






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-2-24 21:40| 查看数: 1180| 评论数: 0|

  《三个臭皮匠》的两人导演彼得和鲍比·法拉利兄弟刚在本周宣布了老牌女星雪儿即将加盟电影,演出女修道院院长的这个角色,今天他俩又对外透露,正在与多位男星接触,为三中的三个“臭皮匠”遴选适合的演员。   最新的消息是,唱而优则演的男明星贾斯汀·丁伯莱克也进入了导演的考虑范围之后,贾斯汀最有可能出演的是Larry这个角色,此外,《蠢蛋搞怪秀3D》的约翰尼·诺克斯维尔 有可能演出Moe,而参与了《我们所知道的生活》的男演员威尔·萨索则有有望负责Curly这个人物。   而本片原定的卡司则是西恩·潘、金·凯瑞、本尼西奥·德尔·托罗这样的金子组合,《三个臭皮匠》自2008起便几度拖延至今,电影计划将于下月正式启动,相信最后的演员人选则会很快的浮出水面。   A number of new contenders have emerged for the lead roles in The Three Stooges. Justin Timberlake could play Larry while Johnny Knoxville is being considered for Moe. Will Sasso is in the mix to play Curly.   Directors Peter Farrelly and Bobby Farrelly recently revealed that all three actors are contenders along with Woody Harrelson and Larry David to play Larry and Hank Azaria for Moe. Several unknown actors are also being sought out for the Curly role.   Johnny Knoxville had previously been mentioned as a contender, along with Andy Samberg. Cher was also mentioned in that report, said to play a nun named Mother Superior.   Despite all these names being bandied about, Peter Farrelly and Bobby Farrelly revealed they still haven't made a final decision on who will play Larry, Curly, and Moe yet, although we should know in the next few weeks. Here's what Bobby Farrelly had to say about the casting of The Three Stooges.   "We haven't cast it yet, we haven't picked anyone. It's a little tricky, right? Because they all have to be about the same age and even around the same height. We're waiting for that first person that we're going to say, 'This is going to be our Moe, Larry or Curly' and we'll build around that. But it's going to happen soon. It will be within three weeks."   We reported last week that the directors hope to start shooting by this spring. Bobby Farrelly also revealed recently that they plan to shoot The Three Stooges in Georgia.

  "We need good weather, so we have to head south. And unfortunately for Massachusetts, Georgia has a better tax incentive and that's huge. We save millions by going down there and you just can't talk the studio out of it."


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