






发布者: dongluonan | 发布时间: 2009-4-25 22:38| 查看数: 2040| 评论数: 7|


满分(100分)I. 单项选择(15分)

( )1. — Is there airport nearby?

— No. nearest one is 100 kilometers

A. /; A

B. an; The
C. the; An

D. an; A
( )2. Mr. White will give us a talk

American history this weekend.A. on

B. in

C. to

D. for
( )3. Does

often rain here in April?A. that

B. this

C. it

D. they
( )4. Every one of us was sure our team would the team from No. 3 Middle School.A. win

B. lose

C. beat

D. get
( )5. John lives on


floor but he doesn’t use a lift to go up and down.A. nine

B. the ninth

C. ninth

D. a ninth
( )6. — Do you know the word “risk”?— Sorry, I don’t. Let’s


in the dictionary.A. look; up

B. look; down
C. look; over

D. look; out
( )7. This river used to

clean and there were many fishes. But now it is heavily polluted and there is no fish any more.A. being

B. be

C. were

D. was
( )8. — Which language is , English, French or Chinese?— French, I think.A. difficult

B. the difficult
C. more difficult

D. the most difficult
( )9. So far, the pupils

about one thousand English words.A. learned

B. have learned
C. learn

D. are learning
( )10. — Who told you to clean the windows?— Father . He said they were too dirty.A. tells

B. did
C. had told

D. has told
( )11. —

bread do you want, Danny?


dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-25 22:41:35
— Two pieces, please. Thanks.

A. How long B. How many

C. How muchD. How often

( )12. Bill won’t make any progress he studies harder than before.

A. unlessB. ifC. becauseD. when

( )13. The factory  in 1958. It has a long history.

A. was builtB. is built

C. will be builtD. built

( )14. This is the blouse  my uncle bought for me.

A. whatB. thatC. whoseD. who

( )15. — Congratulations! You won the gold medal.

— !

A. Not at all B. Good luck

C. Have a nice dayD. Thank you

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

People love to eat chocolate. It16so delicious. Now US chocolate lovers can even have a17 in chocolate at a new chocolate spa(浴场) at the Hotel Hershey in America.

18is a chocolate spa good for children? Of course! Chocolate19clean children’s skin and also improve it. A chocolate spa is most20to spotty(长 痘痘的) skin.

The Hotel Hershey is the first to 21 a chocolate spa. In order to have this fresh experience at once, some people even 22 their private helicopters to get there. First, you will enjoy a chocolate milk bath which can make your skin soft. 23 , you will be given a full body cocoa massage (可可粉按摩). And then chocolate bean polish (巧克力豆磨砂) will make your 24 feel more comfortable. At last, you will be completely wrapped in 25 . How fantastic! Through the spa, you will renew yourself.

( )16. A. smells B. feels

C. tastesD. sounds

( )17. A. rest B. bath

C. look D. cold

( )18. A. AlthoughB. But

C. So D. Since

( )19. A. canB. must

C. shouldD. need

( )20. A. harmfulB. bad

C. uselessD. helpful

( )21. A. enjoyB. offer
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-25 22:42:18
C. openD. sell

( )22. A. sat B. sent

C. tookD. showed

( )23. A. FirstB. Second

C. ThenD. Finally

( )24. A. faceB. eyes

C. hairD. skin

( )25. A. paperB. milk

C. chocolateD. plastic



Dogs bury bones. Squirrels store nuts to spend the winter. Camels store food and water so they can travel many days across deserts. But do pigs save anything? No! Pigs save nothing. They bury nothing. They store nothing.

So why do we save our coins in a piggy bank? Because someone made a mistake.

In about the fifteenth century, metal was expensive and seldom used for household wares (器皿). Instead, dishes and pots were made of a kind of clay(黏土) called pygg. When housewives could save a coin, they put it into one of their pygg jars. They called this pygg bank or piggy bank.

Over the next three hundred years, people forgot that the pygg referred to the clay. In the nineteenth century when English potters(陶艺家) were asked to make piggy banks, they made banks that looked like pigs! And the “pigs” soon became popular among children.


( )26. What do camels save?

