






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-3-2 18:54| 查看数: 951| 评论数: 1|

  A German animal welfare charity has launched an ad campaign for pet de-sexingthat features scandal-hit Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi next to the slogan "Too much sex can be a bad thing ... for dogs and cats too."

  德国一家动物慈善机构近日发布了一则动物绝育广告,而广告代言人竟是丑闻缠身的意大利总理西尔维奥 贝卢斯科尼。广告标语赫然写道:“太多性行为可能是件坏事……猫狗也一样!”

  The aging lothariobecame the latest in a line of famous faces to feature in a poster campaign by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' (PETA) German affiliate.



  Previous libidolovers who starred in the ads included porn actresses Jenna Jameson, Ron Jeremy and Sasha Grey and womanisng golf pro Tiger Woods.

  曾登上广告的“性欲爱好者”包括色情女星珍娜 詹姆森、罗恩 杰里米、萨莎 格蕾,以及风流成性的高尔夫明星老虎伍兹。

  "Il Cavaliere [The Knight, a nickname for Berlusconi] can do a great serviceby encouraging everyone to have their dogs and cats desexed ... The hundreds of thousands of homeless strays in Italy don't make headlines as Berlusconi does, but they need people to pay attention to the crisis their casual sex is causing," PETA spokeswoman Mimi Bekhechi said.


  Despite the fact that Berlusconi did not endorse the ad, PETA said that "the image and the idea were too good to pass up when it comes to helping find homes for animals who will otherwise be left out in the cold."


  The prime minister was scheduled to stand trial in April on charges of abusing his power and paying for sex with a 17-year-old girl, in a scandal that dominated his premiership in recent months.


  It was alleged that the 74 year old paid for sex with nightclub dancer Karima El Mahroug, known as "Ruby the Heart-Stealer," and then improperly used his position by asking Milan police to release the Moroccan dancer after she was picked up for suspected theft, saying she was the granddaughter of Egypt's then-president Hosni Mubarak.

  据称,74岁的老贝花钱买春,与艺名“偷心舞女”的夜总会脱衣舞娘卡莉玛 埃尔 马罗格发生性关系。在这名摩洛哥舞女因盗窃嫌疑被捕后,老贝还越权要求米兰警方释放这名摩洛哥舞女,称其是埃及前总统胡斯尼 穆巴拉克的孙女。

  Berlusconi maintains that he has not broken the law.



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