






发布者: dongluonan | 发布时间: 2009-4-12 08:11| 查看数: 3257| 评论数: 11|



There will be _____ interview between the manager and his assistants this afternoon..

A. an

B. a

C. the

D. /


Little Tony is __________honest boy. He never tells lies.

A. a

B. an

C. /

D. the


Please stay for dinner. It will be ready in half ______ hour.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /


Can you see _____ one-eyed cow in _____field?










A: Which girl is your daughter, Mr. White?

B: Oh, look, that little one in


A. a

B. an

C. /

D. the


His father is ________ engineer. He always wears _______ uniform at work.

A. a...a

B. a...an

C. an...a

D. an...an


______ young man beside me is _______ university student.



B. An…/

C. The…an

D. The…a


______ girl with a toy in her hand is my little sister.A.


B. An

C. The

D. /9.

My friend, Harry, his favorite sport is playing _________golf.A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /10.

Last week, I wrote ______ article on our School Food Festival to Shanghai Students’ Post.

A. the

B. an

C. a




It’s ______

pleasure for me to be invited to play _____ piano at the concert.

A. the,


B. a,


C. a,


D. a,



I like to read ______ book. It’s better than reading on the Internet.

A. /

B. a

C. an

D. the


He ordered a book some time ago and now ____ book has arrived.

A. a

B. the

C. an

D. /


He ordered a washing machine by phone two days ago, and

machine has arrived.
A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

__________ teacher said that Jack was__________ new student and he was________ honest.

A. The, a, \

B. A, the, a

C. A, a, an

D. The, a, an


Tom likes playing ______football, while Lily likes playing


A. the…/

B. / …the

C. the…the

D. /…/


Please get everything ready. Our meeting will begin in half ______ hour.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /


It’s about half ________ hour’s walk from here to _________ nearest underground station.

A. a…the

B. an…the

C. /…the

D. the…a

二、 介词

1. Though I had spent much time ______ maths, still I got a “C” in the last test.

A. for

B. in

C. on

D. with

2. It’s very kind _____ you to help me get the ticket ________ F1.

A. for…for

B. for…of

C. of…of

D. of…for


We are glad to hear that the chairman of Guomindang will come to the mainland for a peace visit ______ April 26th. It will be a good beginning for the relation between the two sides.

A. in

B. to

C. on

D. at


Most of the students in our class come to school ______ bicycle.

A. by

B. on

C. with

D. in

5. Mr White was born _____.

A. on June 28, 1968.

B. in 28 June, 1968

C. in 1968, June 28

D. on June 28 in 1968

6. Can you write a passage _____ German?

A. to

B. with

C. from

D. in


dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-12 08:15:43
7. It’s nice _____ you to give us so much advice.

A. to        B. by        C. for        D. of

8. The girls _____ red skirts are the members of our school’s singing group.

A..in        B..with        C..from        D..at

9. In Britain, most people like to book their hotels and check ________ online.

A. on                                        B. in                                C. at                                        D. for

10.I’ll buy a new pencil-box ____ my cousin as a birthday present.

A. to                B. for        C. with        D. in

11. The price of the T-shirt is _____ 200 and 250 yuan.

        A. at        B. between        C. in        D. among

12. 13 earthquakes took place in the west of Iran _______ March 30th, 2006.

A. from                        B. in                                C. on                        D. at

13. Beijing is famous _________ its roast duck.

A.        from                                B. at                                C. in                                        D. for

14. He suddenly returned ________ a rainy night.

A.        on                                B. at                                C. in                                 D. during

15. The film began soon after all the lights in the cinema went _______.

A. on                        B. out                        C. off                                D. up

16. _____ the help of his teachers and classmates, the boy has made _____ progress.

                A. Under, a lot        B. Under, great                C. With, much                D. With, many

17. George W. Bush paid a three-day visit to China ______ Saturday evening last November.

A. in                        B. at                                C. on                         D. by

18. Disney is famous ______ its fantastic theme parks, like Disneyworld in Florida.

A. at                        B. with                        C. for                         D. by

19. Earthquake in South Asia took place ______ early October, 2005.

        A. with        B. in                        C. at                                D. for

20. Sports can help you make friends. It’s a good way to get along ______ people.

A. for        B. with        C. of        D. in

21. The students usually watch TV ____ Saturdays.

A. in                        B. on                                C. for                                D. at

22. Nowadays the Great Wall is familiar _______ many foreigners.

A. in B. to C. at D. with

23. Our hobby group has a rule: all the members must speak and writeEnglish.

A. inB. intoC. through D. at

24. Excuse me, do I pay credit(信用) card in your shop?

A. for B. withC. onD. by

25. He suddenly returned_________a cold rainy night.

A. atB. on C. inD. for

26. An international bicycle race was held in ChongmingApril, 2006.

A. at                         B. on                        C. in                         D. to

27. The new design for the building is different the old one.

                A. in                        B. from                        C. at                                D. on

28. We all know that fish cannot livewater.

        A. for                        B. by                        C. without                        D. with

29. The teachers in our school had some activities ______ the afternoon of March 28.

        A. to        B. at        C. in                D. on

30.        We usually get up ______ six ______ the morning.

        A. at…of        B. for…in        C. at…in        D. after…on

31.        The terrible storm prevented us ______ going home after school.

        A. to        B. from        C. on        D. by

32. The film, The Barber, directed by Chen Yifei, was first shown ________ Shanghai ________ April 9, 2006.

        A. in…on                        B. on…in                        C. at…on                        D. in…in

33. He’s got a lot to do there, so he won’t be back _____ tomorrow.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-12 08:17:13
A. at        B. since        C. until        D. by


1. It is said that ______ of the students like to help their parents with the housework .

        A. three-fifths        B. third-fifths        C. thirds-fifth                D. three-fifth

2. We can see _____________ stars in the sky at night.

A. a thousand of                                                        B. thousands

C. thousand of                                                D. thousands of

3.        It is reported that about ______ of the customers want to buy products made in China.

        A. two-threes        B. two-thirds        C. second-three        D. two-third

4. Now class, please open your books and turn to _____.

A. 32 pages        B. page 32        C. 32nd page        D. pages 32

5. _____ of the earth _____ covered with water.

A..Seventh_tens….are        B..Seventh_tens….is       

C..Seven-tenths….is                                        D..Seven-tenths….are

6. A: How many people will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008?

B: It’s hard to say.___________ people, I think.

A. Million of                        B. Millions of                        C. Two millions of                D. Two million of

7. Li Lei, which isday of a week? Thursday, I think.

A. fifth                                B. the fifth                        C. five                                D. the five

8. About __________ of the computers in this room are online.

A. two-fifthB. two-fifthsC. second-fives D. second-fifths

9. Among10 top most competitive(有竞争力的)cities of China, Shanghai is the _____, behind

Hong Kong and Taipei.

A. two                                B. second                 C. three                        D. third

10. It is said that two ________ students are going to have the Listening Contest this weekend.

A.        thousand                        B. thousands                 C. thousand of                        D. thousands of

11. About ______ people of our town attended this get-together. All of them had a good time.

A. hundreds of        B. three hundred        C. three hundred of        D. three hundreds

12. ______ of the apples in the fruit bowl are big and sweet.

        A. Two- third        B. Second-third        C. Two-thirds        D. Second-thirds

13. Last December a big tsunami hit Indonesia's west coast. _____ people in Southeast Asia died.

A. Thousands of B. Two thousand of C. Two thousandsD. Thousand

14. The police found about _______ the paintings in the museum had been stolen.

A. hundreds of B. two hundreds of

C. hundred ofD. two hundred of

15. tourists went to Hong Kong last October for the opening of H.K. Disneyland.

