





娜塔莉·波曼怀孕 床上爆米花不离手

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-20 20:38| 查看数: 1293| 评论数: 0|

  女星娜塔莉-波曼似乎并不太在意因怀孕而身材走样这码事,并且还大有“苦”中作乐之势。刚刚抱得金球奖最佳剧情片女主角的娜塔莉告诉媒体,”一下子能有这么多的收获,我真是感到非常的幸运。“上周日,波曼在未婚夫Benjamin Millepied的陪伴下,一同出席了颁奖典礼的红毯秀。


  The baby bump watch for Natalie Portman is on — and the actress doesn’t mind in the least.

  “It’s so lucky. I feel so lucky so it’s all good things,” the Golden Globe winner, who is expecting her first child with fiancé Benjamin Millepied, told PEOPLE on the red carpet Sunday night.

  However, once the award season comes to a close, Portman, 29 — who’s drawing rave reviews for her role in Black Swan — plans to spend her pregnancy relaxing.

  “I hope I’ll get to lie in bed and eat popcorn and watch TV for the rest of it,” she laughs. “Not always be out in public looking like a whale, but it’s all nice energy that everyone is showing.”

  As for the mommy glow? She’s already got it, notes Portman. “I feel happy and I think when you’re happy you’re always glowing,” she explains.


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