





"赫敏"拍戏忙无心读书 恐延期毕业

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-3-9 19:04| 查看数: 1161| 评论数: 0|

  She became a household name playing extraordinarily intelligent bookworm Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter franchise. But Emma Watson has made a decision that her alter ego would certainly not approve of - she is postponing her studies at Brown university to focus on her career. The 20-year-old star made the announcement on her website today, telling fans that juggling the two has become 'a little impossible'.   艾玛·沃森因魔幻电影《哈利波特》而走红,小小赫敏因在电影中“优秀尖子生”的形象而被大家所熟知,而在真实生活中的小女生赫敏又是个什么状态呢?目前就读于英国“布朗大学”的赫敏因大一新生的身份红透校园,在校期间还屡次传出洗浴“艳照门”事件,虽然赫敏屡次否认照片的真实性,但是仅仅20岁的赫敏显然不能平衡学校和演艺圈两者之间的压力,日前在她的官方网页承认,她有点“撑不住”了。估计,她会选择暂放学业,先抓自己的演艺事业。


  Skipping class: Emma Watson, pictured arriving at Heathrow last week, has announced she is taking time off from Brown university She wrote: 'I've decided to take a bit of time off to completely finish my work on Harry Potter (the last one comes out this summer) and to focus on my other professional and acting projects. 'I will still be working towards my degree... it’s just going to take me a semester or two longer than I thought.   赫敏在自己的官方网站上这样告诉大家:“我决定休学一段时间来完成电影《哈利波特》最后一集的拍摄,而这次拍摄将占用她的整个夏天,要想一边兼顾电影的拍摄一边顾及自己的演艺事业,真是有点难。请相信我,我还是会继续完成我的学业的,至少肯定要努力拿到学位证。但是估计要花多一点点时间来实现我的目标和理想了。延长学业的办法是不得已而为之。”   'As you know, I love Brown and I love studying pretty much more than anything but recently I've had so much to juggle that being a student AND fulfilling my other commitments has become a little impossible.'Too much to handle: Emma said in a statement on her website that juggling her classes at Brown, in Rhode Island, and other projects became 'a little impossible'



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