ” Oh my god, what on earth is that?” I thought and determined to keep myself awake for a moment one more time to find out the answer, but still silent. That might be my hallucination, I told myself and tried not to think about it, but the voice came out again and again and again. I couldn’t stand it any more and called my mom (my mom and I lived in the same room and there was only one room at that time). “Mom, are you singing?” I asked. “No, how come I sing in the mid-night, I am not crazy, am I?” mom replied. After talking with mom I was too tired to keep awake even for a minute, I fell asleep.

The next morning, boys who were living nearby told me the experience they suffered in the last night, it was the same as I suffered. Strangely, all girls who were living nearby had a good sleep without hearing anything.

So far, the spooky experience puzzled me from time to time. What on earth was that? Who made the noise and where did it came from? Was it real that the widow was mourning over the loss of her husband? Who knows!
leec1120 发表于 2008-12-21 13:15:23
It must be a guy who was bored to death made this gossip! So far I have never heard of this saying since 2003 I left my hometown
larry5169 发表于 2008-12-22 17:27:56
原帖由 shunitang 于 2008-12-19 17:41 发表

I ever learnt from the senior that if one with high 阳气,then he can not see the ghost,though he passes the graveyard.

when I was a child,I was horrified by the ghost,though I didnt see a ghost by m ...

Sunny, you are an atheist then.Atheist usually have very high fear of death and the unknown because they can't fall on any God to rescue them if they are in trouble and they believe it all ends when their bodies shutdown. I sometimes feel sorry for Atheist because if they are right about what they believe life is really quite meaningless for all of us.Busy living, busy dying, all the bad deeds go unpunished, all the good guys died in vain.That's just me.
larry5169 发表于 2008-12-22 17:34:50
原帖由 leec1120 于 2008-12-21 12:27 发表

Do ghosts really exist? Perhaps nobody knows! At least I have never met a ghost but I really had spooky experience.

It was said that a battle would break out between Mao Zedong and Jiang Jieshi agai ...

Sounds, voices, shadows, mild movements of objects.. it's hard to tell for sure it's something supernatural.Need something more concrete really.
小猫女子 发表于 2009-1-5 15:59:11
i don't have any these experiences and i don't think any ghost in this world
leec1120 发表于 2009-1-5 16:08:24
but there are some phenomena that science cannot explain
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