





[作文改错] Out of the Darkness

发布者: shirley0086574 | 发布时间: 2009-2-27 23:32| 查看数: 2439| 评论数: 6|


Nearlya week passed before the boy was able to explain what had happened to him. In a very hot afternoon, he went into a large funk hole and was caught in an accident of power cut. Towards evening all lights in the hole turned off suddenly and the ventilators stopped working at the same time. There were many turnoffs in the hole and the boy could not find the way out without light. Then he fumbled to the exit after spending the whole night in the funk hole. The funk hole was not very large but he lost his way. Early next morning he saw a light ahead. He knew he was near the exit because the light was a sunlight outside. On arriving at the exit he reeled to the people who were doing morning exercises on the square near the funk hole. That was all he remembered. When he woke up a day later he found himself in hospital.

Someone wondered why the boy was in hospital, for he seemed to have not been hurt.

It was a very hot afternoon, and it was getting hot and frowsty in the funk hole after the ventilators stopped working, so the boy had a bad heatstroke. The boy went into the hole without food and water, because he had not intended to stay there for a long time. He felt very tired and was very hungry and thirsty after fumbling whole night in the hole. But the most important reason was that he had been scared too much by staying in the dark hole alone for such a long time, so he had no sooner been out of the darkness than he fainted.



参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
Nicoffee + 20 Good work



Nicoffee 发表于 2009-2-28 17:53:24
Good work.
shirley0086574 发表于 2009-2-28 21:54:16
2# Nicoffee

thank you for your encouragement.
ilovesunny 发表于 2009-2-28 22:04:09
In a very hot afternoon 这里你得用介词 on,如果单纯指在下午就用in the afternoon,如果有特殊一个下午 用on

LZ在写英文的时候 在语序上要有所调整 给我感觉你还是中文式的思维在写英语文章 
ilovesunny 发表于 2009-2-28 22:07:22
on the whole,you did a good job...
shirley0086574 发表于 2009-3-1 21:29:51
4# ilovesunny

thank you, ilovesunny.

shirley0086574 发表于 2009-3-1 22:45:07

Nearlya week passed before the boy was able to explain what had happened to him. On a very hot afternoon, he went into a large funk hole and was caught in an accident of power cut. Towards evening all lights in the hole turned off suddenly and the ventilators stopped working at the same time. There were many turnoffs in the hole and the boy could not find the way out without light. Then he fumbled to the exit after spending the whole night in the funk hole. The funk hole was not very large but he lost his way. Early next morning he saw a light ahead. He knew he was near the exit because the light was a sunlight outside. On arriving at the exit he reeled to the people who were doing morning exercises on the square near the funk hole. That was all he remembered. When he woke up a day later he found himself in hospital.

Someone wondered why the boy was in hospital, for he seemed to have not been hurt.

It was a very hot afternoon, and it was getting hot and frowsty in the funk hole after the ventilators stopped working, so the boy had a bad heatstroke. The boy went into the hole without food and water, because he had not intended to stay there for a long time. He felt very tired and was very hungry and thirsty after fumbling whole night in the hole. But the most important reason was that he had been scared too much by staying in the dark hole alone for such a long time, so he had no sooner been out of the darkness than he fainted.
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