





自考英语:英语语法全攻略之被动语态 [16]

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2011-3-1 20:42| 查看数: 1511| 评论数: 0|



语态也是动词的一种形式,表示主语与谓语之间的关系。英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者,如:People grew rice in this area some years ago.被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者,如:A new swimming pool will be built on our school.



1.一般现在时 am/is/are+V(p.p)

人们利用电能运转机器。People use electricity to run machines. Electricity is used to run machines.

Is electricity used to run machines? Yes, it is . / No, it isn’t.

2.一般过去时 was/were + V(p.p)

昨天我们在山坡上种了许多树。We planted many trees on the hill yesterday.

Many trees were planted on the hill yesterday.

Were many trees planted on the hill yesterday? Yes, they were. / No, they were not.

3.一般将来时 will/shall +be+V(p.p)

下星期我们将举行一场运动会。We will hold a sports meeting next week.

A sports meeting will be held next week.

Will a sports meeting be held next week? Yes, it will. / No, it won’t.

4.过去将来时 should/would +be+V(p.p)

他告诉我们人们将在他家乡建一个大水坝。He told us that people would build a big reservoir in his hometown.

We were told that a big reservoir would be built in his hometown.

Were you told that a big reservoir would be built in his hometown? Yes, we were./No, we weren’t.

5.现在进行时 am/is/are +being+V(p.p)

他正在油漆房子。He is painting the house. A house is being painted.

Is the house being painted? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t .

6.过去进行时 was/were +being+V(p.p)

当我进厨房时,她正在做蛋糕。She was making a cake when I came into the kitchen.

A cake was being made when I came into the kitchen.

Was a cake being made when I came into the kitchen? Yes, it was./ No, it wasn’t.

7.现在完成时 have/has +been+V(p.p)

他已经结束工作了。He has finished his work. His work has been finished.

Has his work been finished? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.

8.过去完成时 had +been+V(p.p)


They had translated the book into English by the end of last month.

The book had been translated into English by the end of last month.

Had the book been translated into English by the end of last month? Yes, it had./ No, it hadn’t.

9.将来完成时will have +been+V(p.p)

The students will have learned 2,000 words by the end of next year.

2,000 words will have been learned by the end of next year.

Will 2,000 words have been learned by the end of next year? Yes, they will./No, they won’t.

10. 过去将来完成时would have +been+V(p.p)

He told me that Mr. Brown would have taught them for two years by the next summer.

I was told that they would have been taught by Mr. Brown for two years by the next summer.


You must operate the machine with care. The machine must be operated with care.

Must the machine be operated with care? Yes, it must. / No, it mustn’t.

2.含有“be going to”, “be to”等结构的谓语,变成被动语态时,分别用“be going to +be +V(p.p)”和“be to


We are going to discuss the problem at the meeting.

The problem is going to be discussed at the meeting.

Is the problem going to be discussed at the meeting? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.


The boy got hurt when he was riding to school.


他已被检查过了。He had been being examined.

通常用He has been examined.来代替。

当我们到那儿时他将正被检查。He will be being examined when we get there.通常用He will be examined when we get there.









(1)S+V+O 主语+动词+宾语

People grow rice in the south. Rice is grown in the south.


They said that he would come back soon. It was said that he would come back soon.类似的还有:

It is reported / believed /hoped /supposed that ……

(2)S+V+O+C 主语+动词+宾语+宾补

We elected Li Ming monitor of our class. Li Ming was elected monitor of our class.


奴隶们被奴隶主强迫整日整夜工作。Slave-owners made slaves work all day and all night.

Slaves were made to work all day and all night by slave-owners.

(3)S+V+Oi+Od 主语+动词+间宾+直宾

昨天他给了我一件漂亮的生日卡。He gave me a beautiful birthday card yesterday. I was given a beautiful birthday card yesterday.

A beautiful birthday card was given to me yesterday.

注:用直接宾语作被动语态的主语时,通常要在间接宾语前加上适当的介词。如:to, for, of等,以加强间接宾语的语气。



约翰打开了收音机。John turned on the radio. The radio was turned on.

奶奶照看我姐姐。Grandma takes care of my sister. My sister is taken care of by Grandma.



请把窗户关上。Please close the window. Let the window be closed.




这本书已被翻译成许多种语言。This book has been translated into many languages.


我们家乡将建一条新铁路。A new railway will be built in our hometown.


他出现在舞台上受到了观众的热烈欢迎。He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience.




