





suffering cancer

发布者: leec1120 | 发布时间: 2008-12-30 11:09| 查看数: 1941| 评论数: 2|

Mom called me last night and told me that granny is suffering cancer and it has transferred to kidney and liver. That is, there might be little time for the rest of her life. I don’t know how come the cancer afflicts her again so abruptly, since her last suffering cancer was or so 8 years ago and luckily the tumor didn’t hurt her body seriously and after the surgery she almost lived a healthy life. I really dare not to imagine what the life would be without granny. That must be terrible! I remember clearly that when I presented my first gift to her during last Spring Festival, she smiled in tears and asked me not to buy her anything the next time home. She said that she really wanted a great-grandson as early as possible so that it wasn’t necessary to buy her a gift. What I have to do is to earn as much as I can and to prepare enough savings for the marriage. While, what a shame! I just have got a hard time with my girlfriend whom I thought must marry me and I’ll never make sure that she would be my wife in the future. Anyway, no matter she would be my wife or not, I’ll go back home next year together with her. Though I can’t fulfill my granny’s dream, I will try to let her feel the hope.


ch- 发表于 2008-12-30 14:03:08
a bad news. best wishes to ur grandma and u.
leec1120 发表于 2008-12-30 14:07:57
thank you for your best wishes~~it is kind of you~~

how poor my daddy is!!
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