






发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2009-2-5 13:25| 查看数: 1117| 评论数: 1|

Iranian satellite launch alarms west

The US and its western allies expressed serious concern yesterday about Iran's growing mastery of ballistic missile technology after Tehran launched its first low-level satellite into space.

In a move that will raise worries in Israel and the west about Iran's nuclear ambitions, Tehran hailed the launch – designed to co- incide with the 30th anniversary of the Iranian revolution – as a big step forward.

Western defence experts said the launch could mark a new step in Iran acquiring reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering capability.

However, the US, Britain and France said their main concern was that Iran was acquiring technology that would allow it to project a long-range nuclear weapon, even if it insists it has no plans to do so.

A US state department official voiced “great concern” over the launch, saying Iran's work to put satellites into space could “possibly lead to the development of ballistic missiles”.

Bill Rammell, a UK foreign office minister said: “We think this sends the wrong signal to the international community, which has already passed five United Nations Security Council resolutions on Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.”

The development came as world powers were preparing to hold substantive discussions today on how they will move forward to stop Iran's uranium enrichment plans – a programme that the US, Britain and France believe is aimed at developing a nuclear weapon.

Iran's satellite launch is the first display of its rocket technology since Barack Obama became US president last month. His administration is reviewing its Iran policy and hoping to open a dialogue intended to convince Tehran to halt its nuclear programme.

Iran said the purpose of its satellite launch was purely peaceful. But at a time when it could be preparing for talks with the US, the launch might be intended to show that international pressure will not paralyse Iran.

Mark Fitzpatrick, an expert on Iranian military technology at the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies, said Tehran had scored a notable breakthrough last November with the launch of the Sajjil missile.


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leec1120 + 10 hard working~



shunitang 发表于 2009-2-5 13:25:40





英国外交部部长级官员比尔·拉梅尔(Bill Rammell)说:“我们认为此举向国际社会发出了错误的信号,国际社会已就伊朗的核计划和弹道导弹计划,通过了五项联合国安理会决议。”


伊朗发射卫星,也是该国自巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)上月就任美国总统以来首次展示火箭技术。奥巴马政府正在仔细研究其对伊政策,希望开启对话,以说服伊朗政府停止其核计划。


伦敦国际战略研究所(International Institute for Strategic Studies)伊朗军事技术专家马克·菲茨帕切克(Mark Fitzpatrick)表示,此前伊朗在去年11月成功发射“赛吉尔”(Sajjil)导弹,已经标志着该国实现了值得注意的突破。
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