





研究:女人天生有责任感 男人得培养

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-2-28 14:05| 查看数: 962| 评论数: 1|

  Research has found that women are naturally nice – but men have to work at it.The finding, which might prove unpopular with half the population, comes from an Edinburgh University study into whether being kind and considerate is in our genes.   有国外的研究称,女孩子生性善良体贴,而男孩子则要为此花一番功夫,这样的结果恐怕难以获得半边天们的——另一半的沟通。这项由英国爱丁堡大学所进行的研究试图探寻天性是否由基因所决定。



  Almost 1,000 pairs of identical and non-identical twins were questioned on topics including how happy they were to do more than their fair share at work and whether they would be willing to pay more tax to ensure better healthcare for all.   研究者们对近1000对同卵和异卵双胞胎进行了问卷,问题包括了是否愿意多做分内之外的工作,以及是否愿意缴付更多的税收而获得更好的医疗保障。   Researchers looked at the effects of both the genes and the environment in the volunteers who had their scales of civic, work and welfare obligation measured on a scale of zero to ten.   研究者将基因与环境对于受访者承担公民义务、享受福利等方面表现的影响划分成了10等分。   Psychologist Gary Lewis, of Edinburgh University, said: 'The results indicated it's not just the environment that influences such feelings of social obligation; genes affect who helps society as well, especially in women.   心理学家加里·刘易斯表示:“研究显示,除了环境的因素之外,基因同样会对于人们在尽责或助人方面产生影响,这种现象在女性身上尤为明显,看来女人天生具有责任心。”   Mr Lewis said the data confirmed the significant role of genetic influences on prosocial obligations, supporting both common and specific mechanisms, and suggesting a distinct pattern of effects between the sexes.   刘易斯称该数据表明,在尽义务方面,包括共有或特定的,基因对于人们的表现都有着重要的影响,同时对于不同性别的影响也存在差异。   He said: 'For the common prosocial obligations mechanism, additive genetic factors accounted for 48 per cent of the variance for females.   他说:“对于共有的社会义务,基因对与女性的影响所占比重达到48%。”   The presence of empathy and helping behaviour even in infancy is suggestive of an innate capacity to behave in a prosocial manner.Calling for more research into the gender differences he said: 'In summary, the present data that indicate a common factor underlies pro-social obligations across three important social domains.'The results also highlight important avenues for additional study in line with the contrasting observation of moderate-to-large additive genetic factors underlying this general pro-social obligations factor in females, with modest-to-moderate familial factors influencing general pro-social obligations in males.'



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