A. Thousands B. Thousands of C. Thousand ofD. Thousand

16. ---How many people will come to Shanghai for the Expo in 2010 ?

---It’s hard to say . ______ people , I think.

A. Thousand of         B. Thousands of         C. Two thousands of         D.Two thousands

17. ______ people celebrated Disneyland’s 50th birthday in California on July 17, 2005.

                A. Thousand of        B. Thousands of        C. Thousands        D. Ten thousands

18.        A: How many students in our school have passed the exams?

        B: ______.

        A. Four-fifths        B. Fourth-fifth        C. Four-five        D. Fourth-fifths

19. It was reported that ____________ of medical workers were needed to fight bird flue.

A. hundred                        B. hundreds                        C. five hundred                        D. a hundred       


1.        Jack and Mary have tried, but _____ has succeeded in getting the chance to study abroad.

        A. both         B. neither         C. all                D. either

2.        It’s good for her health if she can find a way to relax _____ from time to time.

        A. she        B. her        C. hers                D. herself

3. ----What’s in the fridge?----- ________________

A. Nothing                B. None                         C. No                                D. No one

4. I didn’t hear from him for a long time, so I went to see him by ____________.

A. me                        B. myself                         C. him                        D. himself

5. A: Do you know _________the population of shanghai_________?

B: Sorry, I don’t know.

A. what …is                                         B. how much …is

C. what’s…/                                 D. how many…is

6.        Jack, a close friend of ______, will come and join ______ in the game.

        A. mine…us        B. me…ours        C. mine…ourselves        D. myself…us

7.        There is a flower shop on ______ side of the street. Let’s go and buy some flowers.

        A. another        B. other        C. the other        D. others

8. The new skirt is for _____, Alice.Do you like ______?

A. you, them        B. yours, it        C. you, it        D. yours, them

9. You mustn’t lend the books you borrowed from the library to ______ people.

A. others        B. the others        C. other        D. the other

10. Michael has read _________science books, but I am sorry to say that he has learned _________ from them .

A. few…a little                                B. a few…little       

C. few…little                                D. a few…a little

11. —A latest English newspaper, please!

—Only one copy left .Would you like to have , sir?

A. it         B. one        C. this        D. that

12. —You look so happy!

—Jack says I am pretty. has ever told me that before.

        A..Somebody        B..Anybody        C..Everybody        D..Nobody

13. Boys and girls, you have to plant all the treestomorrow.

A. ourselves                        B. themselves                        C. yourself                        D. yourselves

14. A: Which of these two sweaters will you take?

B: I’ll take . They look nearly the same, and I just need one.

A. both                                B. either                                C. none                                D. all

15. There are a lot of tall building on _______ side of Huangpu River.

A. eitherB. both C. neitherD. every

16. There is something wrong with our old TV set. So we decided to buy _____one.

A. the other        B. the others        C. others        D. another

17. At the gate of the library I showed ______ card, and Tony showed ______

        A. my, him        B. my, his        C. mine, his        D. mine ,him

18. My cousin and I ______like flying kites in autumn. We often feel very happy.

A. all        B. either        C. both        D. neither

19. Among three hundred graduates, 70% prefer to get a job, and_____ choose to make a further study.

A. the other                        B. the others                C. others                        D. other

20. Some people enjoy KFC, but ______ prefer McDonald’s hamburger.

A. another                        B. the other                C. others                                D. the others

21. ---What does “refrigerator” mean?

---It’s ______ way of saying fridge. We call it fridge for short.

A. other                        B. others                        C. another                        D. the others

22. I think ________ is very kind ________ you to help me out.

A. it/for                        B. that/for                C. it/of                        D. that/of

23. Who teaches ______ chemistry?

        A. they                        B. their                                C. them                        D. theirs

24. ---- Who has an umbrella here, please?

---- I have _______, Miss Lu.

                A. one                         B. it                                        C. this                        D. that

25. I know there is a pen in your right hand. But what’s in your ______ hand?

A. other                        B. another                        C. the other                D. others

26. --- Does Mrs. Li live by herself ?
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-12 08:18:37
--- Yes. She has two daughters, but _____ of them are studying in the US.

A. neither                        B. all                                C. none                         D. both

27. Mr White wished the twins to be doctors, but ______ of them liked to study medicine.

A. both                        B. neither                C. either                        D. none

28. Health officials tried ______ best to fight global bird flu.

                A. them                        B. they                        C. theirs                        D. their

29. ---Who taught _______ French?---Nobody. I learned all by ________.

A. you/I                        B. your/me                C. yours/my                        D. you/myself

30. Jim will give____ a short talk tomorrow.

A. we                        B. us                                C. our                                D. ours

31. _______ computer is new and _______ is new, too.

A. Our…heB. Ours…hisC. My…hisD. My…her

32. No one noticed the mobile phone in his _______ hand.

A. other B. the otherC. anotherD. else

33. Bob is going to givea talk on World Car Design and Development.

A. we B. usC. our D. ours

34. Be patient, John. Don’t give up. Have try.

A. otherB. another C. the otherD. one

35. Lucy doesn’t have an eraser. Let me give_______ to________.

A. mine, her B. mine, himC. her, mineD. my, her

36. Zhuxi Road is a busy road with a lot of shops on_______ side of the street.

A. eitherB. neitherC. bothD. every

37.Your shirt is blue, butis black and white.

A. myself        B. my         C. mine        D. me

38. I have three sisters.of them is a teacher.

                A.. All                 B. Both                        C. Neither                 D. None

39. There is something wrong with my computer. May I use ______?

        A. your        B. yours                C. you                D. mine

40. ______ of the teachers is going to the party next week.

                 A. All        B. Both        C. Neither        D. Some

41. ______ MP3 is this? Is it yours?

        A. Whose        B. Who        C. Which        D. What

42. If you are not full, please have ______ cake.

        A. the other        B. other        C. others        D. another

43. Some people enjoy traveling by plane, but ___________ prefer traveling by train.

A. other                        B. the others                        C. the other                                D. others

44. Pick out the good bananas and throw away ______.

A. the rest        B. rest        C. others                        D. the other

45. This is my CD player, and ________ is on the table over there.

A. you                                B. your                        C. yours                                D. yourself

46. --- Who is _________?---This is Joanna from Australia.

A.        this                                B. that                        C. it                                        D. one


1. She didn’t go to see the dolphin show (海豚表演) with us because she _____ it already.

A. sees        B. saw        C. has seen                D. had seen

2. In old China, many palaces _______ in Beijing, Xi’an and Nanjing.

        A. built        B. have built        C. were built                D. were building

3. Mr King has __________South Africa . He will be back next month.

A. been to                                         B. been at

C. gone to                                        D. gone in

4. Sarah ____________a bike to work, but now she drives.

A. used to ride                                B. had ridden

C. would ride                                 D. used to riding

5.        Yangpu Bridge ______ ten years ago, but it still ______ magnificent.

        A. built…looks        B. was built…looks        C. was built…looked        D. was built…is looking

6.        Where ______ you ______? I looked everywhere for you.

        A. have…gone        B. did…went        C. have…been        D. are…going

7. Who _____ my pen away?I used it minutes ago.

A. has taken        B. will take        C. takes        D. took

8. Jenny _____ the text of Lesson 3 at 8:00 last night.

A. read        B. was reading        C. is reading        D. would read

9. —I called you yesterday evening ,but there was no answer.

—Oh ,I am sorry I dinner at my friend’s home.

