





Auguries of innocence 纯真预言

发布者: dongluonan | 发布时间: 2009-4-9 17:28| 查看数: 1720| 评论数: 0|

Auguries of innocence 纯真预言

--byWilliam Blake(威廉布莱克)To see the world in a grain of sand从一粒细沙中窥探世界

And a heaven in a wild flower在一朵野花里寻觅天堂

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand掌中握无限

Andenternityin an hour 霎那成永恒

A truth that's told with bad intent 当真理被恶意利用时

Beats all the lies you can invent比一切臆造的谎言狰狞

It is right it should be so ; 现实本来就这样

Man was made for joy and woe; 人生来就要面对快乐和悲惨

And when this we rightly known 只要能明了这一点

Through the world we safely go 我们就不会再受伤害

Joy and woe are wovenfine将快乐和忧伤编织

A clothing for the soul divine 披在我神圣的心上

The poor man's farthing is worth more 穷人手里的一个铜板

Than all the gold on Afric's shore抵得上非洲海岸的所有黄金

One mite wrung from labour's hands从劳动者手里砸取的一丁点钱

Shall buy and sell the miser's lands能买的下守财奴的所有土地

Or, if protected from on high 如果得到上帝的庇护

Does that whole nation sell and buy甚至可以买卖国土的全部

He who mocks the infant's faith 谁曾嘲笑纯真的信念

Shall be mocksed in age and death他将被岁月和死亡讥讽

He whoshallteach the child to doubt 谁要动摇纯真的信念

The rotting grave shall ne'er get out他将永远被埋葬在陈腐的墓穴中

He who respects the infant's faith 谁能尊重纯真的信念

Triumph's over Hell and death他将战胜地狱和死亡

He who doubts from what he sees如果不相信自己的眼睛

Will ne'erbelieve, do what you please 将永远不懂得去信任,请随心而行

If the Sun&Moon should doubt   如果太阳和月亮心存猜疑

They'd immediately go out 它们将会转瞬消失

To be in a passionyougood may do  被激情围绕就能拥有美好

But no good if apassion is in you  情欲攻心则会迷失自我

Every nightand everymorn  每一个夜晚,每一个清晨

Some to miseryareborn 有人生来就为不幸伤神

Every morn and every night 每一个清晨,每一个夜晚

Some are bornto sweet delight有人生来就被幸福拥抱

Some are born to sweetdelight  有人生来就被幸福拥抱

Some are born to endless Night 有人生来就被长夜围绕

Weareledtobelievealie 如果不是亲眼所见

When we see not through the Eye   我们就会相信谎言

Which was born in a night to perish in a night 谎言在黑夜里生灭

When the soul slept in beams of Light 灵魂在光芒中休眠

God appears&God is light对挣扎在黑暗中的人

Tothose poor souls who dwell in night  上帝散发出光明

But does ahuman form diaplay  对生活在白昼的人

To those who dwell in realms of day  上帝幻化为人性


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