





希尔顿庆30岁生日 富二代男友送跑车

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-2-18 18:12| 查看数: 1055| 评论数: 0|

  本周四,社交名媛帕里斯·希尔顿迎来了自己30岁的生日,这位每日见诸娱乐版的大小姐和小开男友Cy Waits在洛杉矶举行了盛大的生日派对,而女寿星更是一身红色低胸短裙洋装,头带大红花,脚踩火红高跟鞋,可谓从头到脚红翻天的造型登场,风情万种又热情似火。据悉,当晚有约300为宾客参加了生日派对,当地的警方也不得不加强了附近的经历巡逻。

  与帕里斯分分合合的拉斯维加斯夜店小开Cy Waits更是于日前向女友献上了生日贺礼,一辆雷克萨斯LFA系列跑车,价值至少在375000美元以上,该车的最高时速可达200200 mph。不过不知道“粉红控”出名的帕里斯大小姐对于亮黄色的车身外观将作何反应。

  Paris Hilton doesn't turn 30 until Thursday, but she got a big surprise before her birthday party Tuesday night when boyfriend Cy Waits presented her with a hot new car. TMZ published photos of Paris checking out her new gift Wednesday, a 2011 Lexus LFA sports coupe that retails for $375,000.

  While Paris is famous for her love of pink, hopefully she won't mind the car's bright-yellow paint job. The LFA is capable of hitting speeds faster than 200 mph and has a super-light body thanks to all that carbon fiber. But most importantly, it's pretty. Paris Hilton isn't going to go driving around anything that isn't pretty!

  In the pictures it looks like Paris is wearing a microphone battery pack on the back of her dress, so we can likely expect to see this play out on her new reality show, which premieres on the Oxygen network this spring.


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