A. have         B. had         C. was having        D. have had

10. I like this silk dress , and it so soft and comfortable.

        A..is feeling         B..feels         C..has felt        D..is felt

11. The English teacher isn’t here. She _____ to the office and she will be back in a minute.

A..would go        B..went        C..has gone        D..has been

12. We won’t do morning exercise if it ____ tomorrow.

        A..rains        B..will rain        C..rained        D..rain

13.—What did your son say in the letter?

—He told me that hethe Disney World the next day.

A. will visit B. has visited        C. is going to visit                D. would visit

14. When I got to the cinema, the film ___________ for five minutes.

A. has begunB. had begunC. has been onD. had been on

15. Coffee is ready. How nice it ______! Would you like some?

A. smells B. feels        C. soundsD. looks

16. They can see the words on the blackboard clearly, so they____ wear glasses

        A. need to        B. have to         C. don’t need        D. don’t have to

17.The Oriental Pearl TV Tower _____ tens of thousands of visitors since 1995.

A. has attracted                 B. attracted                C. attracts                        D. will attract

18. By the end of last month, the students _______ all the subjects they learned.

A. have reviewed        B. had reviewed        C. reviewed                D. were reviewing

19. John and I are good friends. We ______ each other for ten years.

A. knew                        B. had known                C.know                        D. have known

20. Many buildings along the Bund in Shanghai ______ in 1920s or 1930s.

A. was built                        B. are built                C. built                        D. were built

21. ---Have you moved into the new house?---Not yet, the rooms ___________.

A. are painting                                                        B. are painted

C. are being painting                                                D. are being painted

22. The film “The Brokeback Mountain” made Ang Lee(李安) _________ the best director in the 78th Oscar Awards.

A.        become                        B. to become                C. becoming                        D. became

23. ---How long has he ______ill?----About a week. He ________ill five days ago.

A. fallen/was                                                        B. been/fall

C. been/fell                                                                D. fallen/fell

24.When I saw Dick yesterday, he ______to the music with an earphone .       

A. listened                        B. has listened        C. was listening                 D. had listened

25. ______ turn on the MP3 too loud. It’s bad for your ears.

A. Do        B. Don’t        C. Doesn’t                D. Does

26.The 18th World AIDS Day is set to make people______ their best in the fight against AIDS.

A. tried                B. try                                C. trying                        D. tries

27. Al, together with his two friends, ________ to Beijing for a holiday this summer.

A. are going                 B. was going                         C. will be going        D. is going

28. Ask him if the work ______ tomorrow.

        A. finishes                        B. will finish                        C. is finished                D. will be finished

29. Don't turn on the radio. Grandpa ______.

A. sleeps                B. is sleeping                         C. has slept                D. was sleeping
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-12 08:20:20
30. We ______ a physics lesson when the fire ______ out.

A. are having, broke         B. have, breaks                C. had, broke                 D. were having, broke

31. He ______ films in Asia for more than twenty years by the time he arrived in America.

        A. had made        B. has made        C. made        D. would make

32. Shanghai government ______ many international art festivals since last year.

A. has organized        B. organized        C. is organizing        D. would organize

33. The professor’s talk ______ just now. You can borrow the tape if you want.

A. is recorded                B. will be recorded       

C. was recorded                D. recorded

34. The food and medicine must ______ at a low temperature.

A. keep                 B. be kept                         C. keeping                 D. kept

35. The boy thought itbe more wonderful if he knew how a chick got out of an egg.

A. will                         B. would                        C. was                           D. is

36.If a person ___ too much of KFC's foods with Sudan I , he may get cancer (癌症).

A. eats                        B. eating                        C. ate                          D. eaten

37. They _____each other and been in love since they were little.

A. had known                B. knew                                 C. know                          D. have known

38. By the end of last month, he _____ half of his work.

A. finished                 B. has finished                C. had finished         D. finishes

39. Oh, my God. I _______my dictionary in the reading-room just now.

A. forgetB. forgotC. leftD. leave

40. By the end of last year, they _______ five tunnels under the Huangpu River.

A. built B. have builtC. had builtD. were built

41. I don’t know if he ________ tomorrow, if he ________, please call me.

A. will come, comesB. comes, comes

C. comes, will comeD. will come, will come

42. The medicine _______ in cool and dry place.

A. must keptB. must keepC. must be keptD. must be keeping

43. More underground railways in Shanghai in the years to come.

A. are builtB. were builtC. will be built D. will build

44. Betty can’t join us in the card game. Shethe classroom.

A. has cleanedB. was cleaningC. had cleanedD. is cleaning

45. – Did you hear someone shouting?

- No, I didn’t. Ito the music.

A. listened B. have listenedC. was listeningD. had listened

46. A: What did your son say in the letter?

B: He told me that he_________ the Disney World the next day.

A. will visitB. has visited        C. is going to visit D. would visit

47. The World Trade Center________ by the terrorist attacks 4 years ago.

A. was destroyed B. destroy          C. was destroyD. destroyed

48. Since the rain________ , why not go shopping now?

A. has stoppedB. stoppedC. is stopping D. stops

49. AIDS is a kind of dangerous disease. Actions must _____ to stop it from spreading.

A. have been takenB. takeC. have taken D. be taken

50. Jackover1,000 Chinese words since he came to China .

A. has learned B. learn                         C. has been learned         D. will learn

51. Jack told me that he on a study trip to Australia the next month.

A. will go                 B. goes                         C. has gone                         D. would go

52. She ______ Shanghai to attend an important conference in Japan the week after next.

A. leaves        B. left        C. will leave        D. has left

53. My friends ______ some foreigners around the ancient church this time yesterday.

                 A. are showing        B. were showing        C. showed        D. had shown

54. Huge amounts of information about pollution ______ by the scientists last year.

                A. is collected        B. will be collected        C. was collected        D. collected

55.        John can’t join us in the game. He ______ the room.

        A. has cleaned        B. is cleaning        C. cleans        D. was cleaning

56.        More and more money ______ on the protection of the environment in the future.

        A. will spend        B. may spend        C. is spent        D. will be spent

57.        By the end of last term, we ______ ten English songs.

        A. learned        B. have learned        C. had learned        D. would learn

58. By the time Mrs. Jackson arrived in Shanghai, Mr. Jackson _______ many famous cities in China.

A. visited                                                                B. was visiting

C. had visited                                                        D. has visited

59. A: ______________ the flight MU823 ____________?

B: No, not yet.

A. Has…arrived                B. Do…arrive                C. Will…arrive                        D. Is…arriving


1.        The teacher will show us __________the computer.

A. to use                B. how to use        C. used                 D. using

2.        The students in our school are busy ___________ our School Art Festival.

A. to prepare                B. to prepare forC. getting ready         D. preparing for

3.        Please tell the boys ______ football in the street. It is dangerous.

A. don’t play        B. to not play        C. not to play        D. not play

4.        How happy we are _____ each other in London!What a coincidence!

A. seeing        B. saw        C. to see        D. seen

5.         It’s important _____ part in sports and recreation.

A. for us taking        B. for us to take        C. of us taking        D. to us to take

6.         Children always enjoy picture—books.

A. read                                B. to read                                C. reading                        D. reads

7.        Oxford English makes my students _________ English more fluently than before.

A. spoke                                B. speak                                C. speaking                        D. to speak

8.         Dick would rather __________ a vocational school than a high school.

A. enterB. entering C. to enterD. enter into

9.         I got up very early this morning ___________ late for watching the sun-rise.

A. in order not to be                                  B. in order to be not

C. so that not to be                        D. so that to be not

10.         Lucy, I've heard that you can use MSN to talk with your friends on the Internet. Would you

please show me _____________?

