






发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2009-1-22 20:52| 查看数: 1682| 评论数: 4|

Fiat Poised To Take 35% Stake In Chrysler -Sources


Italy's Fiat SpA (F.MI) is poised to take a 35% stake in U.S. car maker Chrysler LLC, people familiar with the matter said, in a move aimed at helping both firms weather an economic downturn threatening the survival of some of the auto industry's biggest companies.

Under terms of the deal, Fiat is likely to take a 35% stake by mid-year and have the option of taking as much as 55% of the company over time, these people said. Cerberus Capital Management LP, Chrysler's owner, is looking to retain an interest in the U.S. car maker, these people said, adding that it is unclear whether Daimler AG (DAI) will want to keep its entire 19.9% stake. The deal could be unveiled as early as Tuesday, barring any last-minute offers. As recently as last week, Chrysler executives had discussions with Nissan Motor Co. over a possible alliance, according to one person familiar the matter.

(This story and related background material will be available on The Wall Street Journal Web site, WSJ.com.)

At the heart of the potential alliance is an agreement whereby Fiat would share its engine and transmission technology with Chrysler, allowing the U.S. car maker to introduce new, low-emission small-car models to its fleet, the people familiar with the matter said. Fiat would also build and sell its own small cars in the U.S., possibly via Chrysler's U.S. dealership network, thereby extending its reach beyond Europe's car market, these people said.

Cost savings associated with the partnership are expected to be estimated in the $3 billion to $4 billion range, they said.

'In today's economic environment, talks are going on between companies in all industries - ours is no different,' Chrysler spokeswoman Lori McTavish told Dow Jones Newswires Monday. 'Chrysler as a matter of policy, however, does not confirm or disclose the nature of its private business meetings. Beyond those partnerships and alliances already announced, Chrysler has no further announcements to make at this time.'

A possible Chrysler-Fiat partnership was previously reported on the Web site of Automotive News Europe. For both companies, the potential deal is a defensive move aimed at long-term survival.

At the end of 2008, Chrysler, the smallest of the U.S.'s Big Three auto makers, was nearly out of money until the U.S. government provided $4 billion in emergency loans. Chrysler Chief Executive Robert Nardelli last week said that the company needs $3 billion more in federal loans. The loan terms require Chrysler to show it can be viable by March. Striking a partnership with Fiat should enable Chrysler to make a better case to the government that it has a good shot at recovering. Analysts have doubted whether Fiat, which produced just 1.7 million units in the first nine months of 2008, has the scale to survive as an independent manufacturer of small cars. Small vehicles produce relatively thin margins, making it hard to make money in Europe's high-cost labor market.

Fiat has for months been exploring ways to gain a foothold in the North American car market, hunting for a partner that could manufacture its Fiat 500 minimodel and relaunch its high-end Alfa Romeo brand in the U.S.

The financial crisis has exacerbated Fiat's challenges. Car sales have plunged around the world as potential car buyers struggled to get loans to finance new-car purchases. New-car registrations in Europe, a measure of demand, reached a 15-year low in 2008, falling 7.8% to 14.7 million, compared with 2007, the European Automobile Manufacturers Association reported last week.

Fiat also risks higher fees to finance its debt, which stands at about EUR7.2 billion ($9.57 billion). Last Thursday, Moody's Investors Service placed Fiat under observation for a possible downgrade on short- and long-term debt.

The potential alliance will need the blessing of Fiat's founding family, the Agnellis. The family, which still holds a 30% controlling stake in Fiat, has said in the past that to stay competitive, Fiat needed to link up with a larger rival. Fiat's board is likely to discuss the potential deal with Chrysler when it meets on Thursday to approve third-quarter results, one person familiar with the matter said. Chrysler and Fiat are similar and, in some ways, complementary companies. Chrysler operates almost exclusively in North America and gets about three-quarters of its sales from trucks, sport-utility vehicles and minivans. Fiat specializes in small and midsize cars. Both companies could benefit from having a larger global volume of sales over which to spread development costs.

Last summer, Chrysler confirmed it was in talks with Fiat about the Italian auto maker's interest in obtaining U.S. manufacturing capacity for the Alfa Romeo brand.

