






发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2009-2-28 19:04| 查看数: 1210| 评论数: 2|

Iceland Moves To Oust Central Bank Chief


Iceland's parliament moved to oust central-bank chief David Oddsson, who had for weeks resisted appeals by the prime minister and public to resign.

Mr. Oddsson, Iceland's prime minister from 1991 to 2004 and central-bank chief since 2005, is widely blamed for a banking-system collapse that wreaked havoc on the island's economy.

In January, the crisis claimed Iceland's entire government. By law, the central-bank chief can't be fired, and Mr. Oddsson publicly declined Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir's entreaties to step down. So she crafted a bill that reorganizes the central bank -- and requires that its governor have a master's degree in economics. Mr. Oddsson, a lawyer, doesn't have that credential.

The bill, which Parliament passed Thursday, goes to President Olafur Grimsson for his signature and is expected to take effect Friday.

It isn't clear who will succeed Mr. Oddsson. Ms. Sigurdardottir has said she would like to cast an international net in searching for candidates. A spokesman for the prime minister said Thursday that an interim central banker will be in place while the government considers candidates.

Iceland grew rich on banking, thanks in part to economic reforms championed by Mr. Oddsson while he was prime minister.

The credit crunch last year brought a reversal of fortune. Foreign investors fled, pounding the country's currency, the krona. The banks -- which had expanded rapidly by lending overseas -- were left with debts in euro and sterling they couldn't pay. The government didn't have enough foreign currency to bail out the banks. Over a few days in October, all three of the country's big banks collapsed and were seized by the government.

Today, Iceland is facing a rise in unemployment and inflation and a correspondingly bleak contraction in economic output. It has accepted a $2.1 billion loan package from the International Monetary Fund.

Critics said the central bank failed in its role as lender of last resort and maintained foreign-exchange reserves too small for the country's bloated banking system. They blame Mr. Oddsson for hastening the banks' collapse with ill-conceived rescue plans.

The central bank's press officer said Mr. Oddsson wouldn't comment.

Charles Forelle


shunitang 发表于 2009-2-28 19:06:37

岛议会周四决定解除冰岛央行行长奥德松(David Oddsson)的职务,数周来奥德松一直顶住来自总理和公众的压力拒绝辞职。




今年1月份,冰岛政府因经济危机而被迫集体辞职。根据法律,政府不能解除央行行长的职务,奥德松也公开拒绝冰岛总理西古尔扎多蒂(Johanna Sigurdardottir)要他辞职的请求。因此西古尔扎多蒂起草了一项议案重组冰岛央行,要求央行行长必须拥有经济学硕士学位。而身为律师的奥德松不符合这项要求。

冰岛议会周四通过了这项法案,目前已经呈交该国总统格林姆松(Olafur Grimsson)签署,预计将于周五生效。







Charles Forelle
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