A. how can I use it B. how to use C. how to use it D. how I can use

11.         The light is on. I see them____ a slide show.

A. watching                B. lookingC. readingD. seeing

12.         Kitty would like me _____ a paper flower for her.

A. makingB. makes C .makeD. to make

13.         Please tell Mary ______ up late tonight. She has a lot of work to do tomorrow.

A. sit                        B. not to sit                C. sitting                        D. not sit

14.         A storm is on the way. The farmers have been warned ________ in the fields.

A.        work                         B. to work                C. not to work                        D. not working

15.        The young man is wondering __________ a digital camera.

A.         how to repair                B. what to buy                C. where to go                        D. how many to buy

16.        Do you often enjoy _________ on the Inter-Net?

A.        chat                         B. to chat                        C. chatted                        D. chatting

17.        The song “ Mouse Loves Rice” is so popular that we can hear people _______ it here and there.

A. sing                                B. sang                        C. to sing                        D. sung

18.        ---We can use MSN to talk with each other.

--- Really? Will you please show me _________it?

A.        what to use                                                         B. how to use       

C. how can I use                                                D. what I use

19.         You'd better ______ quiet about this problem.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-12 08:22:01
A. not keep                B. not to keep                C. not keeping                         D. not kept

20.         My father’s hobby is ______ different kinds of coins.

A. collect                        B. collects                C. to collect                        D. will collect

21.         I didn’t catch what he said. He spoke ________ fast for me _____ follow.

A. so, that                B. such, that                        C. too, to                        D. enough, to

22.        Father often ______ me _____ his computer.

A. tells, use                B. ask, to use                        C. made, to use        D. let, use

23.        My father told me ______ stay up too late at night.

A. don't                        B. not to                        C. not                         D. to not

24.        Can you lend me a hand? The box is _____ heavy for me _____ carry upstairs.

A. too…to                B. so…that                        C. such…that         D. so... as to

25.                Mother often tells Bob ______ too much time playing computer games.

A. not to spend        B. to not spend        C. don’t spend                D. doesn’t spend

26.        Would you please ____the TV a bit?I am doing my homework.

A. turn up                B. turn off                  C. turn on                 D. turn down

27.         My wish _______ a successful basketball player like Yao Ming.

A. to becomeB. is to becomeC. is becomeD. becomes

28.        Since you are badly ill, you’d better _______.

A. give up smokingB. to stop smoking

C. not to smokeD. not smoking

29.         The video cameras are so nice. I really don’t know _______.

A. how to chooseB. what to choose

C. to choose whichD. which to choose

30.         Drivers in big cities are askedtheir cars on “World Car Free Day”.

A. not useB. don’t use C. not to use D. no use

31.         Would you mind_________ me how to remember English words?

A. tell         B. to tellC. tellingD. told

32.         The Grade Six students got used________ in the new school one month later.

A. to studyB. to studying         C. study D. studying

33.        Internet Bars mustn’t let people under 18 in or let anybody _____ bad things.

A. to watchB. watchC. watchingD. watches

34.        You’d better________ because it’s bad for your health.

A. not to smokeB. smokeC. not smoke D. to smoke

35.        The students of Class One got up early this morning ______ be late for the picnic.

A. so as to        B. in order that        C. so as to not        D. in order not to

36.        Would you ask her to sing a song for us? We’d like to hear her ______ like Li Yuchun.

A. sing        B. to sing        C. singing        D. sings

37.        Do you mind ______ the electric fan? It is a bit hot inside.

A. turn on        B. to turn on        C. turning on        D. turned on

38.        Generally speaking, I don’t enjoy _______, but I’d like _______ this afternoon.

A. to swim … to swim                                        B. to swim … swimming

C. swimming … to swim                                D. swimming … swimming


1.        Don’t ______ the street when the red light is on.

A. cross        B. across        C. through                D. over

2.         Susan usually walks to work with an umbrella in hand. She uses it to _____ the sunlight.

A. carry out        B. keep off        C. take off                D. hold in

3.         Uncle Peter failed to buy a house of his own two years ago _____ the money problem.

A. instead        B. instead of        C. because                 D. because of

4.         I was in such a hurry this morning that I _________ my history book at home.

A. forgot                B. put                        C. left                         D. found

5.        The 29th Olympic Games will________ in Beijing in 2008.

A. hold                         B. take place        C. enter for         D. give

6.        I will call you as soon as my cousin _____________in Beijing tomorrow.

A. will get                                        B. arrives

C. reaches                                         D. will arrive

7.         A recorder __________ English when we have English lessons.

A. is used to learn                                 B. used to learn

C. is used to learning        D. used to learning

8.        I’m afraid it’s too noisy. Could you please ______ the radio a bit?

A. turn on        B. turn up        C. turn off        D. turn down

9.        --- Have you ever _____ Wuzhen and Taohua Island?

--- No, never.But I’m going to either of the places this summer.

A. been in        B. gone in         C. been to        D. gone to

10.        It’s ____ dark.Let’s go home at once.

A. sounding        B. feeling        C. turning        D. getting

11.        Sending that present to my friend _____ me 25 yuan.

A.. costB.. spentC.. paidD.. posted

12.         She has been here for five years. She has made ____ good friends.

        A..little        B..a little        C..few        D..a few

13.        You can’t talk with her like that. _________, she is your mother.

A. At firstB. At lastC. At all        D. After all

14.        Wendy ___________ 6 hours a day working on her computer games.

A. takesB. pays C. spendsD. costs

15.        The weather forecast ______ it will be rainy in the late afternoon.

A. tells B. saysC. speaksD. talks

16.        The technician told us that this machine __________ more than 500 parts.

A. was made byB. was made of C. was made fromD. was made up of

17.        My brother entered a boarding school this year. At first, he __________ living at school.

A. used not toB. was not used for

C. was not used toD. didn't use to

18.        The 2010 World Expo will be __________ in Shanghai . I want to a volunteer at that time.

A. taken placeB. happenedC. holdD. held

19.        David is a worker and he moves______ furniture to people’s new flats every day.

        A. a lot of        B. many        C. a few        D. a little

20.        I would like to ____ my son to the park this weekend.

A. bring        B. carry        C. send        D. take

21.         Will you please ____ the radio . The neighbours are having a rest.

A turn down                 B. turn up                        C. turn over                        D. turn into

22.        His successful experience ______ an interesting question.

A. raises                        B. rose                        C. rises                        D. is raised

23.        The teacher often does chemical ______ in chemistry classes.

A. expenses                        B. exhibitions                C. excuses                D. experiments

24.        You can ______ all the new words in your dictionary if necessary.

A. look up                        B. look for                C. look out                D. look at

25.        Now my daughter _____ reading a book for a while before sleeping.

A. used to                        B. is used to                C. use to                        D. was used to

26.        Every day people get _______ information from TV, newspapers and the Internet.

A. many                        B. a number of                        C. a lot of                        D. a few

27.        His brother has ________ London for three years.

A. gone to                        B. been in                C. been to                        D. gone in

28.        Would you please _________ the rubbish to the bin when you go downstairs?

A.         find out                        B. take out                C. look out                        D. think out

29.        Nowadays lots of old houses __________ to give way to the construction(建设).

A.        are put off         B. are being put up C. are being put on                D. are being put down

30.        It’s raining _______. We have to stay at home instead of going fishing.

A.        badly                        B. hardly                        C. strongly                        D. heavily

31.         Jack likes to _______ others but never writes to them.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-12 08:25:08
A.         hear                        B. hear of                        C. hear from                        D. hear about

32.         Mr. Jackson has only ______ money in his pocket.

A. more                        B. a little                        C. a few                                 D. few

33.        — Do you have ______ eggs? — Sorry, I only have______ hamburgers.

