





新免洗洗发水亮相 专为职场懒人设计

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-26 20:32| 查看数: 1195| 评论数: 1|

  It is the short cut to beautiful hair that women would rather not shout about. But it seems the secret of dry shampoo is out – and sales are rocketing. Busy women who don’t have the time to wash and blow dry their hair are turning to the talc-based product – which is usually applied with a spray can and then simply brushed out. Superdrug reported that it now accounts for a fifth of its overall shampoo sales and was its best-selling hair product, while top hair salons including Trevor Sorbie and Toni & Guy have jumped on board and created their own versions.

  爱美之心人人有之,女人“砸钱”在美容护肤上更是“义不容辞”,这不,聪明的商家又发明出一种“免洗脱水洗发香波”让既爱美、又想偷懒的在职场上忙得连洗头时间都没有的女士和男士们受惠。据悉,一款有着“滑石粉”成分并且能让头发免受水的清晰,并“自动吹干”的脱水洗发香波受到偷懒的人儿的热捧,这种洗发香波采用喷雾设计,使得头发能得到全面的清晰,不用冲水,头发也能自然变得又干又爽。据Superdrug调查,新款香波一经面世一经占据了香波市场的20%销售业绩,就连专业美发沙龙Trevor Sorbie 以及 Toni & Guy都看准这块“肥肉”,准备发展他们自己旗下的免洗香波呢。

  Experts said that where once dry shampoo was simply used to mask greasy hair in a jiffy, its volumising ability has now made it a styling trend. Simon Comins of Superdrug said: ‘Dry shampoo really has revolutionised the hair care market over the last year. It is now seen as a hair essential for younger customers. 'But our research tells us that there’s a generation divide when it comes to using dry shampoo – younger customers think it’s a fantastic invention, while their mums wonder why they don’t just wash their hair.’ Toni & Guy, whose dry shampoo brand has seen sales rise by 47 per cent this year, said it was ‘the secret backstage weapon that went global’, while Trevor Sorbie reported a 145 per cent year-on-year rise in sales last year.

  专家称,这款香波与普通洗发水的效果相当,可以使得滑腻腻的头发瞬间变得顺滑,唯一的区别就是不用水洗。来自Superdrug的专家 Simon Comins 说:“这款脱水免洗香波的诞生彻底改变了整个头发护理市场,此外,它对于年轻消费者来说诱惑力是特别大的,不用水洗头对于忙碌而又想偷懒的青年人来说无疑是一个巨大的福音。而香波的魅力仅限于年轻人,因为当商家准备将香波投放到老年人市场时,引来的却是一番批评的声音,老年人觉得免洗香波纵容了年轻人的懒劲,连头都懒得洗,简直是不可理喻!”据悉,著名美发沙龙Toni & Guy创造了自己旗下的免洗香波,他们今年的销售业绩已经增长了47%,成绩喜人!


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