1.被动语态中的过去分词是动词,多强调动作;系表结构中的过去分词相当于形容词,多强调状态。前者通常可用by+人或by+抽象名词表动作的执行者,而后者则一般用by+物或不用。如:The tree was uprooted by the wind.(被动结构)那棵树被风连根拔起。

The tree was uprooted when we saw it.(系表结构)当我们看到那棵树时,它已经被连根拔起了。


The composition has been written.这篇作文已写完了。(系表结构)

The composition is being written.这篇作文正在写。(被动语态)


He was very agitated.他很激动。(系表结构)

He was much agitated by the news. 他听到消息后很激动。(被动结构)

4.be+不及物动词的过去分词通常是系表结构,如:be gone, be learned, be ashamed这些动词通常是表示状态,智力活动或心态的动词。

be+延续性动词的过去分词通常是被动语态,如:be loved, be encouraged, be praised 等。




The food tastes delicious.这种食物尝起来很可口。

The idea sounds good.这个主意听起来不错。

2.有少数及物动词转化而来的不及物动词,常见的有:cut, lock, open, read, sell, shut, wash,wear, write等。此时句子的主语一般是物,而且这些动词常和表示行为的状语,如:well, easily或与否定词连用构成否定句。如:

The apples sell well.这些苹果很好卖。

The door won’t shut.这门关不上。


The clothes wash well.这些衣服很好洗。

The clothes aren’t well washed.这些衣服没好好洗。

3. 某些动词以物作主语时,其进行时也可表被动意义。

The dinner is cooking. 正在烧饭。

The book is printing.书正在印刷中。


a. be worth doing sth

The film is well worth seeing.这部电影很值得一看。

b. have/ get sb/sth done have作使役动词没有被动语态,但可用这种结构表被动或使役。

I had my watch stolen.我的手表被偷了。

c. sth need/want/require doing=sth need /want/require to be done

The room needs cleaning.=The room needs to be cleaned.这间房屋需要打扫。

d. to be under/in +抽象名词

The railway is under construction.这条铁路正在被修建。


(1)There be……

There are a lot of things to do.有许多工作要做。

(2)不定式修饰want, have等动词的宾语,且句子主语是不定式动作的执行者。

I have a lot of things to do.我有许多事情要做。


The question is easy to answer.这个问题很容易回答。

(4)当不定式修饰buy, get, give等动词的直接宾语,而间接宾语是不定式的逻辑主语时

I bought him a story-book to read.我给他买了本故事书看看。

(5)在 “This(that) is +名词”的句型中,修饰表语的不定式用主动形式表被动。

This is a hard question to answer.这是个很难回答的问题。


1.有些动词虽是及物动词,但由于表示的是状态或关系,通常不用于被动语态,常见的这类动词有leave, enter, reach, resemble, suit, lack, benefit等。

这男孩像他爸爸。The boy resembles his father.

2.不可拆开的短语动词如:take place, lose heart, belong to, consist of, change colour等短语动词。

台湾属于中国。Taiwan Island belongs to China.


b.虚词it,如foot it, cab it等。

c.身体的某一部分如shake one’s head等。


I. Multiple choice

1. No permission has ___ for anybody to enter the building.(MET 88)

A. been given B. given C. to give D. be giving

2. I ___ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.(MET 89)

A. gave B. was given C. was giving D. had given

3. The police found that the house ___ and a lot of things ___.(MET90)

A. has broken into; has been stolen B. had broken into; had been stolen

C. has been broken into; stolen D. had been broken into; stolen

4. ---Have you moved into the new house?

--- Not yet, the rooms ___.(MET 91)

A. are being painted B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painted

5. As we joined the big crowd I got ___ from my friends.(NMET 2001)

A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed

6. Cleaning women in big cities usually get ___ by the hour.(NMET 98)

A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay

7. Great changes ___ in the city, and a lot of factories ___.

A. have been taken place, have been set up

B. have taken place, have been set up

C. have taken place, have set up

D. were taken place, were set up

8. The suit’s finished, ___ it?

A. doesn’t B. isn’t C. hasn’t D. has

9. The surface of the table ___ smooth enough.

A. hasn’t felt B. doesn’t feel C. isn’t feeling D. isn’t felt

10. Such plants never ___ in this part of the world.

A. have grown B. are growing C. grow D. are grown

11. These kinds of shoes ___ well.

A. were not sold B. won’t be sold C. are not sold D. don’t sell

12. Text books ___ to come in time.

A. require B. required C. are required D. are requiring

13. When the speaker entered the hall, all the listeners ___.

A. had seated B. were seated C. seated D. were seating

14. Don’t get that ink on your shirt, for it ___.

A. won’t wash out B. won’t be washing C. isn’t washing out D. doesn’t wash out

15. Tom ___ to work in the office though he didn’t like serving there.

A. wanted B. was wanted C. was wanting D. had wanted

16. He said he wouldn’t mind ___ at home.

A. leaving alone B. being left alone C. to be left lonely D. to leave alone

17. Tom was said to ___ Mary for 40 years.

A. have been married to B. have married with

C. has bee n married D. had married with

18. The TV play ___ last night.

A. was tired out me B. tired out me C. was tired me out D. tired me out

19. I remember ___ for the job, but I forget the exact amount.

A. to be paid B. being paid C. to pay D. paying

20. In front of the hall color flags were ___.

A. hunged B. hanged C. hang D. hanging 答案:

1—5 ABDAA 6—10 CBBBC 11—15 DCBAB 16—20 BADBD

二 翻译下列句子









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