





The Da Vinci Code 达芬奇密码(连载二)

发布者: 冰袆 | 发布时间: 2009-3-15 19:40| 查看数: 1656| 评论数: 1|

Prologue Louvre Museum, Paris 10:46 P.M. Renowned curator Jacques Saunière staggered through the vaulted archway of the museum's Grand Gallery. He lunged for the nearest painting he could see, a Caravaggio. Grabbing the gilded frame, the seventy-six-year-old man heaved the masterpiece toward himself until it tore from the wall and Saunière collapsed backward in a heap beneath the canvas. As he had anticipated, a thundering iron gate fell nearby, barricading the entrance to the suite. The parquet floor shook. Far off, an alarm began to ring. The curator lay a moment, gasping for breath, taking stock. I am still alive. He crawled out from under the canvas and scanned the cavernous space for someplace to hide. A voice spoke, chillingly close. "Do not move." On his hands and knees, the curator froze, turning his head slowly. Only fifteen feet away, outside the sealed gate, the mountainous silhouette of his attacker stared through the iron bars. He was broad and tall, with ghost-pale skin and thinning white hair. His irises were pink with dark red pupils. The albino drew a pistol from his coat and aimed the barrel through the bars, directly at the curator. "You should not have run." His accent was not easy to place. "Now tell me where it is." "I told you already," the curator stammered, kneeling defenseless on the floor of the gallery. "I have no idea what you are talking about!" "You are lying." The man stared at him, perfectly immobile except for the glint in his ghostly eyes. "You and your brethren possess something that is not yours." The curator felt a surge of adrenaline. How could he possibly know this? "Tonight the rightful guardians will be restored. Tell me where it is hidden, and you will live." The man leveled his gun at the curator's head. "Is it a secret you will die for?" Saunière could not breathe. The man tilted his head, peering down the barrel of his gun. Saunière held up his hands in defense. "Wait," he said slowly. "I will tell you what you need to know." The curator spoke his next words carefully. The lie he told was one he had rehearsed many times... each time praying he would never have to use it. When the curator had finished speaking, his assailant smiled smugly. "Yes. This is exactly what the others told me." Saunière recoiled. The others? "I found them, too," the huge man taunted. "All three of them. They confirmed what you have just said." It cannot be! The curator's true identity, along with the identities of his three sénéchaux, was almost as sacred as the ancient secret they protected. Saunière now realized his sénéchaux, following strict procedure, had told the same lie before their own deaths. It was part of the protocol. The attacker aimed his gun again. "When you are gone, I will be the only one who knows the truth." The truth. In an instant, the curator grasped the true horror of the situation. If I die, the truth will be lost forever. Instinctively, he tried to scramble for cover. The gun roared, and the curator felt a searing heat as the bullet lodged in his stomach. He fell forward... struggling against the pain. Slowly, Saunière rolled over and stared back through the bars at his attacker. The man was now taking dead aim at Saunière's head. Saunière closed his eyes, his thoughts a swirling tempest of fear and regret. The click of an empty chamber echoed through the corridor. The curator's eyes flew open. The man glanced down at his weapon, looking almost amused. He reached for a second clip, but then seemed to reconsider, smirking calmly at Saunière's gut. "My work here is done." The curator looked down and saw the bullet hole in his white linen shirt. It was framed by a small circle of blood a few inches below his breastbone. My stomach. Almost cruelly, the bullet had missed his heart. As a veteran of la Guerre d'Algérie, the curator had witnessed this horribly drawn-out death before. For fifteen minutes, he would survive as his stomach acids seeped into his chest cavity, slowly poisoning him from within. "Pain is good, monsieur," the man said. Then he was gone. Alone now, Jacques Saunière turned his gaze again to the iron gate. He was trapped, and the doors could not be reopened for at least twenty minutes. By the time anyone got to him, he would be dead. Even so, the fear that now gripped him was a fear far greater than that of his own death. I must pass on the secret. Staggering to his feet, he pictured his three murdered brethren. He thought of the generations who had come before them... of the mission with which they had all been entrusted. An unbroken chain of knowledge. Suddenly, now, despite all the precautions... despite all the fail-safes... Jacques Saunière was the only remaining link, the sole guardian of one of the most powerful secrets ever kept. Shivering, he pulled himself to his feet. I must find some way.... He was trapped inside the Grand Gallery, and there existed only one person on earth to whom he could pass the torch. Saunière gazed up at the walls of his opulent prison. A collection of the world's most famous paintings seemed to smile down on him like old friends. Wincing in pain, he summoned all of his faculties and strength. The desperate task before him, he knew, would require every remaining second of his life.


冰袆 发表于 2009-3-15 19:40:31



  卢浮宫拱形艺术大画廊内,德高望重的博物馆馆长雅克·索尼埃跌跌撞撞地扑向他所见到的离他最近的一幅画 —一 一幅卡拉瓦乔的画作。这位七十五岁的老人猛地抓住镀金的画框,用力把它拉向自己。画框终于从墙上扯了下来,索尼埃向后摔作一团,被盖在帆布油画的下面。














  其他人? 馆长心猛地一缩。




  馆长立即意识到了真正可怕的情形:如果我死了,真情将永远无人知晓。他本能地想抓些东西盖住自己。   枪响了,馆长感到钻心地灼热,因为子弹停在他的肚腹之中。他扑倒在地,痛苦地挣扎着,接着缓缓地翻过身,透过栅栏盯着攻击者。






  馆长向下望去,他看到自己白色亚麻衬衫上的枪眼。枪眼在胸骨下方几英寸的地方,四周都是血。我的腹部!够残酷的,子弹没打中他的心脏。作为一名阿尔及利亚战争的老兵,馆长以前目睹过这种可怕的被延缓的死亡。他还能活十五分钟,因为胃酸正渗入他的胸腔,他将从内部中毒而死。   “疼痛对人有好处,先生。”那人道。



  我必须把这个秘密传下去。   他摇摇晃晃地站起来,被谋害的三位兄弟的形象浮现在他脑海里。他想到了他们的先辈们,想到了他们被委托的重任。






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