A. Bones and water. B. Food and water.

C. Water and nuts.D. Nuts and bones.

( )27. What were the household wares made of in the fifteenth century?

A. Metal. B. Coins. C. Leaves. D. Clay.

( )28. In the , people forgot that the pygg was a kind of clay.

A. 1400s B. 1500s C.1700s D. 1900s

( )29. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Squirrels never eat nuts from the trees.

B. In the 1300s, metal was often used for household wares.

C. Indian potters made jars looking like a pig.

D. Piggy banks are popular with children.

( )30. The best title for the passage is “”.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-25 22:43:02
A. What’s Piggy Bank

B. Pigs and Dogs

C. Animal World

D. A History of Piggy Bank


“Do you know Sodagreen(苏打绿)?”

“No. What’s that?”

“Oh, come on! You don’t know them? You’re so out-ofdate!”

If you don’t know Sodagreen either, we are glad to tell you something about them.

Sodagreen is a band from Taiwan, China and now one of the most popular bands in Asia. It has five boys and a girl. The band thinks that soda best describes their music, and green is the band’s lead singer Wu Qingfeng’s favorite color, so they named the band “Sodagreen”.

Sodagreen became popular in 2004 after they released(发行) their first album. Their music is fresh, cozy(温馨的) and nice. People have never heard of such music before, and they are amazed at Qingfeng’s style of singing. Fan numbers grow like mushrooms after a rain, and Sodagreen’s albums and concert tickets sell very well.

Sodagreen is blowing a breath of fresh air into the music world.


( )31. The underlined word “out-of-date” means “”in Chinese.

A. 聪明的 B. 灵通的

C. 过时的 D. 美貌的

( )32. Which of the following about Sodagreen is TRUE?

A. Sodagreen is a band from Europe.

B. Six boys set up the band.

C. Wu Qingfeng likes green best.

D. Sodagreen became popular ten years ago.

( )33. People like Sodagreen’s song because their music is .

A. crazyB. energetic

C. freshD. classical

( )34. The underlined sentence means “”.

A. the band has more and more fans

B. the fans like mushrooms

C. the fans like listening to their music in the rain

D. the band earns a lot of money

( )35. From this passage, we know that .
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-25 22:43:46
A. Sodagreen has never released an album

B. Sodagreen is well-known now

C. Sodagreen enjoys outdoor activities

D. Sodagreen will give a concert soon After a hard campaign,


Barack Obama won the US presidential election on November 4th, 2008. He becomes the 44th President of the United States—the first African-American president in the country’s history.

Obama’s grandmother died on November 2nd—only a few days before seeing her grandson’s victory. On the eve of the election, tears ran down Obama’s face as he talked about his grandmother, “She taught me about hard work. She was the one who put off buying a new car or a new dress for herself so that I could have a better life. She poured everything she had into me.”

“Yes, we can!”

In his first speech as president-elect(尚未就职的 当选总统), Obama promised to tens of thousands of his supporters, “Change has come... The road ahead will be long, but we as a people(民族) will get there.” The crowd repeated, “Yes, we can!”

Those three shor t words have become the remarkable(引人注目的) phrase of Obama’s campaign.

Forty-six years ago, Martin Luther King made a speech called “I Have a Dream”. The America of his dreams was a place where men and women would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Today the dream has come true.


( )36. Obama is the  African-American president in US history.

A. 1stB. 2ndC. 43rdD. 44th

( )37. From the passage, we know Obama’s granny.

A. died when he was young

B. cared for him very much

C. bought a car for him

D. was humorous

( )38. Which of the following was the remarkable phrase of Obama’s campaign?

A. Change has come.

B. Yes, we can.

C. The road ahead will be long.

D. We as a people will get there.

( )39. Martin Luther King made the speech “I Have a Dream” in .

A. 1953 B. 1956 C. 1963 D. 1975
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-25 22:44:18
( )40. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. After Obama won the election, his granny died.

B. Martin Luther King’s dream couldn’t come true.

C. Only Africans supported Obama.

D. Obama promised change would take place in America.

IV. 动词填空(10分)


I ran into a man as he passed by. “Oh, excuse me, please,” I said. He replied, “Please excuse me too. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

Later that day, while I 41 (cook), my son stood beside me quietly. When I turned around, I nearly 42 (knock) him down.“Move out of the way,” I shouted. He walked away with his little heart broken.

