





苹果推出新款台式电脑 价格适度降低

发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2009-3-6 11:02| 查看数: 1432| 评论数: 1|

Apple Trims Prices As It Updates Macs


Apple Inc. updated its line of Macintosh desktop computers with more capabilities but kept price cuts modest despite the drastic decline in consumer spending.

The Cupertino, Calif., company lowered the price on its 24-inch iMac by about 17% to $1,499 from $1,799, but it kept the price of its entry-level 20-inch model unchanged at $1,199.

Apple added more features to all of its models such as faster processors, more memory and the latest graphics technology, as it stuck largely to its strategy of providing more value for the same price.

Some analysts said they were disappointed that there were no major changes in design and that the price cuts weren't bigger.

'They're drawing a hard line that they're not going to change their pricing strategy just because the economy is bad,' said Gene Munster, an analyst at Piper Jaffray. He added that the pricing 'seems pretty consistent with what they've done historically.'

The new Macs come amid what is expected to be a tough year for computer sales. Desktop-computer shipments in particular are expected to fall by nearly one-third globally in 2009 as consumers increasingly shift to laptop computers, according to projections released by research firm Gartner Inc. on Monday.

Analysts worry that sales of Apple's computers, which usually cost hundreds of dollars more than those of competitors, will be hurt because their premium price tag isn't resonating with recession-weary consumers who care more about lower prices than extra features.

Apple's desktop-PC business, which represents about 17% of revenue, has been suffering because the company hasn't significantly refreshed its lineup in more than a year. Apple's desktop shipments fell 25% in the December quarter while laptop shipments rose 34%.

So far, however, Apple has continued to gain share in the U.S. PC market, and it reported flat Macintosh revenue in the December quarter, even as other PC makers reported steep declines.

Apple Tuesday also introduced a new $599 version of its Mac mini, a stripped-down desktop that is sold without a screen or keyboard, and a new high-end Mac Pro desktop. The new Mac Pro starts at $2,499, or $300 less than the prior model.

The product announcements were made in a press release, rather than the special events the company typically hosts with Chief Executive Steve Jobs, who is on a medical leave.

Yukari Iwatani Kane / Kevin Kingsbury


shunitang 发表于 2009-3-6 11:02:21

果公司(Apple Inc.)推出了具有更多功能的新款台式电脑。不过,尽管眼下消费支出锐减,苹果公司却只是进行了适度的降价。


Bloomberg News




Piper Jaffray分析师基恩•蒙斯特(Gene Munster)说,他们坚持自己的强硬立场,不会因为经济不景气就改变定价战略。他还说,这样的定价看起来和他们历来的做法非常一致。

新款苹果电脑推出之际正值电脑销售预计会遭遇困难的一年。台式电脑发货量下滑将尤其严重。据研究公司Gartner Inc.周一公布的预测报告,随着消费者不断转向笔记本电脑,预计2009年全球台式电脑发货量将下降近三分之一。




苹果公司周二还推出了售价599美元的新款Mac mini电脑──一款没有配置显示器或键盘的低端台式电脑,以及新款高端Mac Pro台式电脑。新款Mac Pro电脑起价2,499美元,较老款低300美元。

苹果公司是在一个新闻发布会上宣布推出这些产品的,而不是在通常由首席执行长乔布斯(Steve Jobs)主持的特别活动上。目前乔布斯在休病假。

Yukari Iwatani Kane / Kevin Kingsbury
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