





在校买法拉利 大学生演绎创业传奇

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-2-24 14:43| 查看数: 966| 评论数: 0|

大学刚毕业开上法拉利?这简直让人瞠目结舌(gobsmacked)!你没有看错,万事皆有可能!中央财经大学商学院的两个男生证明了这一点! 3867704_111006_1.jpg


  It may just be another expensive car shuttling about the streets of Beijing, but it`s become the talk of the town at the Beijing-based Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE).


  That`s because the owners of the spanking new Ferrari are He Zhiguan and Shi Chaodong, both recent CUFE business school graduates. Once the Ferrari appeared, however, rumors started proliferating – did they win the money in the lottery? Earn a huge inheritance from a rich aunt? Steal it?


  Small start


  Both hailing from middle-class families – He from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Shi from Guangdong Province – their business acumen, eventually culminating in their splashy new purchase, has become the stuff of legend in this ultra-competitive business university.


  Dating back to the winter of 2006, when both He and Shi were freshmen, their earliest efforts saw them recruit 100 students to join a business team selling rechargeable LED reading lamps to other students at CUFE and more than 20 other universities throughout Beijing, including Tsinghua and Peking University – all of which cut power at night to conserve resources, thus giving rise to an urgent and untapped niche that needed filling.


  They soon started seeing the sales to justify their toil. That winter, they sold about 20,000 lamps, earning a net profit of over 80,000 yuan ($12,000). Counting the additional profit from selling other products, including hair dryers and stationery, they earned a profit of more than 300,000 yuan ($45,000) that first semester alone.


  Driven to succeed


  Though thrilled by their early victories, no one could imagine what might come next.


  Over one particularly grueling Spring Festival commuting experience, He and Shi went in together on a second-hand car to avoid having to take the train during the holiday crush.


  Putting up 90,000 yuan ($13,000) to buy a 10-year-old Toyota, He took a chance and put it back on the market, eventually scoring 120,000 yuan ($18,000) as the resale price.


  The two then realized the economic potential in selling second-hand cars, establishing contacts in the used car markets in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Shenzhen.


  Their original team was divided on whether to move in such a daring direction, citing their collective lack of experience in a world as tricky and mercurial as the auto market.


  "In the end, most of them stuck with the original business," He said. "Only a few were bold enough to follow us into the deep end."


  In May 2007, they made a profit of nearly 100,000 yuan from selling a second-hand Volkswagen Touareg, and later that year they opened a store in Beijing to sell higher-end cars.


  With their business expanding at a rapid clip, in the summer of 2008 they bought the Ferrari as a reward for their hard work.


  Continued efforts


  The Ferrari has made them stars on campus and has served as an example of their hard work and business savvy.


  Both He and Shi say that they won`t rest on their laurels. According to Shi, if he`s learned nothing else in his business classes, it`s that he must remain motivated and strive for greater successes.



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