






发布者: 冰袆 | 发布时间: 2009-3-10 12:29| 查看数: 1734| 评论数: 4|

女人应该为男人放弃事业吗? Should woman give up her carrer for her lover? 自古传统的观念认为女人的最终归属是家庭,所以女人一生奉献给家庭是天经地义又理所当然的事。殊不知时代进步、观念也跟着与时俱进,女人因应能力、兴趣与发展,分为家庭型、事业型、享乐型。当代女性虽然还是特别看重爱情,但爱情却不再是生活的全部。没有几个女人会心甘情愿的做全职太太在家相夫教子,传统观念遭遇尴尬的境地,女人是否还应该为了男人而放弃自己的事业? From a traditional viewpoint,woman will come home eventually.So it is reasonal for woman to devote herself to family.But as the development of era and advance with times,according to abilities,interests,development,woman is divided into three types:family style,carrer style,pleasure style.Although modern woman puts more importance on love,love is no longer her entire life.Few women are willing to become a fulltime wife. Troditional concept is in a embarrassing position now.Should woman give up her carrer for her lover? 女人应该为男人放弃事业吗? Should woman give up her career for her lover? 关于这个话题,我觉得的确是很值得辩论。我认为任何事情都有两面性,首先说一下他的合理性。 About this topic, In my opion is worthy of debate.Ithink there are two sides to anything,First let me talk the rationality. 如果我们结婚了,而且生了小孩,有些时候我们是不得不放弃工作,做一个全职的太太和妈妈。即使我们自己不想放弃工作,大多数公司也是不会给你一个机会的,呵呵,当然做全职的妻子和妈妈也是幸福的,因为孩子在我们生命中也是最重要的。 if you married and gave birth a baby,sometime we have to give up the career and beccome a full time wife and mom,Even if we do not want to give up job ourselves,Companies will not give us such an opportunity.Of course to do a full-time wife and mother is very happy things。Since the children in our lives is the most important。 但是现在社会变了,男女是平等的,也许在照顾孩子的特殊时期可以放弃,但是不代表永远的放弃,不放弃也许更是为了对方,为了家庭。现在的生活压力很大,所以需要双方的努力,毕竟不是每位男士都是富翁。 Time has changed and women are equal to men. may be at special times for take care of the children we can give up.But does not mean that a waiver for forever.Do not give up maybe even more for her husband, for the family.Now the pressure of life is very large.Therefore required the efforts of both sides。After all, not every men are rich. 总之,我认为女士不应该为了男人放弃事业。而是共同努力建造一个美好的家庭。 Anyway,I think woman shouldn't give up Career for love.But to work together for build a magnificent home. ping:Should woman give up her carrer for her lover? 首先我想对楼上的兄弟赞一个,今天早上我守在电脑前眼睛一眨不眨,居然没有坐到沙发,楼上的兄弟给广大网友树立了一个很好的榜样,这种精神值得大家学习,如果拿出这种精神——一切皆有可能。 Firstly,i wanna praise the friend of my upstair.Toady i watch for my computer without doze,actually i donot get the sofa,TiffanyCao set a good example for netizen all over the world.i deem we can simulate TiffanyCao,if we have the spirit of him--anythin is possible. 为了爱人放弃自己的事业,这听起来很美好,但现在实生活中做到的人似乎并不多。二年前,我刚从学校毕业的时候就看到了很多男男女女分手了,因为在不同的城市工作。现实中,也有很多恋人因为地域的原因而选择放弃爱情。 it sounds very niceness to give up one's carrer for her lover,but few women are willing to do it.Two years ago,i have seen too many gays and girls say goodbay to each other when i graudated form university.because find job in diffrent city they cannot but leave each other.In the society,many lovers also abandon love because live in diffrent cities. 看到楼下有不少女权主义者,呵呵,不过我基本与她们的观点相同,我也不赞成为了爱情放弃事业,我认为真正的爱情,是平等互助。共同努力创建一个美好的家庭,而不是为了一方而牺牲另一方。在婚姻中,如果经济地位发生很大的偏差,是很容易造成爱情天平失去平衡,这样对于一位女性来说,是不值得的。楼主说很少有女人愿意做全职太太,在家相夫教子,恰恰相反,我遇到不少女孩,都是想结婚后就不工作了。让自己的老公的养着,对于这种想法。我觉得很悲哀,妻子毕竟不是保姆。 I find many feminist on downstair hehe,basically i am agree with them.i donnot agree whit give up one's carrer for her lover,the love in my mind was equility and help each other .a couple work hard and consititute a harmonious family.but ont to satisfy her lover but injure herself。if the income of a couple have a great disparity.they will not equal to each other. i think it's unworthy to a female. The administrator say:"Few women are willing to become a fulltime wife." but i fall across many girls, they donot want to work no more after marriaged and rely on their husband completely.i was very sorriness for this opinion,after all ,a wife is not differ form a nurse. 最后补充一下,如果为了家庭,付出一些是东西应该的,甚至超出事业的东西。女人如此,男人更应该如此. finnally,i think a people pay out something for family is in the nature of things.not only women but also man.


Dorcas 发表于 2009-4-8 18:24:24
冰袆 发表于 2009-4-18 16:09:50
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-18 16:44:29
bluebell 发表于 2009-4-18 17:41:53
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