A. any; some                B. some; any                C. some; some                D. any; any

34.        Something must be done to ______ the bird flu.

A. turn off                B. take off                        C. put off                        D. keep off

35.        A special cake was ______ at an exhibition in Japan on December 7 last year.

A. in trouble                B. at work                        C. on show                 D. on business

36.        The APEC 2005 ______ from Nov. 12 to 19 in Busan, South Korea last year.

A. happened        B. takes place        C. was held        D. was taken place

37.        Sportsmen all over China went to Nanjing to ______ the 10th National Games last October.

A. attend                        B. enter for                        C. take part in         D. join

38.        Please ______ the map before you drive around the city.

A. read        B. watch        C. see        D. notice

39.        He ______ his keys everywhere but failed to find it.

A. looked at        B. looked after        C. looked for        D. looked forward to

40.        What about eating _____food before we start again?

A. some                        B. any                        C. a lot                        D. a few

41.        Tibet ___people from all over the world with its clean air, unique culture and pleasant people.

A. attracts                          B. invites                                 C. catches                        D. expects

42.        We are eating out more often than we ____.

A. are used to                 B. used to                         C. used for                 D.used as

43.        People ____the tide(潮) on the bank of Qiantang River in Hangzhou.

A. see                        B. watch                         C. look at                  D. read

44.        The report has _________ questions about pollution.

A. riseB. risen C. raise D. raised

45.        If you savecoins a day, you’ll be able to buy a mobile phone in a year.

A. a little B. littleC. a fewD. few

46.        Fu Biao, the famous film star, has from us for about 8 months, but we cinemagoers and viewers remember him for ever.

A. left B. been awayC. gone awayD. gone

47.         Digital(数码) cameras are becoming very popular, though some still too much.

A. pay B. spendC. sellD. cost

48.        Mr. Li write articles by hand, but now hedoing it with a computer.

A. used to; used to B. is used to; is used to

C. is used to; used toD. used to; is used to

49.        To my surprise, she for the Super Girl Contest by email, hoping to be a star.

A. cameB. leftC. went D. entered

50.        Neither of the coats me. They’re too large. Would you show me one more?

A. fitsB. coversC. wears D. puts on

51.        Yang Liwei _______ 21 hours and 23 minutes________ in the manned spacecraft in space on October 15 and 16.

A. cost, stayB. took, to stayC. paid, to stay D. spent, staying

52.        Tom_______ it if he doesn’t want to.

A. doesn’t need toB. need not to do C. needs not to do D. need not do

53.        In order to keep healthy, you should eat ______ fast food, _____ fresh vegetables and take enough exercises.

A. fewer…fewer B. fewer…moreC. less…more D. less…fewer

54.        How long will it to build a tunnel across the Yangtze River ?

A. spend          B. pay                 C. cost                         D. take

55.        _________ it easy. You’ll be fine in a day or two.

                A. Carry                        B. Bring                        C. Take                                D. Say

56.        Tom likes tohis knowledge in front of his classmates.

                A. put off                        B. turn off                C. give off                        D. show off

57.        There are ______ mistakes in Mary’s project, so her teacher is pleased with her work.

                 A. a little        B. little        C. a few        D. few

58.        Tom’s parents have spent ______ money on his education.

        A. a lot        B. plenty of        C. quite a few        D. a number of

59.        Many people look ______ going to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008.

        A. at        B. after        C. forward to        D. out of

60.        I think these foreign visitors ______ Shanghai for more than two weeks.

                 A. have been in        B. have come to        C. arrived in        D. got to

61.        You’d better not ______ some unhealthy food to that campsite.

                A. bring        B. take         C. fetch        D. get

62.        The big forest fire in Kunmin was ______ in the end thanks to the brave soldiers.

        A. put off        B. put up        C. put on        D. put out

63.        Can you help me to ______ the word in the dictionary? It confuses me a lot.

        A. find        B. look up        C. look for        D. find out

64.        Sam _________ $200 for the I-pod Nano.

A. spent                B. paid                         C. took                                 D. cost

65.        The little boy is clever enough to ___________ the time.

A. say                 B. tell                        C. talk                                 D. speak

66.        Betty, we have only ___________ milk in the fridge. Would you please buy some now?

A. a little                        B. little                                C. few                                        D. a few

67.        Sarah ____________a bike to work, but now she drives.

A. used to ride                                                B. had ridden

C. would ride                                         D. is used to riding

68.        All the street lights ______ because of the power cut(断电) last night.

        A. put down        B. put off        C. went out                        D. went off

69. Let Jimmy play with your toy car as well, Peter. You must learn to ____.

A..help        B..share        C..like        D..care

70.Mum, I’ve __________ the table. Can we begin our dinner?

A. lay                                B. lain                                C. laid                                D. lied


1.        Among all the teachers in this school, Miss Tao is one of ______.

A. young        B. younger        C. the youngest                D. the most young       

2.         Thanks to Mrs Lin! With her help, we finished our work an hour _____.

A. late        B. later        C. early                D. earlier

3.         The light music sounded very _____. I enjoyed every minute of it.

A. well        B. beautiful        C. wonderfully                D. boring

4.        A: ______ can these students finish designing a picnic plan for next weekend?

B: In less than an hour, I think.       

A. How fast        B. How often        C. How many times        D. How soon

5.         I think Liu Xiang, the famous runner, will be _______star in Asia and in the world as well.

A. hot                        B. hotter                C. hottest                D. the hottest

6.        Is there ______ in today’s newspaper?

A. something new        B. new something        C. any new things        D. anything new

7.        Which is ______, cotton, wood or iron?

A. heavier        B. heaviest        C. the heaviest        D. the most heavily

8.        In my opinion, Tim doesn’t write English ______ his sister.

a)        A. as clear as        B. so clear as        C. more clearly as        D. as clearly as

9.        A: ______ will the next light rail train come?

B: In ten minutes.

A. How long        B. How far        C. How often        D. How soon

10.        Since China has been a member nation of WTO, English is _____ useful than before.

A. far        B. most        C. more        D. very

11.        Rose caught a _____ cold and has been _____ ill for days.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-12 08:30:45
A. bad, bad        B. bad, badly        C. badly, bad        D. badly, badly

12.        —What delicious cakes!

        —They would taste with butter.

A..good        B..better        C..bad        D..worse

13.        --“____ are you getting on with Peter and Jack?”

        --“Just so-so.”

A..How        B..Who        C..What        D..When

14.        A: Mum, the Chinese medicine tastes so ___________. I don’t want to take it.

B: But, dear, it is good for you.

A. goodB. terribly        C. terrible        D. well

15.        When class was over, our maths teacher came into the classroom and said, "Please stay at your

seat. I have got ____________ to announce."

A. nothing importantB. important something

C.important nothing D.something important

16.        In the exam, the _________ you are, the _________ mistakes you'll make.

A. less careful ... fewerB. more careful ... less

C. less careful ... fewD. more careful ... fewer

17.        I’m sure there will be ________ traffic jams in the future.

A. less        B. fewer        C. more        D. few

18.        Travelling by bus is _______ nowadays than in the past.

A. much comfortable        B. a little comfortable       

C. a bit comfortable        D. more comfortable

19.        I didn’t work _____my brother when I was young.

A. as hard as                B. harder                        C. hardest                D. hardly

20.        Water pollution is one of ___________ in our country.

        A. serious problem                                                B. the more serious problems       

C. most serious problems                        D. the most serious problems

21.        ---Is there _________in today’s newspaper?

