





丹尼尔再上百老汇 挑战高雅歌舞剧

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-2-24 22:08| 查看数: 1168| 评论数: 0|

  年轻的英国男演员丹尼尔·雷德克里夫再告别了《哈利·波特》系列电影之后的演艺之路可谓愈加广阔,一方面接演了不少题材各异的电影作品,同时他还载歌载舞,摇身一变成为了百老汇歌舞剧明星。目前,这位男演员正在为一出名为《财星高照/How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying》的歌舞剧紧张排练,这出剧目是早在1961时便已经登上了百老汇的舞台。这也是丹尼尔自2008年的《马语者》之后再度回归舞台剧,这位21岁的男星告诉媒体:“《马语者》为我拓宽了演艺道路,让我更有自信,而《财星高照》里的角色狡黠机智,我觉得十分的有趣。”与丹尼尔搭档的女主角时百老汇冉冉升起的新星罗丝·海明威,她刚刚结束了《妈妈咪呀》的全美巡演,对于罗丝,雷德克里夫更是赞不绝口。《财星高照》将于3月27日正式在百老汇举行开幕首演。


  Jon Hamm, move over. The latest looker to leap back into the 1960s: Daniel Radcliffe, who is assuming the musical role of quintessential company man J. Pierrepont Finch in the new Broadway revival of the 1961 classic How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.   As shown in these exclusive-to-PEOPLE rehearsal shots, Radcliife is already off and running ahead of the chorus. As Finch, he starts in the mailroom of Manhattan's World Wide Wicket and works his way up the corporate ladder.   En route, he meets the adoring secretary Rosemary Pilkington – played by Philadelphia-born Rose Hemingway, in her Broadway debut after touring nationally in Mamma Mia. She's also appeared in Donmar Warehouse's U.S. production of Parade at Los Angeles's Mark Taper Forum.   Rose Hemingway   Ari Mintz   In the production, which marks Radcliffe's return to the Great White Way for the first time since starring in a 2008 revival of Equus – Anderson Cooper narrates Finch's meteoric rise ... and fall.   "Anderson Cooper just always stood out for me," the Harry Potter star, 21, says on the How to Succeed Web site about the CNN anchor. "He always had this kind of really cool ... playful glint behind his eye, I think, which I always found quite funny."   Also in the cast: John Larroquette, as J.B. Biggley, the boss of the World Wide Wicket Company, who admires Finch's fortitude. Previews begin Feb. 26 at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre, with the opening night set for March 27.

  Coincidentally, Radcliffe's role made a star of Robert Morse when he originated J. Pierrepont Finch in the original How to … 50 years ago (and in the 1967 movie) – and, today, Morse, 79, memorably stars on Mad Men, as the advertising company's founder, Bertram Cooper.


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