






发布者: dongluonan | 发布时间: 2009-4-23 15:30| 查看数: 2012| 评论数: 7|






) 1. Orange represents________. It can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad.

A. wisdom

B. joy

C. energy

D. sadness


)2. I'll have a picnic with some Mends in Zhangshan Forest Park if it is ________tomorrow.






—Do you know________woman in pink over there?

—Yes. She is________office worker of Lijing Hotel.

A. a; an

B. the; the

C. a; the

D. the; an


)4. Billy has all kinds of different ideas. He is________to be a famous writer.

A. enough creative

B. creative enough

C. energetic enough

D. enough energetic


)5. Daniel is very modest. He never________before his friends.

A. shows off

B. shows up

C. turns off

D. turns on


)6. Shanghai lies________the east of China and________the northeast of Guangdong.

A. in; to

B. in; in

C. to; to

D. to; in


)7. /Hie clever boy said to________, "I'll do________best to work out the problem. n

A. him; his

B. herself; my

C. himself; my

D. himself; his


—________did the important meeting________?

—For about two hours.

A. When; begin

B. How long; begin

C. When; last

D. How long; last


)9. Mrs Li devoted most of her time________her students.

A. teach

B. teaching

C. to teach

D. to teaching


) 10.
—Are you worried when your son often plays computer games?

—Yes. I think playing computer games________on teenagers.

A. have a good effect

B. has a good effect

C. has a bad effect

D. have a bad effect


) 11. Simon makes________ friends in his class because he is very selfish.

A. few

B. a few

C. little

D. a little


) 12.
—Do you like the English song Big Big World?

—Yes. It________very beautiful.

A. feels

B. hears

C. listens

D. sounds


) 13. You have put on five kilograms recently. You'd better________too much.

A. not eat

B. not to eat

C. not eating

D. don't eat


) 14.
—Will you be free this Saturday afternoon?

—________I'll have to take part in the writing competition.

A. I am not afraid.

B. I am afraid not. C. I am afraid so. D. I am not afraid so.


)15. Helen learns to dance three times a week. Now she dances________Anita does.

A. so good as

B. as well as

C. as good as

D. so well as


) 16. When the fire broke out, many people were so________that they ran________.

A. frightening; wild

B. frightened; wild

C. frightened; wildly

D. frightening; wildly


) 17. The work is too difficult for Mr Zhu to finish in a week. He needs________days.

A. more two

B. two more

C. two another

D. another more


—He's seldom late for school,________?

—No. He is used to going to school early.

A. isn't he

B. has he

C. hasn't he

D. is he


) 19. The words that we should pay attention to________on the blackboard.

A. being written

B. are written

C. is writing

D. writing (

—I went to have the driving test this morning, but I didn't pass it. —________

A. Luck decides everything.

B. Better luck next time.

C. But you can drive well.

D. You are always unlucky.



One day little Johnny went to visit his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot (弹弓) to play with. He practiced in the woods, but he could 21 hit the target(靶子). 22 he got discouraged(气馁) , he went back for lunch.

As he was walking back, he saw Grandma's pet duck.


thinking, he took out the


shot the duck in the head and


it. He knew Grandma loved that duck. She would be very


if she knew the truth, he thought. Then he hid the dead duck in the wood pile(
) , only to see his sister Sally


. She had seen it all, but she said 28



dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-23 15:47:25
After lunch Grandma said, "Sally, let's wash the dishes. " But Sally said, "Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the 29 today, didn't you, Johnny?" And then she whispered to him, "Remember the duck?" So Johnny did the dishes.

Later Grandpa asked 30 the children wanted to go fishing and Grandma said, "I'm sorry, but I need Sally to help me make supper. " But Sally 31 and said, "Well, Johnny told me he wanted to help you. " And then she whispered again, "Remember the duck?" So Sally went fishing and Johnny had to32at home.

After several days of Johnny doing 33 his work and Sally's, he finally 34 stand ( 忍受) it any longer. He came to Grandma and said what he had done. Grandma said, "Johnny, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing. But because I love you, I 35 you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave( 奴隶) of you.