---Yes, Kumingtang Chairman Lien Chan came to visit China for the second time.

        A. nothing new                                                        B. new something       

C. anything new                                        D. new anything

22.        Remember, _______ you work, ______ result you will get.

A. the better/the harder                                        B. the harder/the better               

C. the more/the better                                                D. the harder/the more good

23.        Don’t you think traveling by train is much ________and far ________than a trip by air?

A.         cheap/enjoyable                                                B. cheaper/more enjoyable

C. cheaper/enjoyable                                                D. cheap/more enjoyable

24.        The pizza was too small, so she decided to look for______ to eat.

A. large something        B. something else        C. something other                 D. other something

25.        We are too tired and hungry. So our steps are getting ______.

A. slow and slower                                        B. slower and slowest

C. slower and slower                                D. more and more slowly

26.        Most children in our kindergarten like to play with Barbie girls. They look so ______.

A. nicely        B. happily        C. beautifullyD. lovely

27.        In winter, Chinese students like to kick the Jianzi to keep themselves ______.

A. warmB. warmly C. coldD. coldly

28.        My father liked my picture very much. He was ______ it.

A. afraid of B. angry with                C. thankful to                D. pleased with

29.        Nick didn’t do very _____ in the final exam, but his scores are ______ than last year’s.

A. good,better        B. bad, worse                        C. well, worse                D. well, better

30.        I’m going to move ______. It’s too noisy in our neighbourhood.

A. somewhere quiet                                        B. quiet somewhere                               

C. anywhere quiet                                                 D. quiet anywhere

31.        Last year, 15 typhoons (台风.) hit China and Khanun was ______.

A. strong                B. strongest                        C. stronger                 D. the strongest

32.        It’s a good habit to keep the classroom ______ all the time.

A. cleanly                        B. clearly                                C. clear                         D. clean

33.        A recent survey showed that Jingjing and Huanhuan were ______ among the five Olympic mascots (吉祥物)

                A. popular                B. more popular        C. most popular        D. the most popular

34.        ---Is there ______ in today’s newspaper?

---Yes. Shenzhou VI has been sent up into space successfully.

A. nothing new        B. anything new        C. new nothing        D. new anything

35.        What he does is not so as what he says.

A. better                B. good                         C. much better                 D. best

36.        I like Chinese food, everything tastes so.

A. bad                                B. well                                C. great                                D. greatly

37.        Chinese food is quite_____American food.

A. different from B. the same as                 C. similar to                 D. different to

38.        The car stopped so _______ that the bus behind almost ran into it.

A. closelyB. immediately C. suddenly D. soon

39.        We must finish cleaning the office ___________.

A. as soon as possibleB. as quickly as soon

C. as possible as soonD. as soon as possibly

40.        What she said this time sounds ________.

A. pleasantlyB. nicelyC. friendly D. truly

41.        Only her husband knows the number to open the ___________.

A. safeB. safelyC. safetyD. save

42.        Peter lookedwhen he learned that he hadn’t passed the final exam.

A. sadlyB. sad C. happily D. happy

43.        Don’t worry. My sister is________ to take care of little Betty.

A. enough carefullyB. enough careful

C. carefully enoughD. careful enough

44.        Of all the teachers in this school, Miss Li is one of.

A. young         B. younger                C. the youngest         D. the most young

45.        The children are looking at these lovely dogs.

A. happy                 B. happily                 C. happiness                         D. happier

46.        Jack did badly at the school sports meeting. I did even ______.

                 A. worse        B. worst        C. more bad        D. more badly

47.        Billy, is your mother cooking meat in the kitchen? It smells so ______!

                 A. well        B. badly        C. nice        D. pretty

48.        Of all the students in our class, Jack is ______.

        A. taller        B. tallest        C. the tallest        D. very tall

49.        In order to get full marks, Tim always does his lessons very ______.

        A. more carefully        B. most carefully        C. much carefully        D. carefully

50.        A: Is there _______________ in today’s newspaper?

B: Yes. It says that President Hu Jintao has reached Washington.

A. anything important                                        B. any important things

C. important anything                                        D. some important things

51.        Your idea sounds much ______________ than his.

A. interesting                                                        B. interested                       

C. more interesting                                                D. more interested

52.        In my opinion, Tim doesn’t write English ______ his sister.

        A. as clear as        B. so clear as        C. more clearly as                        D. as clearly as

53. A: In our English study reading is more important than speaking, I think.

B: I don't agree. Speaking is____________reading.

A. as important as                B. so important as                C. the most important        D. the same as

dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-12 08:31:59
1.        In his letter, Uncle Lee told us many ______ about his visit to the United States.

A. news        B. stories        C. information        D. truth

2.        Li Dong is a friend of my _____.We often play card games together.

A. brother        B. brothers        C. brother’s        D. brothers’

3.        Miss Smith doesn’t have _____ housework to do today.

A. a piece        B. many        C. a lot        D. much

4.        I didn’t think it easy for a young girl to finish so much work in _______.

        A.. two days’ timeB.. two-days time

        C.. two day’s timeD.. two days time

5.        We had many pens, but ink.

A. few                                B. a few                                C. not many                        D. not much

6.         He wroteletter to his parents yesterday.

A. a 800 words                        B. an 800—word                C. an 800—word’s                D. a 800—word

7.        A _____ usually helps people put out the fire.

        A. farmer        B. managers         C. fisherman         D. fireman

8.        Before moving into the new house, Mr. Andy is thinking of buying _________.

A . a number of furniture                                        B. a couple of furnitures        

C.         several furnitures                                                D. pieces of furniture

9.        The ________ are made of fine __________.

A. glass/glass                                                        B. glass/glasses        

C.         glasses/glass                                                        D. glasses/glasses

10.        If you don’t take more _________, you’ll get fat.

A.        medicine                B. exercise         C. lessons                 D. exams

11.        I'll send you ______ to tell you everything when I get to America.

A. an e-mail        B. a ticket                        C. a telephone                D. a watch

12.        We used to stay at ______ for the weekend.

A. the Browns’        B. Browns                        C. Brown’s                D. the Brown

13.        The little boy often gives ______ to the headmaster on young people's problems.

A. many advice        B. some advice                C. two advice         D. two piece of advice

14.        I have ______ information about the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

A. a                                B. an                        C. a piece of                D. a lot

15.        Would you like ______ apple juice?

A. an B. anyC. aD. some

16.        Four_______ were hurt in the car accident, but luckily no______ were lost.

A. persons, lifeB. people, lives C. peoples, livesD. people, life

17.        Labour Day is coming. We will have a________ holiday and we can go on a trip.

A. seven days B. seven-days         C. seven-dayD. seven day’s

18.        There are so many in the restaurant.

A. people                 B. food                        C. waitress                 D. knife

19.        You can see quite a few ______ in the supermarket nearby.

        A. fish        B. fruit        C. sugar        D. food


1.        Susan’s parents have bought a large house with a garden. It _________ be very expensive.

A. must                B. can                        C. mustn’t                 D. can’t

2.        A: Must I water the flowers today?

B: ______. It’s going to rain.

A. Yes, you must        B. No, you needn’t        C. No, you can’t        D. Yes, you needn’t

3.        We _____ talk or speak loudly in public places like hospitals, libraries or cinemas.

A. needn’t        B. mustn’t        C. may not        D. don’t

4.        —I was told to be here before eight .

—Oh ,you. I’m sorry for not telling you that we have changed the plan.

