






发布者: dongluonan | 发布时间: 2009-4-22 12:08| 查看数: 3264| 评论数: 5|






) 16. Simon is________friend. He is generous and easy-going.

A. I

B. my

C. mine


) 17. Betty is talented. She plays________violin very well.

A. a

B. an

C. the


)18. What nice weather! The children________kites in the playground now.

A. fly

B. are flying

C, flew


) 19. So far, doctors have saved________people's lives in the quake-hit area.

A. thousands of

B. thousand

C. thousand of


—________do you go to the Reading Club?

—Once a week.

A. How long

B. How often

C. How much


)21. Haven't seen you for ages! You are now much________than I.

A. tall

B. taller

C. tallest


)22. We look up new words in a________to get their meanings and usages.





)23. People along the streets were all cheering when the Olympic torch passed________the city.

A. through

B. opposite

C. over


)24. Oh, dear! Did you walk so long a way on such a hot day? You________be tired!

A. can

B. must

C. need


)25. The Bird's Nest(
鸟巢) , our national stadium, has been________in Beijing. Many events will be held there.

A. put up

B. put on

C. put out


)26. We're very grateful to the teachers________taught us in our junior high.

A. which

B. what

C. who


)27. The girl's voice sounds________. Maybe she can become a good singer when she grows up.

A. sweet

B. sweetly

C. beautifully


)28. On Mother's Day, our school advised________of us to write a letter to our mothers.

A. every

B. each

C. everyone


)29. The students are discussing________a more meaningful holiday.

A. how they can spend

B. how will they spend

C. how can they spend


)30. You can never think of the difficulty I had________his telephone number.

A. got

B. to get

C. getting



(A) Martin has just won the first prize in the English competition. A reporter is interviewing him. Reporter:


} How do you feel about winning the first prize in the English competition?

Martin: It's really a big surprise to me!

Reporter; How long have you learnt English?


dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-22 12:14:35
Martin: I have learnt English32I was five.

Reporter; And what do you think of English?

Martin: It's the second most beautiful language in the world after Chinese, I think.

Reporter: Would you please33us some tips on English study?

Martin: Well, I have two special ones. First, study English hard but don't spend too34time on your English textbook, or you'll easily feel bored. Second, try to add some English words or phrases in your daily35 . That keeps you using English every day. Reporter; Great tips! I'm sure they'll be useful to many English learners. Martin; I do hope so!

()31. A. Sorry .B.Congratulations C. ThanksD. What a pity

()32. A. unless B. if C. asD. since

()33. A. giveB. matchC. greetD. invite

()34. A. littleB. few C much D. many

()35. A. talk B. sleep C diet D. exhibition


Six-year-old Brandon decided one morning to make his parents pancakes. He found a big bowl and a spoon, pulled a

chair to the table, opened the cupboard and pulled out the heavy flour( 面粉) bag. He put some flour36the bowl with his hands, mixed in a cup of milk and added some sugar.

Soon Brandon 37 flour and getting frustrated (懊恼的). He wanted this to be something good for Mum and Dad, but it was getting very bad. He didn't know what to do38 .

Suddenly he saw his cat near the bowl of mix and went to push her away, 39 the egg box to the floor. He tried to clean up but slipped(滑倒) on the eggs, getting his clothes 40 . Just then, he saw his Dad standing at the door.

Brandon's eyes were full of tears. 41 he'd wanted to do was something good, but now... He was sure his Dad would beat(S-) him, but his father didn't.42, he picked up his crying son and kissed him.

That's what we sometimes face in 43 . We try to do something good, but it turns into a mess ( 一团糟). Sometimes we just 44 there in tears because we can't think of anything else to do. Hopefully, that's 45 someone close to us picks us up, loves us and forgives us. But we can't stop trying to "make pancakes" for "Dad" or for others. Sooner or later well get it right, and then they'll be glad we tried...

()36. A. aboveB. atC. into D. under

()37. A. was fond ofB. was covered with C. was good atD. was glad about

()38. A. certainlyB. alreadyC. recently D. next

()39. A. fallingB. breakingC. knockingD. sending

()40. A. cleanB. bigC. cheap D. dirty

()41. A. AllB. ThisC. ItD. That

()42. A. ThereforeB. IndeedC. Instead D. But

()43. A. life B. timeC. useD. space

()44. A. layB. landC. study D. stand

()45. A. whetherB. whenC where D. how



dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-22 12:15:45
Grandma was always forgetting things. " What's wrong with her?" Anna asked. " We think she's getting old, and she may be ill. We may have to send her to a nursing home so that she can be taken good care of. But we can go to see her and bring her presents, like strawberry ice cream. " Mother said.