()21. A. alwaysB. neverC. usuallyD. ever

()22. A. BeforeB. AfterC. UntilD. While

()23. A. WithoutB. WithC. ForD. Through

()24. A. knife B. gunC. stoneD. slingshot

()25. A. hurt B. hunted C. killed D. saved

()26. A. happyB. excited C. lonely D. sad

()27. A. watching B. hearingC. listeningD. reading

()28. A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything

()29. A. balcony B. bedroom C. studyD. kitchen

()30. A. when B. thatC. whether D. why

()31. A. laughedB. cried C. smiledD. shouted

()32. A. stay B. playC. fishD. wash

()33. A. noneB. both C. all D. neither

()34. A. canB. can't C. couldn't D. could

()35. A. forgiveB. knowC. remindD. change




On May 23, six pandas left an important panda base( 基地) in Wolong, southwest China's Sichuan Province, because of damaged(损坏的) shelters and food shortages after the May 12 earthquake, a local official said.

The pandas were taken by trucks from China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center to Ya'an, another base less affected by the earthquake, said Xiong Beirong, an official of Sichuan Provincial Forestry Bureau( 林业局).

Eight other pandas left for the Chengdu Research Base on May 18. They will be carried by China Southern Airlines

(CSA) to Beijing, where they will stay at the Beijing Zoo, said Wolong director Zhang Hemin.

Iiu Shaoyong, a leader of CSA, said the pandas were scheduled(预定) to leave Chengdu at 3 p. m. Saturday. They will travel on a Boeing 747 -700 plane with bamboo and water.

"There is enough water now, but food is still a big problem. The pandas need bamboos and apples. " Xiong Beirong said.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-23 15:51:25
After the earthquake, tons of bamboo shoots, apples, eggs, milk powder and medicines were brought to the center, but the supplies could only last about a week, she said.

There are about 1,590 pandas living in the wild in China, mostly in Sichuan and the northwestern provinces of Shaanxi and Gansu.

()36. This passage is probably from________.

A. a novel B. a storybookC. a newspaperD. a diary

()37. Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Six pandas left an important panda base in Wolong after the earthquake.

B. Eight other pandas will be carried to Beijing by plane.

C. Pandas eat bamboo shoots, apples, eggs, milk powder and so on.

D. Water is still a big problem for the pandas after the earthquake.

()38. What does the underlined word "supplies" mean in Chinese?________.

A.滋补品 B.供应品 C.药品 D.保健品


Are you looking for 2008 Olympic flat in Beijing?

My house is 3 kilometres away from Olympic Bird's Nest (鸟巢) and Olympic Forest Park. It has two bedrooms, one living room, one washroom and one kitchen.

If you need to have a look, please contact Alice.

E-mail; xctsy2001@hotmail.com

Mobile: 13810192828

Fee: If you rent( 租.) for at least 20 days during 2008 Olympic Games, the charge is 12 US dollars a day. If you rent for a whole month, the charge is 10 US dollars a day.


Warm & comfortable flat in Beijing CBD area

The flat is ten minutes' walk from Water Cube(水立方). It is on the 14th floor with three bedrooms, one kitchen, one big dining room, one sitting room and one bathroom. A 24-hour store, two coffee bars, several restaurants and a laundry shop are in walking distance in the area. There are free buses to Carrefoui , Tesco supermarkets for shopping.

Contact Clare for details and rent.

Mobile: 13787766844

E-mail; lxing29@hotmail.com


Flatmate wanted for a flat close to Olympic Bird's Nest

I have a two-bedroom flat and I take up the small bedroom myself. Now I am looking for someone who can take up the big one. I am a girl. I want a girl, too. The flat has wooden floor, broadband Internet, kitchen ware, and hot water, all for 24 hours. A short-term stay or a long-term stay is OK for me. The rent for the flat is RMB 1,900 per month, which is cheaper for a longer stay.

Please e-mail Susan at Jsssusan@ 126. com or call Susan on 13520197715 if you want to check out the room.

()39. My friend Paul wants to rent a flat with three bedrooms. Who should he contact?

A. Alice.B. Clare.C. Tesco.D. Susan.

()40. Anna wants a girl to share a flat with her. Which of the following is the RIGHT way to find the suitable flat?
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-23 16:02:19
A. Call Susan on 13520197715. B. Call Alice on 13810192828.

C. E-mail Clare at bring 29@ hotmail. com. D. E-mail Alice at xctsy2001@ hotmail. com.

()41. Suppose (假设) you rent a flat near Olympic Forest Park for 25 days during the Olympic Games. How much should you pay?