A..must        B..can’t         C..may        D..needn’t

5.        Buses and cars___________stop when the traffic lights are red.

A. can                                B. must                                C. may                                D. need

6.        To make our city more beautiful, rubbish ______ into the river.

A. needn’t be thrownB. mustn’t be thrownC. can’t throwD. may not throw

7.        You ______ choose the colour you like. You ______ follow me.

A. need… needn’t        B. may… needn’t        C. must… should        D. can’t… can’t

8.        ---_______ I have a look at your photos? ---OK. Here you are.

A.        Must                        B. Would                        C. Do                                D. May

9.         ---_________ you finish your homework in time?--- I am afraid _________.

A.        Must/needn’t                B. May/mustn’t        C. Can/can’t                        D. Can/not

10.        You _______ return the book now. You ______ keep it till next week.

A. can’t,can                B. mustn’t, may                C. needn’t, can        D. won’t,may

11.        Something ______ to help the people in Egyptian ferry disaster (灾难).

        A. can do                        B. must be done                C. must do                 D. should do

12.        You ______ watch television if you have finished your homework.

A. may                        B. should                        C. must                        D. need

13.        Would you please speak a bit louder? Ihear you .

A. mustn’t B. can’tC. needn’tD. oughtn’t to

14.        There is plenty of time. Yoube in such a hurry.

A. must                        B. needn’t                C. can                                D. mustn’t

15.         We ______ let out dirty smoke to pollute the air. It’s harmful to our health.

A. mustn’t        B. needn’t        C. may        D. can

16.        A: Must I go shopping in the supermarket now?

B: No, you ______. Let your mother do it later.

A. mustn’t        B. needn’t        C. can’t        D. won’t


1.        You will be able to get good marks ___________________.

A. while you are doing your homework by yourself

B. if you do some revision every day

C. before you begin to study hard

D.Duntil you follow your teacher’s advice

2.        Grandpa Wang has donated a lot of money to the poor students ______ he is not rich.

A. though        B. until        C. if        D. now that

3.         _________ China has been a member of WTO, English is more useful than before.

A. Since                                B. Though                        C. When                                D. If

4.        __________ Tai Li Hua is deaf and dumb, She practised dancing very hard and her wonderful

performance "ten-hundred-hand Guanyin" was a great success.

A. BecauseB. HoweverC. Although D. While

5.        He jumped into the river to save the little boy _____ he heard the cry for help.

A. though B. as soon asC. beforeD. until

6.        Mrs Wang likes being a doctor ____ she likes helping sick people.

A. when                         B. as        C. because         D. or

7.        Beckham, the football player, is_____famous_____many of us want to see him.

A. very…for                B. so…that                C. too…to                D. such…that

8. They bought some food and drink _______ they could have them on the way.

A. though                        B. since                        C. so that                                D. because

9._______ she was not well, I decided to go without her.

A. Though                        B. When                        C. Because of                        D. As

10.______ Miss Wu is already in her sixties, she is learning to play the piano every day.

A. Since                B. If                                C. Although                        D. Unless

11.Please don’t get off the bus _____ .

        A. before it will stop                                                B. till it stops

        C. after it stops                                                        D. until it will stop

12. The terrorists (恐怖分子) were shot to death ______ the plane took off on time.

                A. though                B. or                        C. and                        D. since

13.Peter didn’t buy the disc player ______ his aunt had given him a new one.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-12 08:34:54
A. though        B. if        C. when        D. because

14. You will succeed in your work ______ you give up hope.

        A. unless        B. if        C. after        D. until

15.___________ it was getting dark, many people were still waiting outside Shanghai Museum to visit the exhibition.

A. Although                B. Because                        C. Since                                        D. Unless


1. Could you tell me _____?

        A. where would the 2012 Olympics Games hold

        B. where will the 2012 Olympics Games hold

        C. where the 2012 Olympics Games will be held

        D. where the 2012 Olympics Games would be held

2.        Could you please tell me ______?

        A. where is the maglev station        B. which is the way to the maglev station

        C. how can I get to the maglev station        D. how far is the maglev station

3. Could you tell me ______________?

A. When will the meeting begin B. when would the meeting begin

C. When the meeting will begin D. When the meeting would begin

4. I didn't know ______here tomorrow.

A. when he will come                                        B. when will he come

C. when would he come                                        D. when he would come

5. Could you tell me _____?

A. how often do you see a film                        B. who they are staying with

C. where is he                                                D. what is she doing now

6. Could you please tell me ____________ ?

A. where the airport is                                                B. how far the airport was       

C. How can we get to the airport                        D. when was the airport built

7. The students are studying hard, for they know __________.

A. what are they studying                                        B. what are they studying for       

C.        what they are studying for                                D. why they are studying for

8. Do you know ______?

A. what does Cathy like to do                        B. where Cathy lives

C. that Cathy had gone to America                D. if Cathy comes today

9. The little boy is wondering ______.

A. what is the spaceship like                        B. what the spaceship looks like

C. how the spaceship looks like                D. How does the spaceship look like

10. --- Excuse me, could you please tell me ______?

--- Yes. It’s at 123 Xinhua Road, just near the downtown.

A. where the Star Hotel is                                B. where the Star Hotel was                                

C. how get to the Star Hotel                          D. how can I get to the Star Hotel

11. The boy wants to know ______?

        A. what present his parents will give him

        B. when will his classmates go camping

        C. where is the computer room

        D. how can he work out the maths problem

12. I can’t describe to you ______ at that moment.

        A. what I feel                B. what did I feel       

        C. what I felt                D. what do I feel

13. Could you tell me how your pocket money? I’m reporting on students’ plans.

A. you spent B. did you spendC. you like to spendD. do you like to spend

14. Could you tell me whylate yesterday, please?

A. did you comeB. you cameC. do you comeD. you come

15. Could you tell me____________ ?

A. when he has gone to Hong KongB. how long he has been in Hong Kong

C. which hotel did he stay in Hong KongD. when will he come back

16.Could you tell me_______?

A. where Pudong Airport is                         B. how can we get to Pudong Airport

C. how far Pudong Airport was                D. when was Pudong Airport built

17. I wondered ______.

        A. what subject was he going to learn       

        B. that internet bars can’t let children in

        C. when she would join in our English Evening       

        D. if he has reviewed his lessons at home

18.        Our English teacher wondered ______.

        A. where had you gone        B. where had you been

        C. where you had gone        D. where you had been

19.No one can be sure ____ in a million years.

A..what will man look like        B..man will look like what

C..what man will look like        D..what look will man like


1. ____ enjoyable the Spring Outing last Friday was!

        A. What        B. What an        C. How                 D. How a        

2. ___________they are listening to the teacher!

A. How careful                                B. What careful       

C. How carefully                                D. What carefully

3.        ______ interesting it is to chat with you on the Internet every day!

        A. How        B. How an        C. What        D. What an

4.A: Jacky, look at that Japanese sumoist(相扑手..B: Wow. _____!

A. How a fat man                B. What a fat man                C. How fat man                D. What fat man

5. __________important information the astronauts have collected about the space!

A. How                         B. What an                        C. What                        D. What a

6. ______ exciting it was to chat with Jack Chen on the Internet the other day.

A. How                        B. How about                C. What                        D. What an

7. _______ fine weather! Shall we go sightseeing in the country?

A.        What                        B. How                        C. What a                        D. How a

8._____ information it is!

        A. What a useful         B. What useful                 C. How useful                 D. How useful an

9. ______ nice food you are cooking for us!

A. How a                B. What a                C. How                        D. What

10._____important water is in our life!

A. How                  B. What                         C. What a                 D. What an

11. _______ important piece of advice it is!

A. WhatB. What aC. What anD. How

12.interesting news we heard!

A. How                         B. What                C. What an                         D. How a

13. ______ great fun it is to go for a swim in the sea!

