





my second hometown--Wuhan

发布者: leec1120 | 发布时间: 2009-2-5 08:58| 查看数: 2818| 评论数: 5|

本帖最后由 leec1120 于 2009-2-5 09:41 编辑

Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province, where I spent my precious four years, takes up a significant status in my mind. It is one of the biggest cities in China, consisted of three towns: Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang. The city really turned me off at the first time as soon as I walked out of the Wuchang railway station and I really wanted to turn around and buy a ticket, then go home at once. Hot and humid, a large number of wires over my head, hundreds of autos blocked in the street; all in all, everything in the city was in a mess in my eyes.

When I met all my classmates for the first time, I couldn't make sure if I could get along with them well and I dare not to think we would be such good friends some day. Whereas the fate had designed our life already and it was doomed that we must be friends. We skipped classes playing basketball; went shopping, went to park, had dinner, anyway, we did everything together, then I saw the splendid landscape of Yangtze River for the first time of my life, I saw the first bridge crossing over the river in China, I saw the places of interested—Huanghe Lou; I got used to the life style and culture of the city little by little and felt like eating all the local

snacks. I even loved the hot summer and cold winter there and began to learn to speak local accent.

How time flies! Graduate time came. All of a sudden, something hit my mind, I realized how much I love this city which I criticized almost every day, how kind I would feel when hearing Wuhan accent and how cute the local people are! It was time to leave; I return my stuff that I got here to the city one by one. When I cancelled my last credit card, I know I don’t belong to the city any more. When I was boarding my train, I was in tears.

Now, I miss the city sometimes. I don't know how come different scenes of the city flow upon my eyes from time to time. I told my friend I really want to go back to the city to have a look, walking on the streets which I was walking on, looking around the places where I was familiar with. I really miss her! He asked me if I miss the city really or I miss my past of my friends. I don't know! I am not sure what on earth I am thinking of. To think about what he said, he might be right.

Wuhan is still Wuhan without me.

Local people still live their normal life without me.

What if I really come back without my friends? Will my life remain the same as my past? Will I be as happy as past? Who knows!

Anyhow, no matter what under heaven I am thinking of, I know that the city gave me too much, I spent my precious four years there. My happiest time in my life was left in Wuhan, which must be the happiest memories kept deep in my heart, and the city, Wuhan, must be my second hometown!


参与人数 2鲜花 +30 收起 理由
小猫女子 + 20 我很赞同
CalmSky + 10 good work.



CalmSky 发表于 2009-2-5 09:22:21
faint, u r so diligent in writing. You catch a cold, should have a good rest.
leec1120 发表于 2009-2-5 09:39:45
hehe, i have to practice, practice, practice and learn learn learn~~
shunitang 发表于 2009-2-5 10:16:05
good writing!you are like a bee,so industrious,lee!

anyway,take care of yourself at first!

in my eyes,when you possess them,you dont realize how it mean to you,one day,you lose or leave,you know it has been one part of your life.

when in college,I hate living on campus and the city,but now I am affectionated with it and wanna return to experience the new face of Hengyang...
小猫女子 发表于 2009-2-12 12:47:56
i ithink it is long journey from here
leec1120 发表于 2009-2-12 13:00:55
i ithink it is long journey from here

小猫女子 发表于 2009-2-12 12:47

you are in changzhou, right?

it won't be a long journey till 18th next month. it will only take you 3 hours by train to wuahn from nanjing~~
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