





治疗昏睡病的新方法 New Treatment for Sleeping Sickness

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-2-26 13:25| 查看数: 1442| 评论数: 0|

The World Health Organization is using a new combination of drugs to treat human African trypanosomiasis disease, also known as sleeping sickness. The drugs nifurtimox an eflornithine will be given out

in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Officials from the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative say the new treatment has fewer side effects. It is also more effective and less costly than the drugs traditionally used.

In addition, the new treatment reduces the number of injections needed. And it shortens the amount of time patients must spend in the hospital. Sleeping sickness threatens millions of people in thirty-six countries in Africa. Most live in poor rural areas. The disease is caused by the trypanosoma parasite. It is spread to humans through the bite of infected tsetse flies.

Common signs of sleeping sickness include fever, headaches, extreme tiredness and pain in the muscles and joints. Early identification of the disease may be difficult because many infected people do not show any immediate symptoms. Over time, the parasites invade the central nervous system. The disease causes sleep disorders, mental confusion, personality changes, speech problems, seizures and coma. If left untreated, sleeping sickness kills. The World Health Organization estimates that about sixty thousand people are currently infected with the disease. It develops in two different forms. Trypanosoma gambiense is responsible for ninety percent of the reported cases of sleeping sickness. People infected with this form may develop the disease over many years without any major symptoms. The disease develops more quickly over a few weeks or months in people infected with trypanosoma rhodesiense.

Until now the drug melarsoprol was used to treat patients in the advanced stage of sleeping sickness. But the drug requires many painful injections several times a day for several weeks. It also causes bad side effects, some of which can be deadly. In Uganda, a new study has confirmed earlier research linking the spread of sleeping sickness to infected farm animals. The writers of the study have called for stronger rules requiring cattle to be treated before being sold at market. The study was published in the Public Library of Science.

And that's the VOA Special English Development Report, written by June Simms. I'm Steve Ember.


世界卫生组织现在使用一种新型的药物组合来治疗人类非洲睡眠病,也叫做昏睡病。这种硝呋莫司依洛尼塞药物将在乌干达和刚果民主共和国进行分发。被忽略疾病药物研发组织(Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative)官员表示,这种新的治疗方法副作用较少,而且相对于传统药物来说,效果更好,成本更低。此外,这种新的治疗方法减少了所需的注射次数,缩短了病人在医院花费的时间。昏睡病威胁着非洲36个国家的数百万人口,其中大部分居住在贫穷的农村地区。这种疾病由锥体虫属寄生虫导致,通过感染了疾病的采采蝇叮咬传播。





例句:He had forgotten the combination of the safe.



例句:The general's decision to invade was a costly mistake.


3.shorten v.弄短,缩短,减少

例句:She shortened the skirt by an inch.



例句:Tiredness and despair were etched into his face.


5.identificationn.鉴定, 验明, 认出,辨认

例句:The identification of rabies virus has saved many lives.



例句:The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles.




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