                 A. What a        B. What        C. How a        D. How

14. ______ great fun it is to fly a kite in the People’s Square!

        A. How        B. What        C. What a        D. So

15. ___________they are listening to the teacher!

A. How careful                                        B. What careful       

C. How carefully                                        D. What carefully


1. The electric fan can hardly blow away the terrible smell in the hall, ______?

        A. can it        B. can’t it        C. does it                D. doesn’t it

2. Linda plays the piano after 6. He hardly comes to play computer games, ______ he?

        A. doesn’t                         B. isn’t                        C. does                         D. is

3. She makes supper every day, ______ she?
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-12 08:36:59
A..doesn’t        B..don’t        C..is        D..isn’t

4. Let’s eat out for a change, ______ ?

A. won’t                        B. shan’t we                C. shall we                D. will you

5. —You won't be late for the picnic tonight, ______? —Of course not.

A. are you                        B. will you                C. do you                         D. can you

6. None of you will go to play basketball _____ a snowy morning, _____?

        A. in; will none                                                B. on; won’t you               

C. in; will you                                                        D. on; will you

7. Astronauts are working together to complete the International Space Station, ______?

A. don’t they        B. will they        C. aren’t they        D. are they


1. Work harder,__________ you’ll make greater progress.

A. but                        B. and                        C. or                         D. so

2.        Work harder at English, ______ you will fail to pass the final examination.

        A. and        B. so        C. or        D. but

3. _____ Ben _____ Lucy is free.You have to go there alone, I’m afraid.

A. Either, or        B. Both, and        C. Not only, but also        D. Neither, nor

4. Is Li Ping’s mother a nurse _____ a doctor?

A. and        B. or        C. but        D. nor

5. I felt very tired last night, _____ I went to bed earlier than usual.

A. so        B. because        C. though        D. if

6. —Shall we go on working?

—Yes ,I prefer to have a rest .

        A..when         B..if        C..because         D..though

7. The doctors and nurses were very tired _____ they still went on working.

A..so        B..and        C..or        D..but

8. Mr Baker is ill, so _______ John _________ Jack is going to attend the meeting instead.

A. both...and B. neither...nor C. either...orD. not only...but also

9. I will surely get a good score ______ I work carefully on this paper.

A. and                                B. if                                C. or                        D. so

10. _____ Lily ______ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.

A.        Not only… but also                                         B. Neither…nor       

C.        Both…and                                                         D. Either…or

11. His hobby is ______ swimming ______ skating. It's playing baseball.

A. either ... or        B. both ... and                C. not only ... but alsoD. neither ... nor

12. Hurry up ______ we’ll miss the early bus.

A. and                        B. or                                C. until                        D. but

13. Everybody knows fire is useful, ______ it is also dangerous.

A. and                        B. but                                C. or                         D. so

14. Tom has got a bad cold, ___ he still attends the important meeting.

A. so                        B. but                         C. or                          D. and

15. The teacher is very tired,he is still working very hard.

                A. but                        B. if                                C. so                                D. whether

16. I don’t want to buy the jean because __________ the color ________ the size fits me.

A. both…and                B. either…or                        C. neither…nor                D. not only…but also



1. A                2. B                3. B                4. B                5. C                6. C                7. D                8. C                9. D                10. B

11. B        12. B        13. B        14. C        15. A        16. B        17. B        18. B

二、 介词

1. C                2. D                3. C                4. A                5. A                6. D                7. D                8. A                9. B                10. B

11. B        12. C        13. D        14. A        15. B        16. C.        17. C        18. B        19. B        20. B

21. B        22. D        23. A        24. D        25. B        26. C        27. B        28. C        29. D        30. C

31. B        32. A        33. C
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-12 08:38:23

1. A                2. D                3. B                4. B                5. C                6. B                7. B                8. B                9. D                10. A

11. B        12. C        13. A        14. D        15. B        16. B        17. B        18. A        19. B


1. B                2. D                3. A                4. B                5. A                6. A                7. C                8. C                9. C                10. B

11. A        12. D        13. D        14. B        15. A        16. D        17. B        18. C        19. B        20. C

21. C        22. C        23. C        24. A        25. A        26. D        27. B        28. D        29. D        30. B

31. C        32. A        33. B        34. B        35. A        36. A        37. C        38. D        39. B        40. C       

41. A        42. D        43. D        44. A        45. C        46. B


1. D                2. C                3. C                4. A                5. B                6. C                7. A                8. B                9. C                10. B

11. C        12. A        13. D        14. D        15. A        16. D        17. A        18. B        19. D        20. D

21. D        22. A        23. C        24. C        25. B        26. B        27. D        28. D        29. B        30. D

31. A        32. A        33. C        34. B        35. B        36. A        37. D        38. C        39. C        40. C

41. A        42. C        43. C        44. D        45. C        46. D        47. A        48. A        49. D        50. A

51. D        52. C        53. B        54. C        55. B        56. D        57. C        58. C        59. A


1. B                2. D                3. C                4. C                5. B                6. C                7. B                8. A                9. A                10. C

11. A        12. D        13. B        14. C        15. A        16. D        17. A        18. B        19. A        20. C

21. C        22. D        23. B        24. A        25. A        26. D        27. B        28. A        29. D        30. C

31. C        32. B        33. B        34. C        35. D        36. A        37. C        38. C


1. A                2. B                3. D                4. C                5. B                6. B                7. A                8. D                9. C                10. D

11. A        12. D        13. D        14. C        15. B        16. D        17. C        18. D        19. A        20. D

21. A        22. A        23. D        24. A        25. B        26. C        27. B        28. B        29. D        30. D

31. C        32. B        33. A        34. D        35. C        36. C        37. A        38. A        39. C        40. A

41. A        42. B        43. B        44. D        45. C        46. B        47. D        48. D        49. D        50. A

51. D        52. D        53. C        54. D        55. C        56. D        57. D        58. B        59. C        60. A

61. B        62. D        63. B        64. B        65. B        66. A        67. A        68. C        69. B        70. C


1. C                2. D                3. B                4. D                5. D                6. D                7. C                8. D                9. D                10. C

11. B        12. B        13. A        14. C        15. D        16. D        17. B        18. D        19. A        20. D

21. C        22. B        23. B        24. B        25. C        26. D        27. A        28. D        29. D        30. A

31. D        32. D        33. D        34. B        35. B        36. C        37. A        38. C        39. A        40. C

41. A        42. B        43. D        44. C        45. B        46. A        47. C        48. C        49. D        50. A

51. C        52. D        53. A


1. B                2. C                3. D                4. A                5. D                6. B                7. D                8. D                9. C                10. B

11. A        12. A        13. B        14. C        15. D        16. B        17. C        18. A        19. A


1. A                2. B                3. B                4. D                5. B                6. B                7. B                8. D                9. D                10. C

11. B        12. A        13. B        14. B        15. A        16. B


1. A                2. A                3. A                4. C                5. B                6. C                7. B                8. C                9. D                10. C

11. B        12. C        13. D        14. A        15. A


1. C                2. B                3. C                4. D                5. B                6. A                7. C                8. B                9. B                10. A

11. A        12. C        13. C        14. B        15. B        16. A        17. C        18. D        19. C


1. C                2. C                3. A                4. B                5. C                6. A                7. A                8. B                9. D                10. A

11. C        12. B        13. B        14. B        15. C


1. A                2. C                3. A                4. C                5. B                6. D                7. C


1. B                2. C                3. D                4. B                5. A                6. D                7. D                8. C                9. B                10. D

11. D        12. B        13. B        14. B        15. A        16. C
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