






发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2009-2-9 14:09| 查看数: 1385| 评论数: 1|



President Barack Obama faces protectionist pressures. These are not just from the labour lobbies that have led Joe Biden, US vice-president, to chide “pure free traders” and to ask for “fair trade”; and which, astonishingly, have also led the US president to use his first meeting with President Felipe Calderón of Mexico – overwhelmed by the brutal fight against drug cartels caused by the US failure to legalise drugs – to urge on him tougher labour standards, a protectionist demand that is clearly aimed at raising Mexican costs of production. The pressures come also from the lobbies pushing for a Detroit bail-out that is inconsistent with the World Trade Organisation.

Through all this, the “no-drama” Mr Obama has kept a low, indeed invisible, profile. With his innate ability to moderate highs and lows, he has been America's first “lithium president”. Fortunately, on Tuesday he stepped up to the plate on the Buy American provisions in the stimulus package, leaving little doubt as to where his sentiments, and his policy preferences, lie.

Yet, protectionism is a dangerous virus that requires a passionate response. Indeed, Mr Obama faces his two most serious protectionist challenges from the Buy American provisions that have infiltrated his stimulus package and from the China-bashing on “currency manipulation” that surfaced in the confirmation hearings of Tim Geithner, Treasury secretary .

The Buy American provisions, which would require that companies use US steel and manufacturing products in projects funded by the bill, seem reasonable. If the US has a stimulus package, why should the benefit of it extend to other countries? An influential columnist has suggested this is not what we economists call “beggar my neighbour” policy: the US is not diverting a given amount of aggregate world demand to itself at other countries' expense. Rather, it is a case of not rewarding your neighbours when you stimulate spending and are adding to world demand: neighbours should reflate their own economies. Such protectionism by the US will therefore stimulate other nations into creating their own stimulus packages.

This is a naive argument, because other nations will not see the US action in this light. Instead, they will respond in kind, as they did after we enacted the Smoot-Hawley tariff in 1930 and as many are already threatening to do. So, if the Buy American legislation does get enacted, count on trade wars breaking out, so that Americans learn history, which they do not study enough at school, by seeing it repeated in their own lifetime.

Yet some do worry about thus undermining the WTO, which has inherited from the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade the many roadblocks to re-enacting that history of mutually harmful outbreaks of trade barriers. They have argued, therefore, that the US can enact WTO-consistent procurement rules by excluding from US procurement China and India, among other developing countries, which have not signed the optional procurement code. But remember that these nations can also retaliate in WTO-consistent ways. They often have “bound tariffs” – ceilings, which are significantly above the “applied”, that is, actual, tariffs; and it is possible to raise the applied tariffs towards the bound levels without any restraint at all.

Nothing would prevent India and China from choosing to raise tariffs thus on items of export interest to the US. Besides, they could shift their own purchases of aircraft away from Boeing to Airbus, and of nuclear reactors from American to French companies. The response would, of course, be for the enraged US congressmen to start enacting their own retaliation. The game would become lively.

The accusation that China “manipulates” its exchange rate, which also promotes protectionism towards it, is another important cause for worry. Most senators are convinced the issue is clear-cut. It is not. The Washington magazine, The International Economy, once asked more than 60 economists: at what level should the Chinese currency be set? The answers, including those from some of our deepest thinkers on exchange rates, were revealing. Some wanted a float. Ron Mckinnon and Richard Cooper wanted to keep the currency at existing levels. And those who wanted revaluation fell into 11 groups ranging from 5 per cent revaluation to 40 per cent and above.

President Bill Clinton marred the first year of his presidency by indulging the Japan-bashers whom he had cultivated in his campaign. President George W. Bush succumbed also to steel protectionism in his first year. They had time to change, however. But Mr Obama, in the midst of a historic economic crisis, can ill afford to repeat this pattern: he has to fight protectionism right away or live to see the virus spread beyond control.

The writer is university professor, economics and law, at Columbia University and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, New York. His latest book is Termites in the Trading System: How Preferential Agreements Undermine Free Trade (Oxford, 2008)


shunitang 发表于 2009-2-9 14:09:59
巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统面临着贸易保护主义压力。这些压力不仅来自劳工游说团体,导致美国副总统乔•拜登(Joe Biden)指责“纯粹自由贸易者”并要求“公平贸易”;也促使美国总统利用与墨西哥总统费利佩•卡尔德龙(Felipe Calderón)首次会谈的机会,敦促他实施更严格的劳工标准,这个贸易保护主义要求显然旨在提高墨西哥的生产成本,卡尔德龙则深陷严厉打击毒品集团的战争中,因为美国无法使毒品合法化。奥巴马这么做令人吃惊不小。压力还来自于力主救助美国汽车业的游说团体,但这种做法与世贸组织(WTO)规则相悖。

经历了所有这些后,“镇定”的奥巴马仍然保持了低调、喜怒不形于色的形象。凭着与生俱来的左右逢源的能力,他成为美国第一位“锂总统”(lithium president)。幸运的是,周二,他着手实施经济刺激方案中的“购买美国货”(Buy American)条款,使人们不再怀疑他的情感和政治立场取向。

然而,贸易保护主义是需要做出热情反应的危险病毒。事实上,奥巴马面临两项极为严重的贸易保护主义挑战,这两项挑战来自已经渗透进经济刺激方案的“购买美国货”条款,还来自财务部长蒂姆•盖特纳(Tim Geithner)在国会实证听证会上提出的对中国“操纵汇率”的抨击。


这是个天真的论点,因为别的国家不会从这样的角度看待美国的行为。相反,它们的反应将类似于1930年我们实施了《司莫特-郝利关税法》(Smoot-Hawley Tariff)后的情况,而且已有很多国家威胁将会采取类似行动。因此,如果《购买美国货》法案真的生效,贸易战的爆发也就指日可待了,由此,那些在学校里没有学到足够历史知识的美国人,将看到历史在自己身上重演,并从中吸取历史的教训。



对中国操纵汇率的指责同样会引发有针对性的贸易保护主义行为,这个另一个值得担忧的重要原因。大多数参议员深信这一问题十分清楚。事实并非如此。华盛顿杂志《国际经济》(The International Economy)曾就此询问60多位经济学家:中国的汇率应该设定在何种水平?答案很有启发意义,其中包括我们一些对汇率有深入研究的学者。有些人希望汇率浮动。罗恩•麦金农(Ron McKinnon)和理查德•库柏(Richard Cooper)希望保持汇率在现有水平。而希望重新估值的人则可分为11类,范围从5%到40%或更高。

比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)总统在总统任期的第一年,因纵容在竞选期间扶植的抨击日本的人士而受挫。乔治•W•布什(George W. Bush)总统也在任期第一年屈从于钢铁贸易保护主义。但他们有时间改变,而奥巴马深陷历史性的经济危机中,很难承担重蹈覆辙的后果:他必须要么即刻对贸易保护主义宣战,要么坐视病毒蔓延直到失控。

作者是哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)经济与法律教授,纽约外交关系委员会(Council on Foreign Relations)高级研究员。他的近作有《贸易体系中的白蚁:最惠国协定是如何削弱自由贸易的》(Termites in the Trading System: How Preferential Agreements Undermine Free Trade)(牛津,2008)
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