





英语俗语学习:To lose your rag 生气、发脾气

发布者: Nicoffee | 发布时间: 2009-2-28 10:47| 查看数: 1825| 评论数: 0|

窈窕淑女,君子好逑。你很不愿相信淑女会发脾气吧?谦谦君子,温润如玉。你也很不愿意相信a relaxed and cool kind of person会发脾气吧吧。但是,如果你说你自己 never lose your rag,我可一定不相信。

To lose your rag,丢了一块布?字面意思很好理解,just lose a bit of cloth, a rag? 事实上,to lose your rag 这个短语不只是字面意思那么简单,它其实是说发脾气,生气。To lose your rag means to lose your temper, to become infuriated, to become angry!

举个例子吧。夫妻哪有不生气吵架的,下面的这对小夫妻就lose their rag了。

A: Oh I've just about had enough of living in London, I can't bear it!

B: Ok, don't lose your rag!

A: Do you mind? I'm not losing my rag, you are!

B: I'm not losing my rag, I'm just well angry.

A: There, I told you!

对话中的小夫妻其实都已经 lose their rag 了。妻子说她厌倦了伦敦的生活,在和丈夫谈论的过程中,两个人的说话方式都激怒了对方,以致于最后都 lose their rag


A: Do you see that? Phil's groping my girlfriend!

B: Ok mate, don't lose your rag...

A: Too late, I punched him in the face.

生活中,脾气再好的君子淑女也难免发脾气。偶尔发泄一下,lose your rag from time to time,能舒缓你的情绪。不过,记得选对发泄的对象哦。


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