In snagging control of Chrysler, Fiat would add assembly capacity in North America, while giving Chrysler access to fuel-efficient small cars and engines, and better entree to Europe and Latin America. Fiat has about 2.6 million units of global manufacturing capacity, with nearly half of the production facilities based in Western Europe. The rest of Fiat's plants are primarily in Eastern Europe and South America. Chrysler has 14 assembly plants in North America and 26 car and truck lines that are sold throughout a network of thousands of dealers. Chrysler employs about 66,000 people.

Most analysts said Chrysler has little hope of surviving as a stand-alone company. Following a rash of mergers in recent decades and the rise of well-funded competitors in China and India, the auto industry is dominated by multinational companies that can quickly move production and engineering from region to region. Chrysler is almost entirely dependent on its share of the U.S. market for revenue. In 2008, Chrysler sold 1.45 million cars and trucks in its home market, about 30% fewer than the two million it delivered in 2007.

Stacy Meichtry / John Stoll


shunitang 发表于 2009-1-22 20:52:40

据知情人士称,意大利菲亚特公司(Fiat SpA.)即将收购美国汽车生产商克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC) 35%的股份,以期能相互帮助,在威胁到一些汽车业巨头生存的这波经济衰退面前共度难关。

上述知情人士还称,根据双方的协议,菲亚特将在年中前持有这35%的股份,而且还有在未来将持股比例最高增持至55%的选择权。知情人士表示,克莱斯勒的控股公司Cerberus Capital Management LP仍计划保留一部分股份,但目前尚不清楚戴姆勒公司(Daimler AG)是否希望保留其持有的19.9%股份。除非最后时刻出现新的竞购出价,否则该交易最早可能将于周二公布。而根据另一位知情人士称,直到上周,克莱斯勒管理人士还与日产汽车(Nissan Motor Co)讨论了双方之间可能的联盟。



克莱斯勒发言人麦克塔维什(Lori McTavish)周一对道琼斯通讯社(Dow Jones Newswires)说,在当前的经济环境下,所有行业都会有这类公司间的商谈,我们也不例外。不过,根据政策,克莱斯勒不会证实或披露私下进行的商务会谈的性质。除了已经宣布的合作和结盟内容,克莱斯勒目前没有更多消息宣布。

克莱斯勒和菲亚特可能合作的消息是由Automotive News Europe网站最新报导的。对双方来说,这样一项交易将是着眼于长期生存的防御性策略。

2008年底,美国三大汽车巨头中规模最小的克莱斯勒曾一度几乎耗尽所有资金,直到美国政府提供了40亿美元紧急贷款才暂时渡过难关。公司首席执行长纳德利(Robert Nardelli)上周说,克莱斯勒还需要30亿美元的联邦贷款。贷款条款要求克莱斯勒在今年3月份之前证明其生产能力。与菲亚特结盟会让克莱斯勒更好地向政府显示它在复苏道路上取得的良好进展。分析师曾一直怀疑菲亚特是否达到了作为独立的小型车制造商生存所需的规模。2008年前9个月,菲亚特仅生产了170万辆汽车。小轿车的利润率相对较低,使其在欧洲高成本的劳动力市场上难以赢利。

几个月来,菲亚特一直寻求进入北美轿车市场的途径,寻找合作伙伴生产它的菲亚特500微型车,并在美国重新推出高端的阿尔法罗密欧(Alfa Romeo)品牌。

金融危机加剧了菲亚特所面临的挑战。由于潜在的轿车买家难以获得贷款,全球轿车销售大幅下降。欧洲汽车工业协会(European Automobile Manufacturers Association)上周说,欧洲新车登记数量2008年跌至15年来的低点,比2007年下降7.8%,为1,470万辆。

菲亚特还面临着融资成本上升的风险。上周四,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody's Investors Service)将菲亚特列入了可能下调其短期和长期债务评级的观察名单。目前,菲亚特的债务约为72亿欧元(约合95.7亿美元)。




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shunitang 发表于 2009-1-23 10:26:03
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zf87 发表于 2009-1-22 22:15


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韩国 发表于 2009-1-24 19:30:27
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