





Say Goodbye to My Friend

发布者: leec1120 | 发布时间: 2009-1-3 09:54| 查看数: 5611| 评论数: 27|

One of my best friends in the company handed in his resignation last week and he moved away on the first day of year 2009. I went to see him off and help him take his entire luggage to the place where he would live for almost tow weeks before going to Shenzhen.

We knew each other in June 2008 when he transferred to the office from the agency. Gradually, I realize we have many things in common such as the way we treat things and our style of emotion, and even our taste. We both like eating cayenne and noodles and dumplings so that he really couldn’t believe I am from Southwest China at the very beginning. He’s ever deemed that I come from Northwest China the same as he comes from. And then we became good friends spontaneously. We helped each other in work and in daily life. When each of us gets troubles I/he will be confiding and the other listening. Take my last hard time with my girlfriend as an example, I told him all the details, asking for his advice. He listened carefully and analyzed meticulously end up with giving me some useful suggestion. I really appreciate him for what he did to help me. Sometimes he tells me all he thinks about especially about the girl for whom he invites me to compose a music after work almost every day and about what he did for the girl and what the girl said and did and so on and on and on, he also tells me all the details for my suggestion and then we begin talking about the girls. Eventually and funny, we are all confused what on earth the girls really are, and then we tell ourselves not to guess the girls’ idea and you never know what a girl’s thinking about.

Being happy with him, I lived my happy life in the past six months. However, I must be morose as soon as I think of his leaving. He is my fourth friend who leaves the company. Each of them left me after our getting along with each other extremely well. Friends I made here seem to be passing travelers in my life. It might be one of the reasons why I don’t wanna make friends here.

Anyhow, wherever he is and no matter when we could get together again or not, I just want him not to forget I am one of his friends. Wish him a good luck in the rest of his life.


ch- 发表于 2009-1-3 12:22:41
two guys' friendship, that's more than I can imagine.
leec1120 发表于 2009-1-3 13:24:15
two ladies' friendship is more than i can imagine as well
ch- 发表于 2009-1-4 08:14:52
no real friendship between two ladies at all.
leec1120 发表于 2009-1-4 08:33:41
my girlfriend made friend with a lady elder than she is. the lady is very good to her.she always buys her something as a gift, and brings my girlfriend to all kinds of party with her. when my gf was learning driving, the lady lent her own car to my friend to practise before she took part in the driving test.
ch- 发表于 2009-1-4 08:43:48
that's impossible. you are a liar.
leec1120 发表于 2009-1-4 09:45:33
honey, even though we have different outlook about the friendship, i do not need to lie to you, do i? i really can't believe that as well and i evny my gf . she buys my gf gifts and always has dinner with my gf on her treat. once my gf wants to pay the bill she would say "now you just have worked for a year, and you must be short of money, you might repay me some day when you r rich engouh."that is incredible , right? sometimes i will think if the lady gets along with my gf so well on some purpose. but as a fact, she is really agood lady. spring festival comes,and the lady is warm-hearted, she trys her best to help me get the plane ticket as cheaper as possible from her friend.
ch- 发表于 2009-1-4 09:53:51
oh, got it. lesbian.
leec1120 发表于 2009-1-4 09:59:34
i am sorry for what i am going to say , it willl disappoint you again. the lady has a boyfriend. and they are going to marry next year ~~she's never short of moneyand never worries about money the same as you.
ch- 发表于 2009-1-4 10:02:58
u do not know,

lesbian is a potential trend. A lesbian may have a boyfriend, or marry, but in her heart, she fancies the same gender.
leec1120 发表于 2009-1-4 10:12:22
perhaps she thinks that my gf is an innocent. it doesn't make her feel too much pressure getting along with my gf
ch- 发表于 2009-1-4 10:49:52
to be honest, no matter what, all in all, ur story is very abnormal.
leec1120 发表于 2009-1-4 11:11:58
well, no matter you believe or not, just forget it. let's give up this topic. i don't wanna argue with you to make you upset.i want you to be happy every day~~hehe
shunitang 发表于 2009-1-4 11:16:26
no real friendship between two ladies at all.

ch- 发表于 2009-1-4 08:14

ch- 发表于 2009-1-4 11:17:31
honey, no worry, make me upset? that's impossible. haha.
phantom 发表于 2009-1-4 14:06:45
Interesting talking, I guess both of you are young.
ch- 发表于 2009-1-4 14:07:55
Interesting talking, I guess both of you are young.

phantom 发表于 2009-1-4 14:06

do not know others, I am really soooooooooooooooooooo young. haha.
leec1120 发表于 2009-1-4 14:53:48
me?hehe teenager? no! grown-up. not yet~~

i am not a boy and not yet a man~~haha
ch- 发表于 2009-1-5 08:37:20
me?hehe teenager? no! grown-up. not yet~~

i am not a boy and not yet a man~~haha

leec1120 发表于 2009-1-4 14:53

not a boy, yet not a man, then u must be a gal or woman lah.

do not tell us u r actually a monster. haha
leec1120 发表于 2009-1-5 08:56:47
if i had a chance to be an animal,i'd like to be a bird~~
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