






发布者: dongluonan | 发布时间: 2009-4-7 14:37| 查看数: 1257| 评论数: 1|




⑴A:Hello!609872! B: Hello! Is that Bill?

A: No, this is Sam. B: Is Bill in, Sam?

A: Sorry, he's not at home.

⑵A: May/Could I speak to Jim, please?

B: I'm afraid he is out at the moment. Can I take a message for you?


A: Hello! Could I speak to the headmaster, please?

B: Certainly. Hold on for a moment, please... One moment, please.

B:...,There's a telephone call for you. You're wanted on the phone


A: Is that LiLei? B: Yes, it is. Speaking.


A: Could I borrow your radio tomorrow, please?

B: Sorry! It's not a very good line. Could you speak more clearly/slowly/loudly, please?


A: Is that 8013507? B: No, this is 8013508.

A: Oh, sorry. Wrong number, good-bye.



⑴A: What's the weather like today in Beijing? =How's the weather todayin Beijing?

B: It's fine(hot, cloudy, rainy, windy, sunny, wet, dry).

Not very good at the moment, I'm afraid.


⑴The air today is nice and clean.

⑵How cold it is today! What a beautiful day!

⑶Look at the rain. It's heavy, isn't it?

⑷It's going to get colder, I'm afraid.

⑸What bad weather! I don't like the snow/rain.


A: Can I help you? What can I do for you?

B: Yes, please. I'd like(want)… I'm looking for... Do you have...

A: How many/much do you want?

B: Three pairs (Half a kilo).

A: What size do you want?

B: Size eight.

A: What colour do you want?

B: Red, I prefer red. Have you got any other kind?

A: I'm afraid we haven't got it at the moment. What about this one?

This one looks nice. Why not take this one?

B: It's great, but it's not cheap enough. I like it, but it costs too much.

How much is it? =How much does it cost?

A: Thirty-five yuan.

B: Can I try it on, please?

A: Certainly.

B: That's fine. I'll get/take/buy it.

A: OK. Here you are.

四、 问路


1.Excuse me. Is there a … near here?

2.Excuse me. Where's the (nearest) …?

3.How can I get to...?

4.Can you tell me the way to ...?

5.Which is the way to...?


1.Yes, there is. (No, there isn't. sorry, I don't know).

2.It's next to (outside, in front of)...

3.Go down(along)this street.

4.It's … kilometres along ...on the right.

5.It's about … metres away/from here.

6.Turn right/left at the first crossing (turning).

=Take the first turning on the right/left.

7.Go up this road to the end. It's on the corner of the street.

How can I get there?Which number do I need, please?


A: What would you like to have?

B: I'd like some...

A: Would you like something to eat/drink...? What about...?

B: Yes, please. No, thanks.

A: Would you like some more...?

B: Yes, please. Thank you. No, thanks. I'm full. (I've had enough) Just a little, please.

A: Which do you like better, A or B?

B:I like A better.或Either is OK. Neither, thanks.

A: Which do you like best A,B or C?

B:I like C best.

A: Please help yourself to some...

B: Thank you.


1.Doctor: What's your trouble? What's wrong with you?

What's the matter with you? How long have you been like this?

Let me take your temperature.

Try this medicine. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.

It's nothing serious. You'll be all right/well soon.

2.Patient :

There's something wrong with...

I've got a cough.(cold/headache...)

I'm not feeling well.(I feel terrible)

My leg hurts. I've got a pain here.


Mr Green: Hello! Could I speak to the headmaster, please?

Teacher: (1) ___ (2)___for a moment, please. Mr Black, there's a (3)___ for you.

Mr Black: Hello!

Mr Green: (4) ____ (5) _____ Mr Black?

Mr Black: Yes, speaking.

Mr Green: Good morning, Mr Black. This is Jim Green. I'm sorry. I'm (6)_____I won't be able to come to the parents’ meeting this Friday. I have to be very (7)_that day.

Mr Black: It(8)___(9)____. But you'd better come to our school some (10) ___ time.


A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the w_____(1) to Art Museum, please?

B: Yes. Walk straight a_____(2) this road, and take the first t____(3) on the left.

Then walk on u_____ (4) you come to a river.

A:A river?


A: What’s w_____ with you? You don’t look well, Mary.

B:I have a bad cold.

A:S______ to hear that. Have you seen the doctor?

B: Yes, I have. He told me to take some m_____ and stay at home for a few days.

A: But w_____ are you here at school? The doctor is right. You n___ some rest.

B: I’m a_____ I’ll miss too many of my l_____.

A: Don’t w_____ . Take care of yourself. I can help you when you are w_____ again.

B: That’s very k_____ of you.


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