





Liable to Being Exhausted

发布者: leec1120 | 发布时间: 2009-1-8 08:17| 查看数: 1987| 评论数: 0|

As a staff in the office I was forced to devote myself to the product line acting as a part-time worker in order to help the producing department meeting the need of the market during the period of Spring Festival, which really made me exhausted. I am still dog-tired and quite not myself even though I collapsed into my cozy bed as soon as I was back last night. My body from head to toes hurts and the pain makes me embarrassed. I cannot raise my arms, bow and I even cannot walk as usual. I have to walk slowly, step by step, looking funny. Every movement I made looks like a robot making a slow motion. They all laugh at me, saying “you are not young any longer!” I am disappointed about this. Am I really old? Apparently, I am not! To think over and over again, it dawns on me that I haven’t done any exercises for a long time. Remembering my last time playing basketball was three months ago, that’s unbelievable! How crazy about basketball I was in the college. I could spend a whole afternoon playing basketball on the playground without eating anything and three or four times a week no matter it is winter or summer. My parents always told me to do exercises as possible as often when I graduated from the college, whereas I paid no attention to what they said, for I didn't think I would give up my most favorite game in any case. But the fact is not so. It’s only when I experience by myself that I realize I am not what I was. My passion of life has faded away and the fire deep in my heart extinguished. I don't want to play basketball even to touch the ball. The only exercises I do is walking to the office and walking back, and it just takes me ten minutes more or less every day. I am no longer energetic as before and more and more lazy as well since my career began. I often encounter healthy problems and am liable to diseases such as catching cold, which afflicts me a lot and costs me too much. With the growth of age, I finally realize nothing is more important than to be healthy. From now on, I am going to squeeze a little time for me to do some exercises so as to keep healthy.


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