





奥斯卡主持打貌美牌 新老影星有代沟

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-3-3 22:08| 查看数: 1143| 评论数: 0|

  Oscar organizers tried something unprecedented in the awards' 83-year history on Sunday -- entrustinga young, attractive pair of Hollywood stars to host the film industry's highest honors.


  And the two newly minted masters of ceremony, James Franco and Anne Hathaway, wasted no time acknowledging their youth, and the notion that their presence might help lure a generation of television viewers who have increasingly tuned outthe Oscars in recent years.

  两位主持新秀詹姆斯 弗兰科和安妮 海瑟薇也不失时机地打青春牌,以呼应“他们的出场可能会提高奥斯卡的收视率”的理念。近年来,越来越多的电视观众不再收看奥斯卡颁奖典礼。


  "Anne," I must say, you look so beautiful and so hip," Franco, 32, himself a nominee as best actor, deadpannedas the two walked on stage to open the show.


  Early in the show, presenter Justin Timberlake, an actor-singer popular with the young-adult crowd, appeared to use a smart-phone computer app to illuminate a "Shrek" backdrop to introduce awards for animated films.

  在典礼开始后不久,颁奖者贾斯汀 汀布莱克在介绍动画电影的奖项时,用智能手机上的应用程序让屏幕上的“怪物史莱克”背景图亮了起来。汀布莱克是一位很受年轻人欢迎的演员兼歌手。

  Two films wildly popular with young moviegoers this past year, "Twilight" sequel "Eclipse" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1," figured prominently in a pre-taped comic lip-syncingsequence.

  去年受年轻影迷们热捧的两部影片《暮光之城 月蚀》和《哈利波特与死亡圣器:上》出现在一组事前录好的喜感十足的电影片段串烧中,两位主持人给视频配上了新台词。

  But the show hardly turned its back on Hollywood of yesteryear. Kirk Douglas, 94, his speech badly slurredfrom a stroke 15 years ago, shuffled on stage with a cane to present the first acting award, the Oscar for best supporting actress, which went to Melissa Leo for "The Fighter."

  但是整个颁奖典礼跟去年的相比并没有本质的不同。94岁的柯克 道格拉斯拄着手杖,在台上颤颤巍巍地颁发典礼上的第一个表演奖——奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。15年前的中风留下的后遗症使得他的发言含混不清。该奖花落出演《斗士》的梅丽莎 里奥。

  Douglas, himself, alluded to the Oscar generation gap in complimenting Hathaway on her looks.


  "She's gorgeous," he said as the young actress blew him kisses. "Where were you when I was making pictures?"


  A short time later, the night's Oscar winner for best original screenplay, David Seidler, 73, for "The King's Speech," proclaimed in his acceptance speech that he was the oldest person ever to claim that award.

  过了没一会儿,因《国王的演讲》荣获奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖的73岁的大卫 塞德勒在他的获奖感言中说,他是有史以来该奖获得者中年龄最大的。

  The program frequently conjured upimages and music from Oscar-winning film blockbusters ofyore, from "Gone with the Wind" to "Star Wars" and "Titanic."


  The tension between young and old was orchestratedby producers, who have said they sought to reconnect movie fans with Hollywood history while giving the show a contemporary feel that would attract viewers in the key 18- to- 49-year-old ratings demographic prized by advertisers.



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