That night while I was lying in bed, God’s voice came to me and said, “When saying to a stranger, you 43 (behave) politely. But to the child you 44 (love), you seemed to act in a bad way. Look at the kitchen floor, and you 45 (find) some flowers there by the door. Your son 46 (bring) them for you. He picked them himself. You never saw the tears in his eyes.”

By this time, my tears began to fall. I 47 (take) the flowers and went to my son’s bed. I asked him, “Are these the flowers you 488 (pick)

for me?”

He smiled, “I found them by a tree. I picked them

because I knew you 49(like) them.”

I said, “Son, I’m sorry for the way I acted today. I love you.”

If we died tomorrow, our family would feel sad for the rest of their life. Why not 50 (spend) more time with our family and be nice to them?

V. 完成句子(10分)


51. 我俩都喜爱各种体育运动。

We both love      

52. 父母对我要求很严格。

My parents        me.

53. 汤姆学习很努力,很快就赶上了班里的其他同学。

Tom studied very   , and  the other students in his class soon.

54. 我们应该尽最大努力去帮助那些需要帮助的人。

We should       help those people in need.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-25 22:48:15
55. 玲玲最近总是担心考试,以致每晚都睡不好。

Lingling has been so   the exam recently that she can’t   every night.

VI. 补全对话(5分)

(A student meets his English teacher at the train station when the winter holiday begins.)

A: Hello, Miss Li. 56?

B: Oh, fine, thanks. And how are you and your parents?

A: We’re all fine, too. Thanks.

B: 57?

A: We are going to see my grandparents in Shanghai.

How about you?


A: Hainan? It’s a beautiful place. How long are you staying there?

B: 59.

A: We’re coming back in a week, too. Have a good trip, Miss Li.

B: May you have a good trip, too. Oh, time is up. 60. Goodbye.

A: Bye.

VII. 书面表达(20分)


(要求:1.使用全部的提示词; 2.写出完整的句式结构。)


it, allow, here he,used, when, young

63. 64.

Jim, often, late playground, Sam, now, play


wash, we, before meals






B) Happy Teens是一个通过开展丰富多彩的活动帮助解决学生学习、生活问题的组织。假设你叫王平,请根据要点提示用英语给该组织负责人霍尔姆斯先生(Mr. Holmes)写一封电子邮件,介绍同学李强加入他们的组织。信的格式已给出。

要点: 1. 李强是九年级二班的尖子生; 2. 正直、乐于助人; 3. 有时因父母要求太严格而感到闷闷不乐,几天前曾向你征求建议; 4.你鼓励他加入Happy Teens,这样就可以……

要求: 1. 语句通顺,意思连贯; 2. 包含以上所有要点; 3. 词数: 80左右。

Dear Mr. Holmes,








Wang Ping
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-25 22:50:18


II.16-20 CBBAD21-25 BCBDC

III.26-30 BDCDD31-35 CCCAB 36-40 ABBCD

IV. 41. was cooking42. knocked43. behaved44. love45. will find

46. brought47. took48. picked49. would like50. spend

V.51. all kinds of sports 52. are very strict with

53. hard; caught up with54. try our best to

55. worried about; sleep well

VI.56. How are you

57. What are you going to do for the holiday / What’s your plan for the holiday

58. I’m going to Hainan

59. For a week

60. I must get on the train now

VII.One possible version:

61. It’s not allowed to park (your car) here.

62. He used to play the violin when he was young.

63. Jim is often late for school.

64. Sam is playing football in the playground now.

65. We should wash our hands before meals.

Dear Mr. Holmes,

I have a friend named Li Qiang. He is a top student in Class 2, Grade 9. He is so honest and helpful that all his classmates like him. He likes sports very much. But sometimes his parents are too

strict with him and he feels unhappy. He asked me for some advice a few days ago. I encouraged him to join Happy Teens and he may feel better after taking activities in the club. I hope you can help me.


Wang Ping
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