





贝嫂怀孕爆猛料 称小贝雄性激素太强

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-2-18 18:09| 查看数: 1037| 评论数: 0|

  Victoria Beckham made sure to set the record straight about her pregnancy, by appearing as a special guest on Jimmy Fallon’s U.S talk show. The fashion designer insisted to the comedian that she and husband David have no clue as to whether they’re having a boy or a girl, but admitted that testosterone is rife in their house.

  大名鼎鼎的“万人迷”贝克汉姆的老婆、3个男孩的母亲以及如今的纽约时装周的设计师---维多利亚又再一次高调地走进我们的视线,除了首次以设计师的身份踏足时尚领域,这位已经是生小孩“破纪录”的母亲,再一次高调怀孕并上了Jimmy Fallon的美国访谈节目,大方回应人们对她怀孕的质疑,并大方澄清了她的第四胎肯定是女孩的传闻,对于生女压力,维多利亚是这样说的:“我和大卫实在不知道这回会是男孩还是女孩,但是我们家的男性荷尔蒙是稍多了些,我们也在平衡下。”

  The 36-year-old told the comedian: ‘The bizarre thing is that the tabloids think they know the sex of the baby before we do.‘We have no idea, so it is kind of scary, how do they know?’The couple is still trying to decide whether to find out before the birth or wait to make it a surprise. She added: ‘We don’t know, we might find out though, we are excited. It will either be a boy to add to the three boys we have and we will have half of a five-aside football team if you add in David.


  ‘We have so much testosterone in our house it is crazy.’Victoria has long spoken of her desire for a girl, after having three sons Brookyln, 11, Romeo, eight, and Cruz, five, but told a forthcoming issue of Vogue that she’s not sure what her chances are of having a girl.‘Maybe one day another baby, but at this stage I think the chances of having a girl are quite slim’, she said before announcing in January that she and David would be expecting their fourth child this summer.



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