One day, they went to see Grandma at the nursing home. Anna hugged(拥抱) Grandma. "Look,"

she said, "we've brought you strawberry ice cream!" Grandma didn't say anything. She just took it and began eating. "Do you know who I am?" Anna asked. "You're the girl who brings me ice cream. " Grandma said.

"Yes, but I'm Anna, your granddaughter. Don't you remember me?" she asked, throwing her arms around the old lady. Grandma smiled, "Remember? Sure. You're the girl who brings me ice cream." Suddenly Anna realized that Grandma would never remember her. "Oh, how I love you, Grandma!" she said. Just then she saw a tear roll down Grandma's cheeks(脸颊). "Love," she said, "I remember love. n "You see, dear, that's what she wants—love!" Mother said. It's more important to remember love than someone's name.

()46. What was wrong with Grandma?

A. She had a bad cold.B. She couldn't hear.

C She couldn't walk.D. she always forgot things.

()47. What place was Grandma sent to?

A. A cinema. B. A nursing home. C A shop. D. A hospital.

()48. What present did Anna bring to Grandma?

A. A card.B. Flowers. C Ice cream. D. Fruit.

()49. Anna realized that________.

A. Grandma would never remember herB. she had no ice cream

C Grandma could go home with her D. she could no longer go to visit Grandma

()50. What did Grandma remember?

A. Date.B. Money. C Love. D. Past.


China, with its long history and rich culture, has attracted more and more foreign students to study here. Tony, a boy from the UK, finds Chinese medicine quite amazing. So he came to study in Nanjing three years ago. A Japanese girl is here to study Chinese. Since many Chinese companies have opened branches( 分公司) in Japan, she thinks it will be easier for her to get a job when she graduates. Many others are interested in the tourist attractions here. They'd like to study and visit places of interest at the same time.

A survey was done last year, and the result is as follows.


()51.Japanese girl came to China to_________.

A. study ChineseB. study Chinese medicine

C. visit places of interestD. make friends

()52.The survey shows us the_________of foreign students studying in China in 2007.

A. developmentB. lifestyleC. futureD. number

()53. _________had the most students studying in China in 2007.

A. Japan B. South KoreaC. The UKD. Thailand

()54. The foreign students in China in 2007 came from_________countries.

A. 2 B. 5C. 188D. 195
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-22 12:54:31
()55. Vietnam had_________more students than Thailand studying in China in 2007.

A. 9,702B. 8,056 C. 7,306 D. 2,396


About 20 years ago, Nissan introduced the world's first "talking car". Actually, it was just a recorded voice that would tell you that your door was open, and would continue talking to you until you closed it. Of course, it never caught on.

Times have changed and the talking car of the near future is a car that you talk to, rather than a car that talks to you. You'll be able to control your radio by giving voice orders, get traffic reports and directions, and send and receive emails. To do all this, you needn't push a button(按钮) at all.

This is good news for those who spend more and more of their lives in their cars. In fact, the new type of cars will be more like offices on wheels( 车轮) , with computers, wireless internet access(接口) , satellite(卫星) radio inside. Companies are hoping that time wasted in traffic could be put to better use. If workers are able to check their emails, faxes, and meeting time on the way to work, they can spend more time at the office doing more important tasks.

Microsoft, of course, is hoping that every one of those mobile offices will use Windows. "It's a great goal. " says Dick Brass, VP of Microsoft's automotive division( 汽车分部) , "But we'd like to have one of our operating systems( 系统) in every car on earth. " There are already 650 million cars in the world, and every year about 50 million new cars roll off the production lines. If Brass' wish came true, cars could become a bigger business for Microsoft than computers.

()56. When was the world's first "talking car" introduced?

A. About 10 years ago. B. About 20 years ago.

C. About 15 years later. D. About 25 years later.

()57. You'll be able to control the radio of the new talking car by giving_________.

A. musicB. voice ordersC. lightD. energy

()58. Companies may be happy with the new type of cars because_________.