A. 250 US dollars.B. 10 US dollars.C. 300 US dollars.D. 12 US dollars.


On a very cold evening in northern Virginia many yean ago, an old man was waiting for a ride across the river. Anxiously( 焦急地), he watched as several horsemen passed by, then another. Finally, the last rider came to the place where the old man sat. As this one drew near, the old man caught the rider's eyes and said, "Sir, would you mind giving an old man a ride to the other side?"

Reining( {勒隹缰绳) his horse, the rider replied, "Sure. " Seeing the old man was unable to lift his half-frozen(冻得半僵的 ) body from the ground, the rider got off the horse and helped the old man onto it. He took the old man not only across the river, but also to his house, which was just a few miles away.

As they came to his house, the rider's curiosity(好奇心) caused him to ask the old man, "Sir, I noticed that you let several other riders pass by without asking for help. Then I came up and you immediately asked me for a ride. What would happen if I had refused and left you there? "

Hie old man lowered himself slowly down from the horse, looked the rider straight in the eyes and replied, I’ve been there for some time. I think I know people well. I looked into the eyes of the other riders and immediately saw there was no worry about my situation. It would have been useless even to ask them for a ride. But when I looked into your eyes, I saw kindness and compassion ( 同情) • I knew you would give me a hand. "

Those words moved the rider deeply. He said to the old man, "I am very grateful for what you have said. May(但愿 ) I never get too busy with my own things that I fail to help others with kindness and compassion."

()42. The old man found that the last rider was________.

A. unhelpful B. kind and helpful

C. curious and activeD. indifferent(漠不关心的)

()43. What did the last rider do after the old man asked him to give him a ride?

A. He refused the old man at first.

B. He only took the old man across the river. C. He took the old man to his house at last.

D. He asked the old man to get on the horse himself.

()44. The old man let several other riders pass by without asking for help because________.

A. he was so frozen that he couldn't say a word

B. he was too nervous to ask them for help

C. he couldn't see kindness and compassion in their eyes

D. he didn't want to accept their help at all

()45. By saying "May I never get too busy with my own things that I fail to help others with kindness and compassion. ", the last rider means________.

A. he will try to help others whole-heartedly ( 全心全意地) from now on even if he is busy

B. he will never get too busy in his own things any longer

C. he wasn't willing to help others with kindness and compassion in the past

D. he failed to help others in the past because he was not very kind
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-23 16:04:15



46. Father's Day is on the________( 第三) Sunday of June.

47. —Would you please put this box________(在......这间) the desk and the wall?

—No problem.

48. It is very________( 有意义的 ) for me to join the Tree-planting Club.

49. Fangfang's mother is busy doing her business, so she isn't able to________( 留出,匀出) time for her daughter.

50. The Chinese________( 政府) cares about the people in the earthquake-hit areas all the time.

51. Some scientists say that meals on Mars will probably be in the form of________( small round medicines) and will be less delicious.

52. Three years ago my parents________(gave somebody support, courage or help) me to study abroad, but for some reason, I gave up.


53. Feng Xiaogang is one of the most famous________(direct) in China.

54. Some students prefer chatting with their friends on the Internet to_________( do) their homework at weekends.

55. It is my job_________(introduce) the film stars from Taiwan on the show.

56. The weather today becomes even_________( bad). Why not take a raincoat with you?

57. I hear that the result of the exam_________(announce) next week.

58. If someone doesn't show good manners to others, he or she is_________( polite).

59. How_________(quick) Betty answered the teacher's question!

60. Hangzhou Bay(湾 ) Bridge_________(be) in service for more than a month.



It's wrong that some of us___________________________ the disabled.


I don't like these T-shirts. They are____________________________.


They are______________________________________hearing from you.


We Chinese people_______________________________what the American actress Sharon Stone has said.



—Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Dahua Cinema?

—Certainly. _____________________________, and you will see it.



(M = Maggie; N = Nancy)

M: 66. _________

N: It's June 1. It's Children's Day. It's about 20 days since
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-23 16:08:21
the earthquake hit Wenchuan.

67. _________

M: Maybe. They've suffered a lot. Many of them have

become homeless. Some even have lost their lives.

