





“兔”名人运气预测: 朱莉财运旺戴普绯闻多

发布者: smile* | 发布时间: 2011-2-1 01:32| 查看数: 1114| 评论数: 0|

0023ae98988b0eaf3f1e03.jpg US actors Angelina Jolie (R) and Johnny Depp pose for pictures during a photocall promoting their movie "The Tourist" in Madrid, December 16, 2010.

Money and success are in store for Year of the Rabbit celebrities Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, but Depp is more likely to find scandal than happiness in romance, according to a Taiwanese fortune teller.Fellow entertainer rabbits Zac Efron from "High School Musical," along with "Desperate Housewives" star Eva Longoria and Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie, will all make more money this year, Chan Wei-chung, a celebrity fortune teller, told Reuters Television.He predicted also no trouble getting pregnant for actresses Kate Winslet and Drew Barrymore if they want to.Chinese around the world are preparing for the Lunar New Year, which starts on Feb 3 and is the most important holiday in the Chinese calendar.According to the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco's website, people born in the Year of the Rabbit are articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. Rabbit people are also admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky.For Jolie, one of the world's top box office stars, financial luck will be hers this year."She is very stable in her relationship and won't be too influenced by it, she will be very relaxed," Chan added, though partner Brad Pitt, also a Rabbit, is not so fortunate."He is the one who will feel pressure and discomfort, is likely to feel hurt and want to escape," he said.As for the unmarried Depp, It is unlikely to be a very happy year: "His love life will be easily plagued by scandal and rumor."Barrymore, meanwhile, should watch out for jealous people trying to deceive her.And what lies ahead for another celebrity rabbit, soccer star David Beckham, who recently announced that he and ex-Spice Girl wife Victoria are expecting their fourth child? Nothing much at all, Chen said. 台湾的一位算命先生说,属兔名人安吉丽娜•朱莉和强尼•戴普兔年的财运和事业运都很旺。但是戴普今年更可能被绯闻缠身,影响爱情的甜蜜。算命大师陈伟忠(音译)告诉路透电视台说:“《歌舞青春》中的扎克•埃夫隆、《绝望的主妇》中的伊娃•朗格利亚和黑眼豆豆主唱菲姬等属兔艺人在本命年会赚得更多。”他还预测说,只要愿意,女演员凯特•温丝莱特和德鲁•巴里摩尔今年想要个宝宝并不难。世界各地的中国人现在都在准备过年。中国农历新年从2月3号开始,是中国农历中最重要的节日。旧金山中华文化中心的网站上介绍,兔年出生的人口齿伶俐、聪明能干而且积极上进。他们往往正直、稳重,并且品位不俗。另外,属兔的人能够赢得他人的赞赏和信任,通常财运不错。全世界最卖座的女影星之一朱莉在兔年的财运就很旺。陈接着说:“朱莉今年的感情会很稳定,不会给她带来什么困扰,她会过得很自在。”但是陈说她的男友布拉德•皮特的运气就不会这么好了。皮特也属兔。陈说:“皮特会因压力过大而感到不适,他很可能会有受伤的感觉,并想逃离一切。”对于单身的戴普来说,今年不会是很快乐的一年。“他的感情生活将饱受流言蜚语的困扰。”巴里摩尔则需要提防嫉妒她的人欺骗她。另一位属兔的名人——足球明星大卫•贝克汉姆前不久宣布将和妻子——前辣妹组合成员维多利亚迎来他们的第四个孩子。对于他来说,兔年的运势又如何呢?陈说,不会有什么大事发生。


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