






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2009-3-12 15:27| 查看数: 1898| 评论数: 2|

Slowdown Will Weigh on China's Big 4 Banks

China's four big banks are expected to report profit increases for 2008, outshining their Western peers despite falling interest margins and increased provisioning in the fourth quarter.

But difficulties posed by the worsening economic environment will weigh on the banks' results in the first quarter and the rest of this year, analysts say, though increased lending activity could limit the downside.

'Net interest margin and asset quality are the key drivers for banks,' said She Minhua, a Shanghai-based analyst at China Securities Co. 'Though we haven't seen a distinct deterioration in the quality of banks' assets, their net interest margins have been narrowing after they peaked in the second quarter.'

Beijing, in its push to jump-start China's economy, has encouraged banks to boost lending. In January, banks made 1.6 trillion yuan ($233.9 billion) in new loans, and data due this week are expected to show another strong rise in lending in February.

Net interest margins of Chinese banks will likely fall by as much as half a percentage point this year, after the central bank cut rates in order to support the economy, analysts say.

Another factor hanging over Chinese banks is the potential for an increase in bad loans if the economy deteriorates. China's banking regulator has indirectly acknowledged that risk. It ordered banks to set aside provisions equivalent to at least 130% of loans that are likely to turn sour.

Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., the largest Chinese lender by assets, is expected later this month to report a 35% rise in net profit for 2008, according to the average forecast of five analysts surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires.

ICBC is less vulnerable to an interest-margin squeeze because of its relatively lower loan-to-deposit ratio, but concerns that the bank's strategic investors could sell some or all of their stakes are putting pressure on its stock. Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Allianz SE and American Express Co. own a combined 7.2% stake in ICBC. Lockup periods for the shares will expire in April and October, allowing the companies to sell.

Analysts surveyed expect full-year net profit at China Construction Bank Corp., the second-largest Chinese bank, to rise 45%. The bank, which has focused on providing long-term funding for infrastructure, will benefit from China's four-trillion-yuan stimulus package.

In addition, Bank of America Corp. could continue to sell its stake in the Chinese lender to boost its own capital. In January, the U.S. bank raised $2.8 billion by trimming its stake to 16.6% from 19.1%.

Bank of China Ltd. is expected to post a 25% increase in 2008 net profit, but a worse-than-expected deterioration in the global mortgage markets will hurt the bank. Its exposure to subprime investments is the largest among Asia's financial institutions.

The smallest of the four, Bank of Communications Co., is expected to report a 41% rise in full-year net profit.


chrislau2001 发表于 2009-3-12 15:28:06







接受道琼斯通讯社(Dow Jones Newswires)调查的五位经济学家平均预计,中国资产规模最大的银行中国工商银行本月晚些时候会公布2008年净利润增长35%。

由于贷存比率相对较低,工商银行不太容易遭受息差缩小带来的冲击,但有关该行战略投资者可能会部分或悉数出售持股的担忧情绪给工商银行股价施加了压力。高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group)、安联保险(Allianz SE)和美国运通公司(American Express)总计持有工商银行7.2%的股份。上述股份将于今年4月和10月解除锁定,届时可以出售。


此外,美国银行(Bank of America)可能会继续出售所持建设银行股份,以补充自身资本。今年1月份,美国银行减持建设银行股份筹得28亿美元,持股比例也从19.1%下降到16.6%。

预计中国银行(Bank of China)去年净利润或将增长25%,但全球抵押贷款市场状况恶化程度坏于预期可能会对该行造成打击。中国银行在次级抵押贷款投资方面的风险敞口是亚洲金融机构中最大的。

Dorcas 发表于 2009-4-8 11:56:20
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