N; 68. _________Our school has done something to help

them. I have donated 200 yuan to them. 69. _________

M: Our school has organized a charity show to raise money for the children there. Many students have donated books as well.

N: 70. _________

M: Er, many, such as popular fairy tales, science stories and so on.

N; What a good job you have done! I hope they will rebuild their homes and go back to school soon.


(S = Shirley; E = Eric) S: Hi, Eric! Great news!

E: 71. _________?

S; Plastic(塑料的) bags thinner than 0.025 mm will not be allowed to use in the supermarket. E: Really? Glad to hear that.

S: Me too. But I think they are really useful in our daily lives. 72. _________?

E: Yes. It's really convenient (方便的) to use them.

S: But do you know 73. _________after using them?

E: Yes. Some people often throw them away carelessly.

S: They don't realize they have made the environment polluted.

E: 74. _________?

S: Well use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.

E: That's a good idea. Though using cloth bags will cost us money, it's our duty to protect the environment. What do you think?

S: 75. ________.



When we compare ourselves with great people, we may feel very ordinary(平凡的) and unimportant. However, we must remember that those great people were extraordinary(卓越的). The world has more than 6 billion people, so it is difficult for all of us to be extraordinary. What can we do? We can try to be the best people that we can possibly be.

① think this means that we need to be honest and hard-working. We also need to be open-minded and kind to other people. Most importantly, we need to be ambitious(有雄心的). We need to always set goals for ourselves and work hard to achieve these goals.

Madam Curie and Thomas Edison were hard-working, kind and ambitious, and they worked hard to achieve their goals. Curie gave her life to "ease(减轻) human suffering". Edison spent his life as an inventor. He invented a camera that showed movement. Later people used cameras to make modem films.

A famous writer from Ireland once wrote, "We are all in the gutter (社会底层) but some of us are looking at the stars. " ②I often come up with this when I am unable to achieve something. It reminds me that we are all at a lower level and that we all have a higher goal to work towards. It makes me try to be the best person that I can possibly be.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-23 16:09:51
76. Is it difficult for all of us to be extraordinary according to the passage?

77. What did people use cameras to do later?

80. What is the best tide of this passage? (within ten English words)




生活方面        1.同学们从家中带来当地可口的食物给我吃;



思想方面        老师、同学们找我谈心,和我交朋友。

学习方面        ……

感受和愿望        ……





6th June

My teachers and classmates have helped me a lot since I came here. They brought___________________________
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-23 16:11:33



1-5 BCDBA6-10 ACDDC11-15 ADABB16-20 CBDBB


21-25 BBADC 26-30 DABDC 31-35 CABCA


36-40 CDBBA 41-45 CBCCA



A) 46. third47. between 48. meaningful49. spare 50. government51. pills52. encouraged

B) 53. directors54. doing 55. to introduce56. worse 57. will/is going to be announced

58. impolite59. quickly 60. has been


61. look down on/upon

62. either too long or too short/too long or too short

63. looking forward to

64. are/feel angry with/about/ at

65. Take the second turning on the right/ Turn right at the second turning



A) 66-70 GDFAE

B) 71. What’s it?/ What’s the news?/ What?/ What news is it?/ What makes you so excited?       

72. Do you often use them (in your daily lives)/ Have you ever used them?/ Is it convenient to use them?

73. how people deal with them/ what people do with them/ how to deal with them/ what to do with them        

74. What can you do then?/ How can you carry things after shopping?

75. I agree (with you)./ You are right./ I think so too./ It’s important (for us) to protect the environment./ I will try not to use plastic bags.



76. Yes. / Yes, it is.

77. To make modern films./ They used cameras to make modern films later.

78. 我认为这就意味着我们需要诚实和努力/ 勤奋。


79. 当我不能达成所愿时/实现目标时,我经常想起这句话/它。


80. How to be extraordinary/ How should (can) we be extraordinary




6th June

My teachers and classmates have helped me a lot since I came here. They brought me local food from their homes. They were very delicious. My classmates showed me around our school. They even invited me to their homes, watching TV and enjoying dinner. After school they often ran and played volleyball with me in the playground. They came to talk with me when we were free. We have been good friends. They helped me with my lessons. When I had problems, I went to them for help. I feel very happy here. I hope to make more friends and make progress in my studies.











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