A. their workers will get to the office earlier

B. much time will be wasted in traffic

C. their workers will check emails, faxes and meeting time at home

D. their worker will have more time to do more important work

()59. The underlined phrase "caught on" in the passage means_________.

A. turned on B. took offC. became popularD. was colourful

( ) 60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The new type of talking car has a recorded voice inside.

B. The talking car of the near future is a car that talks to you.

C. All of the mobile offices will use Windows.

D. About 50 million new cars are produced every year.





offered called though carefully treatment third is made of
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-22 12:55:57
11. Boys and girls, write________and try not to make any mistakes.

12. Our government has provided free medical________for the victims of the earthquake.

13. The dress ________ cotton. It washes well.

14. The e-dog________Hobo is very cute. We all like him.

15. It's the________ time that he has been to Zhalong Nature Reserve.

16. He has donated all his savings ( 积蓄) to Project Hope________he is not rich.


17. "One World, One________(梦想)" is the slogan(口号) of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

18. I could________( 几乎不) find my old house because great changes had taken place there.

19. Don't eat snacks________(在......这间) meals. It's a bad habit.

20. It's your turn to________( 回答) the teacher's question. Are you ready?

21. After the________(舞蹈者的) wonderful performance, we gave them some flowers.

22. The new student has________(到) in our school for about a month.



23. We know that Eric's birthday is on 6 October.

We know that Eric_________________ on 6 October.

24. Let's decide when we should meet for the barbecue. Let's decide when___________for the barbecue.

25. People brought some pandas from Wolong to the capital on Saturday. Some pandas_________________from Wolong to the capital on Saturday.

26. He went to the station in a hurry and forgot to bring his ticket. He________to the station________bringing his ticket.

27. The speaker asked, "Who is Mr. Smith? We'd like to know you. "

The speaker asked, "Who is Mr. Smith? Would you please make yourself________to________?"



Have you ever been on eBay? It is a place online, where you can buy things or take online auction(拍卖).

Buying for beginners: Sign up(注册) on www. ebay. com. Most things (eg. tables, computers and books) ready for auction will have a picture and some information about the things to be sold. You can buy these things by just clicking "Buy it now".

If the item( 物品) is being auctioned, and you want to buy it, you should show a price to eBay. Then eBay bids( 出价) for you. The bid will be higher and higher and then you are emailed and asked if you would like to give a higher price again. Auctions last up to 10 days and when they finish you get an email telling you whether you have won the thing.

How to pay: Sellers decide how they would like to be paid and you need to check the way of paying. The easiest way is through Paypal. It's an online payment system that takes the money away from your credit card(信用卡).

Selling made simple: If you plan to sell on eBay, you should take out a picture of the thing.

Big things: It's easy to post a small thing, but furniture is a big part of eBay and this has to be sent by its producer.


28. EBay is a place online where you can________or_____.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-22 12:57:59
29. As a________, you must________first and then you can do business.

30. The passage tells us that goods on eBay are mainly sold in________ways. For things ready for auction, you can

buy them by just________.

31. It's________for you to check the way of paying. And the easiest way is________.

32. If you buy furniture on eBay, its________ instead of its________has to send it to you.

When Chen Hong finally got in touch with his father-in-law(岳父) , he was told that no one had seen his wife and 10-month-old son since the earthquake hit Sichuan on May 12.

"My heart is broken when I think of them, especially my son. " Chen said. "①But I'm a soldier and medical worker. ②Many others are waiting for us to save them. ③If rny family sees what is happening here, I believe they would understand. "

He chose to do the rescue (援救) work at a middle school near his camp. More than 100 students were trapped there. After 7 hours' hard work, Chen and other soldiers saved more than 60 students in the ruins(废墟). When he got back to the camp, it was midnight.

④但他那么担心家人,以至于他立刻步行回家。⑤他的家距离营地约80公里。 When he reached his home, he found that the building was destroyed. He cried out his son's name, but there was no reply. Thinking that they must have died, he couldn't stop crying.

After that, he went to another middle school. When others asked him to take a rest, he said with tears :n his eyes.

"Since I cannot save my own wife and son, let me save others__"He was later greatly praised for his heroism (英雄主义) , but he said, "What I have done is what a soldier should have done. "







生活中,我们常常会得到他人的帮助,同时我们也学会了帮助他人。请根据所给的汉语提示,以“Give Help to Others"为题,用英文写一段话,单词数在80—100之间,内容必须包括以下提示中的三项要点:




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